SPIRONOLACTONE destroyed me, 32 year old female, no hope

Original poster, is better not to mix.

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Hello @Asia,

I am sorry to hear of the problems that you’re dealing with. Part of our plan here is to gather men and women affected by a variety of drugs. It will be easier for us to research, find therapies and support one another when we are all together. Though, nobody wishes to be here, you are very welcome and you are absolutely in the right place.

While our varied conditions are upsetting, please don’t take risks with your health, some of our members have worsened their condition through the use of drugs and supplements. It’s worth noting that many people report their condition improves with time. Hold on.

If you are able, you could take part in our 23&Me project which aims to find out what people affected by these syndromes have in common genetically. Soon we will publish our member survey which will result in our conditions being categorised appropriately. These things are steps towards further scientific advancement. You can read about them here:

There are studies in progress and plans for the future are being drawn up.

There are reasons to feel hopeful for the future, but you must hold on.


Hi Joey10,
I am sorry to hear about your problems.I feel you.
I also do not produce any body smell, nothing, like Sahara desert - have you researched any articles how to bring back sweating and oil functions? Did you also notice change in skin color maybe, like some lipids from underneath your skin all over the body are gone?

I went to a sauna for 20 minutes last week, and no sweat, when just last year I would sweat profusely in 5 minutes. Unbelievable. Like an old dry person.
I also have this problem that when I went to some doctors, they told me it’s aging and obesity, but f… hell - both old and fat people sweat and have blackheads in the nose, their face don’t hung and hurt from sagging…

PS.I love Croatia - I was hoping to go there in a bikini next year, actually, but since no health and bikini for me anymore, then maybe I will visit your beautiful country as a 32 year old looking 60years old…good that people are friendly there so if romance is off the table at least friendships might be included…


Thank you for reading my story.
No, not yet, but I will post as soon as I have them done.


Just to point out, that one of the most agreed tips to do when you are on PFS is to take a lot of sun exposure.
Telling this for your PS note.


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Thank you Greek,
I will have a look at this.
Since now I have become irreversibly ugly and will have no normal life anyway, I might as well contribute to science development to be of any use to humanity.

I can’t believe that taking some pills might change your life like that, forever. There must have been something in us that made us so vulnerable to all of this.

Greek,since you are a moderator here, are you familiar with any protocols on turning the oil glands, sebum and sweat production?
I know that men first focus on erections because it is the most important thing for them, and also, neurological side effects - I had a lot of impulsivity, creativity and drive, a bit masculine for a woman, and now living without the effects of testosterone in my brain, feels like nothing, nothing at all…so weird, I can not explain that…

Ciao Asia, greetings from Italy!
I’m sorry your story. Be strong

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Also, I forgot to ask if there have been any complaints, court cases, actions taken against the manufacturers in the USA? Have you people filed any forms to manufacturers and was there any response at all? They should be paying for our tests, and coming up with solutions for God’s sake…

Sadly, I am not aware of a method to restore oil production. I will say that I have had dry skin, lack of odour through this but have noticed that it is generally better than it was and sometimes is substantially so.

With regard to creativity and drive, I have also found that this has at times been better. In general I have found that my symptoms fluctuate but that they have all improved to some degree with time.

Hello Asia. I have many of the same problems as you from SSRIs. I was a very young looking 36 year old who was always mistaken for 10 years younger. Now my skin, especially on the face, is dry and thin, my hair thinned, white hairs appearing on beard, etc. I don’t sweat anymore either. No oil is getting through. I have genital numbness and tissue damage. Also I have no emotions or libido. It really is shocking what these pills have done to us. We were all just trying to improve ourselves so we could get what we want out of life. Now many of our lives have been destroyed, in some ways irreversibly. Anyway we’re all suffering this strange horror together. Welcome.


Hi jrums01!
Thank you for your "Welcome"but I’d rather not be here, really.
I have read your story here - I am so sorry for you, actually for all of us.
I too took some SSRIs in my life in my early twenties and regret doing it, because I believe they turned on some genes for a very debilitating mental illness in me that I was not aware of until I took Spironolactone that aged me 20 years in 3 months, made my brain zap and some memories returned to me, showing me that I was not even living a life since I quit Zoloft and Wellbutrin.In a way, Spironolactone emptied my brain of dopamine and DHT as well as GABA, so now I started thinking clearly.If you want to talk about these mental sides, PM.

