So close to suicide

I echo everyone else’s sentiments here. My thoughts go out to his family and friends. No words can describe how awful this is. What an indescribable waste. We all know who is to blame. Following such a tragedy there will be an inquest. They need to be made of the FACTS and not allow misinformed professionals to whitewash this. These inquests can be picked up by the press. It wouldn’t serve its purpose if this is not laid bare. I’m sure that the hearts of the many many men affected by this evil drug go out to his family. You have our support x

Only Merck is to blame.

If they had pulled Propecia off the market in 2012 when the FDA ordered a label change, Paul Dixon would be alive today.

So would John Pfaff.

So would Daniel Stewart.

Only Merck is to blame.

Hope you enjoyin’ all that blood money, KCF. Whatcha gonna buy the missus fo kristmas?

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Disparaging a man for his actions in leading a pharmaceutical co is one thing, to also make disparaging, racially suggestive remarks is wrong and in poor taste. Moderators: you should remove this post by PR123.

Sorry Paul.

I can’t believe that this is possible. How can this be possible. ? How can a medication do this? How is no one being held responsible? How is it that someone is being put in this today not knowing it’s going to end their life? Even right at this moment, someone with hope and goals and a future and family is being exposed to the darkest kind of existence without knowing it.

I’m very sorry for reading this, I’m sorry to everyone here who has this and I applaud anyone who worked up the courage to accept this and live with this.

Very sorry to Paul and his family

Disparaging remarks are the least Ken would have to worry about if some of these dead people’s family members were to meet him I think.

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Perhaps, although I don’t see how making racially insensitive remarks will bring us closer to a reckoning for Mr. Frazier and Co.

I actually agree with bizzbee for once, lmaoooo

That’s sad. Looks like he had been off fin for about 4 months. That really is around the roughest time for PFS for sure. I pray he is in a better place now.

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really hard story. i hope he is in a better place now !


We too are close …

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youre right bro. but hang in there! there is progress and i have the believe that we will get better around the 2 year mark !


We have to wait until the Sage-217 comes out. If that doesn’t work and by then there still hasn’t been a meaningful effort with serious resources to make progress quickly then I’ll throw in the towel. I guess my point is that we are not alone in basically preferring not to continue, but now isn’t the time. We have to try to hold on a little longer.


when this is our only hope than rip guys

What is it Sage-217 ?

helps in depression…

It’s an Allopregnanolone analog that there is good reason to believe could help us with much more than just depression. If you research Allopregnanolone and sexual behavior you will see our deficit in Allopregnanolone (as shown by Melcangi) alone might explain all our sexual sides.

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I hope Sage-217 can help PSSD people to but idk. I am a complete zombie. No emotions, no libido, no sleep, dry thinning skin, numb and fibrotic dick, memory loss, no taste or smell, etc. I can’t see a pill fixing all this damage. My dopamine is gone, my hormones are fucked, I don’t respond to anything. I am working with Dr. Goldstein but if he can’t help me that’s it for me too. I’m 37 and a lot of my life has been marred by sickness physical and mental, addiction, now this shit. It’s too much. I’ve already let my family know that I’m not hanging around like a lobotomized and castrated zombie. I feel so bad for them, especially my mother, but I’m deteriorating terribly. I just sit on the computer all day with nothing going on in my head. Can’t even daydream. No imagination or ability to think. Only logic brain works. I’m not me anymore.


I think there can be a cascading effect. Once you improve in one area, particularly in mood, it tends to be conducive to improvements in other areas. I know I was bad physically 3 years ago and somehow all those things have gradually disappeared over time. My problem is I’m still effectively impotent at age where that leaves me facing life of solitude (that I cannot bear) and feeling of being a loser. It would be really great if there was some way those of us who are really at the end of their ropes could be heard and given opportunity to do something to advance progress. The hope and feeling of achievement that that might provide might make all the difference.


I hope so. I have that same feeling of facing a life of solitude. The problem for me is that has been a lot of my life so far. Looking back antidepressants really screwed me up sexually and emotionally for a long time just as a side effect. I usually went back to normal after stopping. And I lost most of my 20’s due to IBD and abcesses caused by Accutane and the subsequent antibiotic damage. I admittedly became addicted to the opiates and benzos to deal with the all the pain and anxiety. Throw in the terrible OCD and anxiety that I was on antidepressants for in the first place and holy shit. Things were starting to look up and was starting to date more and go back to school and now severe PSSD! It’s a lot to deal with. Not to say I didn’t have any good times but this is a lot for one person to deal with. I’m trying to stay alive for others. Damn pharma industry really screwed me :unamused:


What bothers me is not that some drugs can end up being harmful or a mistake to have been brought to market in retrospect (that’s probably inevitable). It’s that nothing is getting done about the mistake after it has been committed. I think drug companies should be required (if not motivated in the first place by hippocratic oath/bioethic principles) to devote a portion of their profits to researching and fixing mistakes they have made. Instead, it seems perhaps they primarily deliberately conceal them, which is the total opposite of fixing. Anyway, that’s neither here nor there at this point.

I don’t want to complain. I want to do. The fact I can’t do is what’s killing me.