Clomid and Tamoxifen are SERM’s (selective estrogen receptor modulators), which have a different method of action then Aromatase Inhibitors (Arimidex and Aromasin etc). Tamoxifen and clomid trick the brain to produce testosterone. They don’t have any effect on estrogen, except increasing it. Yes, SERM’s increase estrogen.
Aromatase Inhibitors either deactivate the aromatase enzyme (Arimidex) or completely destroy it (Aromasin). The result is less estrogen = higher testosterone.
The point is that Clomid and Tamoxifen, while increasing testosterone, also increase estrogen. That’s why many steroid users and PFS sufferers who attempted a T restart with clomid or tamoxifen, did not experience a resurgence in libido/erections = estrogen was pushed too high by the SERM. Several studies have examined the use of clomid in hypogondal men with decent results. In some men, likely men who enjoy a low conversion of testosterone to estrogen, experience a resurgence in libido/erections on clomid.
I trialed clomid for three months with marginal improvement. It worked - hair grew faster, balls were fuller. Yet not much improvement in libido or wood.
From the hundreds of anecdotal steroid user reports I’ve read - estrogen has to be kept within a WINDOW. Too high OR too low = no wood, erections, libido.
What I’m trying to say here is; finding the estrogen sweet spot with an Aromatase Inhibitor takes experimentation, time and patience. Take too much = sore joints, no libido, no wood. Take too little = no progress = no wood , no libido. See what I’m saying?
The sweet spot is different for each individual. There is no one size fits all dosage or level!! While you might have best erections and libido with estrogen on the high side of the range, I might need it in the low side of the range to produce the same qualitative effects. And somebody else might need it in the middle! This all takes lengthy individual experimentation, at slowly increasing dosages, for an extended period of time to get it right!
I would guess the guys here that experimented with AI’s, either took too much, approached it in a haphazard manner, crushed their estrogen (or not enough), and wrote them off as useless. I’ve read a couple reports from users here who did just that with AI’s. Read Legendarys thread about Letrozole. Its good.
Anyway, try it for yourself. Buy some generic Aromasin, start at 6.25 mg per day, trial for 3 weeks, then up the dose to 12.5mg per day, trial for three weeks, until you find the sweet spot. You won’t know until you try it for yourself.
This brings up another issue - even if a PFS guy returns labwork within the range, it doesn’t mean he’s okay!! Do NOT go off the lab ranges! Look, you might need your estrogen on the low side and T on the higher end of the range to get boners and libido. Now what happens if you go get bloodwork, and your estrogen comes back at the higher end of the range (but within range), and T somewhere floating around the middle? The Doc says you’re fine!! Labs are within range!!! But you’re not fine. You’re impotent with a floppy dick. That’s the point. My labs came back within range but I was impotent. So even though my labwork showed I wasn’t castrated, my dick still didn’t work. So something was off, obviously. But doctors go by lab ranges, not by qualitative experience.
All the steroid user reports and guys on TRT, it’s the same thing; estrogen too high or low = no boners and libido. Start there.