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Hi there @Asia

I am so sorry to read of your experiences. My heart goes out to you. Hopefully by coming here and with the support of the community here it can help you somewhat. Your coming here certainly helps us and the bigger fight for us all to get better. As you are probably aware and as has previously been stated by @Greek, the community here is looking to expand as we are becoming aware that our symptomology isn’t unique to a particular drug and appears to occur in a whole spectrum of endocrine disruptors.

On a personal note I can relate to your pain. Although my experiences aren’t quite the same, my skin prematurely aged whilst on propecia, and I subsequently lost subcutaneous fat from my face when I stopped the drug, plus stretchy skin. This psychologically had a profound impact on my own life: being faced with something which shouldn’t happen at this stage of life, or frankly at any stage (these rapid changes shouldn’t naturally occur). It makes it all the more difficult when it happens to your face. In my own particular case I can say that there has been no evident further deterioration and my mood around it has improved significantly.

If I remember rightly I am sure that I have come across Spironolactone myself when I was looking for others that had experienced similar side effects to myself online. Are you aware of other users of Spironolactone who have reacted similarly?

Although these drugs can clearly do harm, I strongly believe that we will get to the bottom of what has happened to all of us and from that treatments can be explored.


don’t give up on yourself yet Asia! even if it seems that at this point its game over it is often not! I think 1-2 years from today you will be in much better place health wise!

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i’m pretty sure douglasmich screwed himself up more with spironolactone

douglasmich took aromatase inhibitor either anastrozole or aromasin or letrozole in effort to cure him from PFS induced by saw palmetto… He got improvements from AI (aromatase inhibitor) but then crashed much harder then he was in PFS state… bed ridden, all connective tissue got destroyed, 0 libido, many neurological symptoms basically he never thought about suicide living with PFS but overdose on AI made him want to consider suicide… raising estrogen to normal or even over normal range had 0 effect on symptoms he got from taking too much AI. I had PAS at same time as he had it but I was a bit in better place symptoms wise than him at that time… Then my symptoms progressed to stage he was in before suicide… But I got better over time… so its not permanent… I started somehow recovering but never was 100% cured. Still could live a “normal life” but wasnt 100% cured
I wanted to kill myself as well just didnt have anymore energy left in me to do it… that saved me

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that’s for the synopsis but i’m talking about before all of that

Thank you all for commenting and reading my story.

Well, I guess, in a way, it is heartwarming that there are people who will understand me, that this is not in the head, that this is not natural aging in a couple of months, that I really do feel awful, and I cannot drive properly anymore like I used to.

Scotsman, I am sorry about your face as well. Did your eyebrows fall as well and do you feel your skin like cracked soil?
You see, I watch these crazy programs with crazy American people weighing 400 pounds at 40, getting bariatric surgeries, body surgeries, and wearing a bikini at 43, looking even sexy-ish in some cases and I realize that even though I never weighed that much, I will never ever do justice to my body because in January I looked as an obese 31 year old teenager, and now I look like a 60 year old person. No intimacy, no beaches, no life for me in the future, and a fallen face, with underage bags, fallen eyebrows, saggy chin - all at 32, of course, there are surgeries, and I will have to repair my face because this is impossible to look at but right now my skin does not even heal properly, its like cracked soil.
No, I am not familiar with any other people who share similar reactions. The endocrinologist gave me the pills in January, just saying, ooo look, you are losing hair from the top of your head, I have a drug that might really help you, it will remove androgens from hair follicles and remove excess water retention from your body…Aha…Now I think she meant remove LIFE and YOUTH from my body…

lowe2sucks, thank you, I wish it was true, I wish there was hope…however, I can not imagine changing that rubbery thin skin into what I had in January. No intimacy and life for me in this life, ever.

gents93, I read this young man’s story - what a pity, and how chilling that it all happened after Spironolactone…a waste of young life and I guess no doctors would ever understand his suffering…

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After I will have my test done, I was thinking of buying DHT/aldosterone that they use in research to add to body lotions and try to apply it on my skin, or maybe try a testosterone gel.Did you hear of any success with that?

Also, what do you think of these supplements: BOTULIN, QUERCETIN, P5P, CARNOSINE? the first two are supposed to help with subcutaneous fat.

before you buy dht/testosterone/aldosterone gel read this *** Post your experience with androgen supplementation HERE (DHT / TRT) ***
whatever is happening to you don’t try to fix this! it’s your body reaction to something that spironolactone caused self treatment can make it so much worse and last longer! you might wake up one day and all symptoms gone same as you took this drug and got this symptoms… you didnt get them in matter of year correct? it was like few days or weeks?
try natural alternatives until official treatment will come out

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NO. Avoid quercitin! Quercetin has reduced me this way. Inhibits DHT-

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