Small Ball Club - Scared, MartinM, Heyder, Luckfax, Solonjk, CJohnson, etc.

Sounds not too bad. You do have AR functioning at sexual level thats important

Does your doctor have experience monitoring patients with long low levels of FSH and LH? I would be glad if he was right, then we can assume that the size of the testicles decreases due to the insensitivity of androgen receptors. I cannot think of other reasons for the reduction of the testicles.

How would I know mate? I have talked to his professor as well, his feedback is the same.

My point is even if it is lh/fsh related it is not recognised by urology medicine at the moment.

Also note there are many long time borderline low T, LH/FSH PAS/SSRI sufferers who did not report shrinkage.
Root cause seems more complex than the lack of lh/fsh.

As far as I see from stories in this forum, it is mainly PFS and SP sufferers that report shrinkage.
Maybe we can collect some data amongst shrinkage sufferers and see which parameters and meaningfully correlated.

Another point is I am trying to push myself to thinking the shrinkage might not be all too bad (as long as you dont look down and apart from the constant depressive state of feeling of abnormal, feeling of loss, suicidal thoughts etc.)
a- if we can get T levels higher- I think this might be possible since doc says my testicle volumes are good. (I completely disagree of course, wish I had some sort of record of testese volumes before SP/accutane use.)
Pushing myself for 18 hours IF for HGH boost and targeting 20kg loss…Currently on clomid, not sure what to do for the boost effect to stick…Open to suggestions here…
b- fix ED (I am having penile shock therapy atm)
c- having children via IVF

I am more concerned about a. Don’t want to go on TRT for life. I am hoping testicular shrinkage will not involuntarily push us into that direction.

i would never touch TRT just to raise testicular size, too risky

You mean HCG? I wasn’t suggesting TRT for test size…

Ahh ok sorry

Has anyone managed to reverse this side effect ?

Where did you get Prazosin? I’m trying to get it but no one will prescribe it to me. I’m in Canada.

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