Sonic's raw food/juice/fasting

day 9
one step forward, on step behind.
today i woke up pretty energetic and in a good mod. anxiety seemed to be lowered and in the afternoon my mind was clearer. also, my left leg moved better. all this till… i ate some pork meat in the evening!
after i ate pork i had an anxiety attack and my leg became tense again, it was like a mini crash!

am i going crazy? am i hypocondriac or what? btw, i wrote a separate post about the connection between food, histamine and our condition. if pfs is an autoimmune disorder, should we avoid food rich in instamine?

so, no improvements to register for today, guys. just when i thought things were going a lot better… :frowning_man:
except for the intestine, now working a loooooot better. my poop is good, and i make poop only once per day, two at the maximum.
mood: garbage

uh, tomorrow i’m gonna talk to the doctor about the pork meat / histamine thing.


day 10
nothing to declare


This post is now at least twenty characters.

cause there are no imrpovements

Guys, in your opinion, how long should i wait for, before deciding that this is not working?

here’s a story of another guy healed with raw food but this requires too much time… 1 year…
i’m gonna talk about this with the doctor…

day 11
i had a stepback… again insomnia, again the poop 4 times in a day, again the diarrhea, the left leg…
what happened? i called the doctor, i explained the sitation and maybe is related to the fact that, to have more energy, i’m eating more… and i even introduced the juices…
so, the more i eat, the worse i feel…
i’m gonna eat less and see what happens and in the meanwhile i keep on reducing my psychodrugs…
and i’ll even try intermittent fasting, starting tomorrow or sunday (but the doctor doesn’t know…)

this week i did not apply my hair lotion and my anxiety seems to be lower… or maybe is due to the raw food thing… at the end of the week i’ll restart the lotion and see.

i feel like i’m doing the wrong thing, if i want to recover soon, i need something deeper than raw food.
i’ll wait for one month from the beginning of this protocol and if i don’t see improvements, i’ll switch to the fasting.

see ya

day 12
no progress apart from the intestine: I only pooped once.

Keep updating us Sonic! This is good


day 13
no progress apart from the intestine: I only pooped once.

I wonder if the liver is over worked right now or trying to adapt to the changes. Might need to get a little worse before better?

for me, going to bathroom only 1 or 2 times per day, is normality.
i wonder why the initial benefits (sleep) disappeared…

day 14
no progress apart from the intestine: I only pooped once. again.

Any change in meals? How do you feel on supplements?

no change in meals. it’s getting so boring that i dream of eating pizza.
which supplements?

day 15
no progress.
pooped twice, so within good limits. my stools are not ok, look like marbles.
anxiety: less than before, but still present.
insomnia: present.
left leg: still tense.

i reintroduced my lotion after a week, just to see how it goes.
my dovtor prescribed me an antihistaminic because of my cough and itchy scalp, so i’m taking this as well.
i suppose that by fasting i can erase my allergies as well, i read a study about it.

so, too many variables: i’m reducing the antidepressants, i take again 20 drops of trazodone since the sleep improves disappeared, an antihistaminc, the lotion…

i just bought a book about fasting, if you want a copy, pm me.

Are you trying any physical therapy for your tense leg? Maybe get a massage.

no, is a cns problem.

day 16
no progress.
pooped three times.

day 17
no progress apart from the fact that this afternoon i almost slept.
pooped two times.