Rb26dett Story with 5-HTP

Have you considered Paroxetine withdrawal an equally plausible cause of your condition as 5-HTP?

Reading the PSSD forum, it appears some of those people didn’t develop alarming symptoms until shortly after stopping an SSRI.

Hi, @awor. I’m on second week of low dose TRT.
In the first week I didn’t saw any effect (bad or good).
Now, it’s about 4 days that I have very strong pain in my tendons and I can’t coordinate my inches. I also have involuntary muscle spasms and I feel all the joints creak.
Do you think is testosterone?
I’m taking Tostrex gel 0,5g (10mg of Testosterone) per day. Standard dose is 3g (60mg of Testosterone)
I need some help.

By now I continue to write on this thread only as if it were a diary. Experienced users ignore me. I just realized that tribulus can be an AI (aromatase inhibitor), so, most likely I did crash my estrogens, just like poor douglasmich. I’ll probably be dead soon. In that case, I’ll take it with those who censor the posts of people who talk about sadness, but don’t censor the posts of “mad scientists” who talk about tribulus as a salvation. It is also their fault that many make mistakes and crash hard. I also have PAS, as well as PSSD. Stay away from anything that lowers estrogen levels (Tribulus, Zinc, DAA, Vitamin E, etc …). I had a fairly severe case of PSSD / PFS, I even came to regret that state, at least I could still think, walk and do some small jobs. My advice is to stay away from any substance. Life is livable even without sex. I only realize it now. Forums are a double-edged sword.


Dude, calm down. You did not crash your estrogen with tribulus. I’ve been on trt 7 months and tribulus has never done a thing to my e2 levels. If you are really concerned then get your levels checked. If your e2 is somehow tanked then it will most likely rebound. It’s happened to me before, and it’s happened to plenty of people if you search trt forums. It may take a week or two, and it will suck, but it will probably rebound. Also, you need to give trt time. You can’t expect it to work in 4 days.


I think I will stop TRT. I don’t know if is it, but my tendons and my joints hurt a lot. I can’t move anymore. My tendons and ligaments in my forearms hurt too much, as if I had held something in my hands for too long. I have difficulty using the computer.
The only positive change I saw on TRT is the return of the smell of my sperm. After Tribulus and NAC, it had become water, now it is a little denser and has its typical smell.

I must say that it is extremely disappointing to see such lack of interest on the part of the directors. At times, it seems to talk to doctors who ignore our conditions.

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Are you taking an aromatase inhibitor by any chance with TRT? This is a common side effect of AIs.

@Jaime No, I never took an AI and I’ll never use it


Did you experienced anything positive with trt? Orgasm pleasure increase? Size gain? Semen volume increase, no?

@Cooper Only sperm odor. It came back like pre pfs.


How is your anxiety man. Btw, i read that you have troubles getting asleep whit the anesthesia, but that might be because Clonazepam and gaba downregulation.

Keep a close eye on your hormones, that seem to be very implicated in your case.

@Paimon These days, my anxiety is very high. Partly because tendon and joint pain prevents me from playing on the computer, my only pastime / distraction. Also, I read Douglasmich’s story (R.I.P) and I reflected in many of his symptoms, I started to fear getting to his level. I stopped sleeping because of the stress that this causes me. I’m starting to think I might come back to Clonazepam (I don’t touch it since July), to help me calm down a bit. Fortunately for me, I have never had problems with addiction, so I can very well start to gradually reduce it until it is removed, without too much difficulty.

Dude, stop guessing what your problem is and get labs done


@BP86 today I gone to do my bloodwork PCR, VES and CBC.

The results of the analysis have arrived and, as I suspected, all the values ​​are in the range. I’m getting worse, though. What’s more, depression and anxiety have also been added.

Your hormones dude, for the time being, try to fix your hormones, focus on one step at the time.

My family don’t believe me. They think i’m just depressed.
My family is killing me twice.
If I were to die, they will be partly guilty. Perhaps exclusively.

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We believe you- nobody unless in this condition can fully comprehend what we are going through or what these drugs can possibly do. If someone were to tell me that a drug or supplement did this amount of damage after short term use I would 100% think they are mad that’s just being honest with you but when you look through the studies and hear the extremely similar testimonials then it’s quite evident something has went catastrophically wrong. It’s an extremely hard issue to diagnose because it’s genetic damage and hospitals of today just don’t have those types of tools in place to test for this which leaves doctors thinking it’s A) psychosomatic or B) you’re telling the truth unfortunately A seems to be the typical route most of them take in their verdict. I believe that comes down to nothing more than an educational issue, I don’t believe they are taught very much about how drugs can cause epigenetic changes. At the end of the day brother the truth will come out


After a month of low dose TRT gel, I can say I didn’t see any great improvement. To date I have only recovered the sperm smell and I am not having urinary incontinence. On the other hand, I developed excruciating pain in the joints, tendons and ligaments. The most affected parts are the thumbs and the wrists. I can no longer use the joypad or play on the computer. I feel the tendons snap into my forearm. I’m sure this is a reaction linked to low collagen production. Almost like an autoimmune reaction. I did some specific analyzes for autoimmune reactions, but they are negative. Pain is debilitating. The endocrinologist told me to try for 2-3 months, but I don’t think it will help further. I would like to stop the TRT. I do not know how to do. Should I slow down or can I stop suddenly? Currently I only take 20mg of testosterone in gel, which is 1/3 of the standard dose.

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There’s another one, on this place, who’s suffering tendons pain in this way?

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I have a terrible and loud grinding, cracking noise under my right scapula if I push my right arm forward or across my body. I can reproduce it at any time and repeatedly. If I do repeat it a number of times the bones there will be very sore for some time. It sounds quite disturbing and anybody who I show it to produces a real grimace. It started shortly after I crashed and was obviously not there before I had PFS.

My neck now makes loud clicking noises when I rotate it. All of the connective tissue around that area feels weak, strained and reduced.

The tendons and joints in my hands and wrists are very much weakened. Occasionally, I have to change from my index finger to my middle finger when pushing down on a knife to cut food as the index finger will suddenly feel fragile and sore. I recently had to have a two week break from playing with a control pad as it felt as though I had arthritic hands, it was producing pain when playing.

My whole skeleton in general feels sore, weakened and it aches. This is despite very little exertion (PFS fatigue means I can no longer go to the gym or do much physical activity). If I tilt my feet forward and/or rotate them the aching is quite extraordinary. It feels as though I’ve been stood on them for 12 hours straight or have vigorously cycled for hours despite being sat most of the time. To be clear, all of these aforementioned problems started (obviously) after crashing.