Summery of all Natural Treatments!!!!!! READ PLEASE!!

Hi All,

atm moment I want to make a very long list of stuff that the people have tryed.
I hope you guys help me to add more things to the list that i missed may be.
I also want see for me and others, wich things are useles or might help some people, so that we have a big summ. of all Herbal stuff here. Next Stepp is a summ. of all other treatments. So that people dont waste to much money of useless or maby things that make symptoms worse.
So, I make a list of All and than a survey.
this will look like that:

…Tryed: Helped: Sustain: wore off: Usage: Effect: Sideeffect: Recommend:

So you guys just have to make an X or nothing in the list.

I would be happy, when the people here may be have also ideas, how to make this better.
Using the search is nice…but… When all is ready, we have a list of all treatments wich are useless or help a bit in some cases


Resveratrol (Sustain Alpha)
Royal Jelly
Fish oil
M. Milk thistle
Tongkat Ali
Passion Rx
Tribulus Terrestris
Rhodiola Rosea
Yohimbe Bark
Horny Goat Weed
Catuaba Bark
Mucuna pruriens
St Johns Wort
Horse chestnut
Valerian root




Vitamin A Retinol
Vitamin B1 Thiamin
Vitamin B2 Riboflavin
Vitamin B4 Cholin
Vitamin B3 Niacin
Vitamin B5 Pantothen
Vitamin B6 Pyridoxamin
Vitamin B7 Biotin
Vitamin B9 Folat
Vitamin B12 Cobalamin
Vitamin C Ascorbinsäure
Vitamin D Calcitriol
Vitamin E Tocopherol
Vitamin K Menachinon

Multivitamin/ Brand:

I would like to give a ringing endorsement for fish oil. I tried the gel caps and had no response. Then, I started drinking the pure liquid and it really helped me through one of my darkest mental periods. Also, Apple Cider Vinegar. I had mind blowing insomnia that was by far the worst thing I have dealt with in all of this (literally up to four days at a time with no sleep, give or take a few hours). ACV really helped in that regard to. Also, probiotics, but good ones. Dr. Mercola sells a nice supplement if you like to make it quick and easy. These are just a few things which have brought some modest relief from some really, really bad and crippling symptoms. Speaking personally, I would recommend all three for people with this syndrome. Just my opinions though, since everyone of us different. Feel better.


I will add them to the list and soon all the other things people here are trying or have tryed.
And I realy hope as many people here as posible will help to make the best overview we can have, so this will a) save a lot of money b) avoid things that makes people feel worse c) Things that might help in some cases.

Anybody got some more, that is until now not on this List?

I’ve used all 3 of the above and they do have a positive effect.

Hey Mew,

thanks a lot. I looking for things that are not on the List. When there is nearly all on it. We can start a survey. What do you think of the points of questions? tryed? effect etc? Shall I add anything more?
Later I want to have for everybody a hughe list of stuff, that people have used and had benefits of it and even what things people here have to avoid or can save their money.

i tried :

Bromelin (a lot)


Broccoli (a lot)
Royal Jelly
Fish oil
Pollen (a lot)

Vitamin E Tocopherol (a lot)

improvement for a period but didn’t last till now

girth only

sensibility,discomfort in prostate, libido, is all linked to some “damage/inflamation”
in that area

except one short period of 95% recovery i think after 3 yrs of up n down i have to put aside the hope of real recovery …

I’ll add my own when I get the time but I just wanna say that this is an excellent idea for a thread.


Thanks, please just add things to the List that are missing. I see i need to make a bigger part for the effect amd may be a part for % of recovery by the stuff.

SO, please for now just add things that are not in the list.


my doctors current recomendation for me

  1. More: vegetables, nuts, seeds, magnesium/ zinc rich foods.
  2. Less: sugars, starches.
  3. Supplement changes:
  4. Zinc 50mg/day between meals
  5. Copper 1mg 2-3x/week
  6. Magnesium 300-600 mg/d
  7. Magnesium chloride spray to skin daily
  8. Vitamin E complex 1/d
  9. B complex (50mg) 1/d
  10. B3 250-500mg/day in total
  11. Vitamin B5, eg. 500 - 1000 mg daily, eg. Lamberts 8057, Biocare 526 - precursor to Coenzyme CoA - involved
    in mitochondrial function (TCA cycle), adrenocortical function and supports sulphation.
  12. Flax oil 10ml/d
  13. Fish oil 1000mg 1-2/d
  14. Glutathione (Biocare) 3/d between meals
  15. FolaPro (Nutri 6998, L-5 methyl tetrahydrofolate (L-5-MTHF) 800mcg, 1/d
  16. Methylcobalamin lozenges 5 mg sublingual (AOR 0800 169 1231) 1/day
  17. Grapefruit seed extract twice a day
  18. Polyzyme forte 2/every meal or better still animal enzymes, eg Pancreas (Allergy Research)
    16.No vitamin D until the beginning of winter - then 2000iu daily & recheck vit D level after 2-3 months
  19. Minimise/stop further exposure to:
    • Nitrosamines - TOBACCO !!! - stop smoking!!
    • Nickel - esp stainless steel cookware
    • p-dichlorobenzene - moth insecticide + lavatory deodorisers
    • Salicylates - aspirin, ibuprofen (NSAIs) - and salicylate foods
    • Aluminium - no antiperspirants
    • Benzoates - foods, drinks, cosmetics, dysbiosis
  20. FIR saunas - alternate days or better most days


