I wanted to give TRT a try. I started around mid December 2020 I think. First with 120mg Enanthate a week eod. Then 140mg. 180mg. And back down to 130mg. I tried eod, e3d and e4d. Through all the time I had no positive effect. As if I do not take testosterone. But I had pretty severe histamine reactions. Wich made me stop it at the end. I could not handle the anxiety anymore that I get from massive histamine.
I had no change in facial or body hair. No hair loss. No gyno. No other sides. Maybe a bit more muscles. My balls were shrinked by a lot.
So it’s been 16 days off TRT. My last shot with 37.5mg Enanthate was on July 18th. I took a 1500ui hcg shot a week after stopping and then 250ui eod. On day 18 I will start a PCT.
What I wonder is, I dont have any withdrawal effects. Is that the proof of pfs? Simply as if I never did TRT and now coming off makes no difference. Even if I still have a tiny bit of testosterone left in my body from the last shot, I was shut down for months. So I dont think my own production is back already. While I have to say my balls grew back pretty much already.
So let’s see if the PCT will do something and restart my bodies own production. Because this thread always gave me hope. I have pfs for 16 years. That guy had it 6 years and tried a lot of stuff as well. But he did a full steroid cycle with I guess 300-700mg a week while I did only TRT.
I hope I can get at least back where I was before I tried joekools hcg protocol I started last year I think in August/September for 14 weeks or so. That caused a spike in estrogen I think since my histamine issues got even worse ever since.
Ah btw. these were my levels before TRT and before hcg and before I took anything like dhea and pregnenolone. It was around mid 2019.
Anybody else have similar experience with TRT?
Edit: Interestingly a week after I was off TRT and took my first hcg shot I had great libido for 3-4 days. But that diminished quickly.