I have PFS from Proscar generic against benign prostatic hyperplasia too. Normally elderly men get it if they can’t pee any more to prohibit a prostate surgery. The majority is in the end sixties and has lost sexual activity over the years.
So Jim and me have been sexual active men. Without acute problems. So for us it was counter indicated to prescribe this last resort hammer. There are enough warnings, even a red hand letter in Germany to warn the patients about the risks of permanent sexual disfunction after using finasteride. Criminal backdoor frickler like my old fashioned urologists discribed it much to early to an active 59 yo sexual active man, gave me a pharma muster package just to try. Absolutely criminal. Jim have had 5 years more as a human but was killed as a sexual active man too.
Maybe sexual activity is one of the deposition factors, discussed like depression and the majority of elder men are not sexual active and depressed in another way than the young Pharma Victims.
The young guys normaly order propecia for Hairloss online or the call the doctor for a description. They do it for a cosmetic reason and they are gaslighted by the slight LEFLAT and all the lier and denier on the internet too. But we elder one got it for medical reasons and trust in our doctors.
The worst case has been the story of @Grey_baron who got it described by a totally insane military doctor at the age of 22 after a prostate inflammation and developed fully blown PFS. I want that this totally insane military doctor and his work will be never forgotten. Grey Barons young life has been totally destroyed by this stupid uninformed desicion of a creazy doctor, never kicked off as a medical doctor forever!