I am about 8 months off fin. I have seen easing in most symptoms aside from the ones associated with hypogonadism i.e. low libido, diminished sensation, ED, smaller testicles, sometimes tucked up or cold, muscle loss/softening, more fat in breasts and abdomen. My blood tests showed low testosterone and Vitamin D which is consistent with my symptoms. I’ll be seeing an Endocrinologist next week. I just want to ask some opinions about what my course of action should be. Should I try raising T naturally? Supplement with Vitamin D? Should I try TRT and/or HcG if it is prescribed, and would this be a lifetime commitment?
I seemed to respond well to a low carb diet, weights, and amino acid supplementation (Arginine and Carnitine), though the improvements were inconsistent and seemed to wane. That said, I haven’t been too disciplined with any one of these for any substantial stretch of time. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Here are my bloods:
Total T: 272 ng/dL (280-800)
Estradiol: 18 pg/mL (14-60)
TSH: .99 mIU/mL (.27-3.5)
Vitamin D: 28 ng/mL (30-80)
FSH: 4.7 mIU/mL (1.4-18.1)
LH: 3.1 mIU/mL (1.5-9.3)
Prolactin: 10.3 ng/mL (2.1-18.0)