Multiple nutritional deficiencies: Zn, Mg, alpha- & beta-carotene, gamma-tocopherol, alpha-linolenic acid, EPA +
borderline low: alpha-tocopherol, B1, B3 >, folate.
• Elevated vitamin D3 (431).
• Antioxidant enzyme insufficiencies: Glutathione peroxidase (60 <) & borderline low Superoxide dismutase
(SOD1) >> (normal coenzyme Q10 >>).
• Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (faecal elastase 227).
• Low salivary secretory IgA (83.2).
• Low faecal sIgA.
• Low faecal E coli.
• Faecal Klebsiella pneumoniae 4+.
• Metallothionein: normal level >; Zinc binding low (34% >); no aluminium >>.
• DNA adduct: Nitrosopyrrolidine (3.5ng/ml) on Nitric oxide synthase gene; DNA zinc normal.
• Lymphocyte sensitivities: Nitrosamines 350, p-dichlorobenzene 220, Salicylate 200, Nickel 190, Aluminium 180,
Inorganic mercury 160; Borderline elevated: Benzoate 145, Arsenic 120, Pentachlorophenol 120, Organic mercury
115, Chromium VI 110.
• Pre-existing inhibition of leukocyte metabolic activity by: Nitrosamines 17.5%, p-dichlorobenzene 13%,
Aluminium 11.5%, Nickel 6%.
• Mild mitochondrial dysfunction (52%), low mitochondrial magnesium; no toxic blocking).
• Elevated cell-free DNA (12.1).
• Abnormal cortisol rhythm “resistance stage 1 - adapted response”.
• Elevated homocysteine (12.5).
• Short chain polypeptides: elevated 2:12 >>
• Normal salivary EGF (test for hypochlorhydria).
• Normal TSH, FT3, FT4, TPO, TgAb


but please, just things that are not in the list. I just want to make a List first and collect all that people have used of natural stuff, Later a list and survey of chemica and things like TRT.
Than we will have a very good overview. When All in the list we can start the survey. ok?

Grapefruit, Flax oil, oh and pompgranate I´ll add them


Had a good run on ashwaganda (and triple ginseng) if you want to add that to your list. I might try it again if it doesn’t make my weird propecia eczema flare up.

Ahhh Cool Thanks!! is added :slight_smile: This is what i mean, have alook at the list and if you see something missig. Just add : )

How about Gym supplements?

Zeus (Test Booster)

I think this list is a great idea!

hey tico!

Thanks, yes. When we put all BB supp´s it will be a looooong list. But we can only realy ad BB stuff, that people have tryed! Sure!! Great Idea!

Calcium D-Glucarate

I reackon we should make a spread sheet which people can fill out and post that way not everyone wastes money on trying a heap of supplements, I know everyone’s different but that way we can figure out a baseline of good supps to take and what works best. Just a suggestion.

If I haven’t stated it before, I think this thread is a great idea. I also think that this spreadsheet idea would be awesome and could be greatly beneficial. I feel like in addition to posting what has worked for each of us we should label our “target areas” of interest to fix (e.g. mine would be lowering e2 levels or raising cortisol). This would better help guide those trying to learn what they may or may not have success with regarding their own individual condition. Great ideas you guys.

Hey Brainbug,

I´m taking fishoil, multivitamins, magnesium, vitamin D Pills for months. I dont know if it does anything for me. Although I had improvements over the last months. I think If I stop taking these other supplements it wouldnt change anything…

As I posted in my member story before I am experimenting with Niacin since the middle of may. Niacin is a Vitamin B3 - that one is missing on your list.

Since I take it I made huge improvements - mentally and physically. I feel a little bit like a sales person because I posted it in my thread, in another ones and emailed it to some guys but I really really reccommend everbody here to try that. If you take it, it´s important to get the Niacin Flush. How to get the flush - read my member story or search the web. You need a high dose 100mg at least so it´s not enough to have it in you multivitmin or as a part of a vitamin B complex…

I ordered it on amazon: Puritans-Pride-B-3-Niacin.

This is no placebo - since I had hope with every other supplement but I dont know if it helps everybody here. But what I know is, that this will have much bigger effect than multivitamin or most other natural supplements.

Hey Joe!

Thanks a lot Nicain is inside.

I am also testing fenugreek at the moment. I dont know if it helps or it is part of my recent improvement.

Wikipedia quote:

A June 2011 study at the Australian Centre for Integrative Clinical and Molecular Medicine found that men aged 25 to 52 who took a fenugreek extract twice daily for six weeks scored 25% higher on tests gauging libido levels than those who took a placebo."

brand is Ironmaxx.