Serotonin functions as an essential neuromodulator thatserves a multitude of roles, most prominently balancingmood [1]. Serotonergic challenge has been observed toreduce intrinsic functional connectivity in brain regionsimplicated in mood regulation [2–4]. However, the full scopeof serotonergic action on functional connectivity in the hu-man brain has not been explored. Here, we show evidencethat a single dose of a serotonin reuptake inhibitor dramati-cally alters functional connectivity throughout the wholebrain in healthy subjects (n = 22). Our network-centralityanalysis reveals a widespread decrease in connectivity inmost cortical and subcortical areas. In the cerebellum andthalamus, however, we find localized increases. These rapidand brain-encompassing connectivity changes linked toacute serotonin transporter blockade suggest a key rolefor the serotonin transporter in the modulation of the func-tional macroscale connectome
How this poison is still marketed to young desperate people, i would never understand…I happen to know a psychiatrist, who is supposed to be in the top of her “respected” field…I played stupid, and asked her so innocently, on what she thinks of PSSD…That “Bi**” gave me that look (Without these medications, we would be useless, and without a job) kinda look, and told me, that she has heard of it, but never had any patients with such complaints, and she cant comment on it…So i told her how i happen to know at least 4 ppl with sexual sides from SSRI Use, (even before hearding of PFS actually, and i was very sad for them )…She just closed the subject, claiming not knowing of anything, and prescribed someone in front of my own eyes with the poison called “Escitalopram”…You little bi**. you know nothing, but has no problem, even not the least of a problem giving it to another victim, that might end in PSSD…
These coser want to protect the criminals behind these drugs, so they play stupid as hell, while the shitty, corrupt blind governments who are supposed to protect us from those criminals, sleep in its 5 star hotel, that my tax money just paid for them…Oh Man, im bitter…I wish, i can see, at least for one day, how communism would come back, and take over those companies, and destroy every single shit one of them…Yes we would live shorter without medications, but at least die young, with some life quality, instead of rotting between life and death…