Recovery with Rifampicin (Ridifin) (Rifampin)

He says it is just a component of his overall method…

Here it is to order w out a prescripion. Anyone try it before?

Very interesting. Also interesting that one of the names is Ridifin.

Careful with this guy…

His phone number is 615-330-9686. See the location here:

What’s interesting about that location?

It happens to be the same block as the Butler Snow Law Firm in Nashville. … 4e34?hl=en

Butler Snow is the law firm defending Merck in the Propecia, Proscar litigation trials.

Could just be as an amazing coincidence. They have law offices in several US Cities.

He told me his name was Matt. Now he’s going by “JThompsonInc.” The only symptom he described to me was persistent headaches. Going by what he told me, he never suffered from PFS.


How did you get his phone number? I don’t see it listed on the blog page.

That study doesn’t look very promising IMO. Doubles estradiol, and raises SHBG enough to lower free testosterone despite the increase iin total testosterone.

I am still unsure of his credibility, but here is my conversation with this guy today…

“I cycle it with Avodart. Avodart raises testosterone before lowering DHT. both at the same time is not advised. some think avodart is a stronger version of Fin. but its not true. the exercises and avodart saved me a year ago. it still wasnt great but tolerable. with Rif. it all comes together.”

that is weird.How Avodart can help you?

It can’t. Avodart is Fin on steroids.

He told me he avoided the serious side effects by working out and eating healthy. Even though case reports indiciate that neither physical fitness nor eating healthy will mitigate a bad crash. We have a few professional athletes here, several amateur athletes, and even some bodybuilders. Finasteride Victim is a bodybuilder and he had penile atrophy, something this guy said weightlifting can prevent. Just like in his blog, he pulled the victim blaming routine with me, saying if he didn’t lift weights he’d “be where you guys are at.” He also criticized this forum saying it couldn’t help him and he had the arcane knowledge to cure PFS with a regimen that includes a hepatoxic anti-biotic linked to Steven Johnson Sydrome … e-effects/ and a 5AR inhibitor many times more potent than finasteride.

And of course, his location was pinned to the same high-rise office building as Merck’s legal defense team. This is not a suspicion, this is a fact–a verifiable fact. I provided this information (you’re welcome) and left it up to reader to decide this person’s identity.

Whatever you do, do not give this guy any information about yourself, and do not buy anything from, or any website he suggests.

This guy is either some guy who was only lightly hit by PFS who wants to share his recovery protocol (but not on PropeciaHelp of course) involving dangerous drugs and he just happens to work near Merck’s Propecia attorney’s office, or he’s part of machination to acquire information from Propecia victims.


Oh SHit i am injured by shooting myself with a Beretta what can i do??

Dont worry take a Bazooka and shoot yourself again then everything should be fine.

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For those of you involved in lawsuits, if you take Avodart on the advice of some random guy, could it then be argued that any symptoms you have are influenced/caused by that drug?

Youre right dude, this Guys Plan stinks very bad.

Can’t stop laughing… Well said.

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Hah well finasteride increases testosterone as well, guess we’ve found the magic cure guys.

Hey guys i find a breakought cure.
Put the dutasteride, avodart, finasteride, saw pallmetto in a pot
then shed the hot water
put some chocolate, sugar, candy on it
and mix everything.
Ta- daaaaaa
here is your cure :slight_smile:

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If he is a “Merck shill”, then he is a Merck shill who just happens to have Rifampicin laying around his house. Or perhaps just a super elaborate one. I placed my order, so I guess that makes me the guinea pig. Probably best since I am not eligible for the litigation. No fuarking way I am touching the Avodart though.

Btw, I did a reverse imagine search and this photo is not anywhere else on the internet.

From Mexico? He said his derm prescribed him the drug. Whatever.

Maybe he is a Merck Skunk who try to kill us all with avodart and this strange Tablets…Who knows I would bet my tiny Dick that if Merck had the Chance to kill us PFS Sufferers all, they would do that right know.

And i mean it, no Joke

It is a simple antibiotic that no one else has tried. Why is everyone who offers any kind of perspective a “Merck shill?” Jesus Christ. Some of your own user stories are less consistent than his.