Rb26dett Story with 5-HTP

No. I stopped Benzos in july

Quando vai da Santi?

Tra due settimane. Spero che, almeno lui, riconosca la sindrome.
Se non avremo soluzioni - almeno per i problemi fisici - allora proverò a tornare sugli antidepressivi. Se non funzionerà, sarà la volta buona che mi tolgo il pensiero.

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I think I found the responsible for my deterioration. On may, I took a multivitamin for fatigue, today my mother bought it again. When I read the ingredients, I saw that it contains zinc (30mg). I remember a post by @awor in which he spoke of zinc as an antiandrogen. I probably worsened my situation because I took it continuously for at least two weeks. I tried to talk to my doctor and he laughed in my face, but I think it was zinc. It worked like finasteride.

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I can’t understand why I’m like this and my brother, instead, who used Paroxetine for 3 years, currently uses Minoxidil 5% skin solution, milk thistle and zinc, he has no problem. It is something absurd!

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Lo zinco è anche anti-estrogeno (anti-aromatasi). Ci sono stati diverse PFS da Zinco. Io ho peggiorato la mia situazione con la Vitamina b1 e una dose massiccia di vitamian d3. Mi ha distrutto del tutto. Io te lo avevo detto, stai allla larga assolutamente da qualsiasi vitamina. Mangia e stop e non assumere nemmeno alcol. Fammi sapere poi come è andata con Santi. Tieni duro bro.


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Fratello mio, all’epoca ero ignaro di questa cosa. Pensavo che avrebbe contribuito ad aumentare i livelli di testosterone.
Oggi me ne pento amaramente.
Se Santi non potrĂ  aiutarmi, sarĂ  la fine.
Quanto mi dispiace per la mia famiglia e la mia ragazza. Infondo, però, sono già morto.

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I fuked myself up with supplements! People shouldn’t tell about supplements, because is very dangerous.
I can’t understand wich supplement make me worse. Maybe tribulus, zinc, NAC.
Stay away from every supplement, it could be dangerous.
When I crashed first time, I had only ED and low libido.
Now, I’m totally destroied. Stay away from every substances! We don’t know the cause of this sh
t, so we can’t know what may help or worse the sotuation.


I am totally agreed with you man!


Since I have the syndrome, I try to eat healthier and avoid junk food. Last night, I ate junk food at fast food and drank half a liter of cola. This morning, my penis feels less atrophied. I can’t understand why. I feel less pain in my testicles. Maybe it’s just a coincidence.

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I don’t think that healthy eating will solve this. In all honesty, if you find something that brings you happiness (like junk food) have it. If it isn’t causing you to crash or your symptoms to worsen and you don’t know of it containing something bad for us, eat it.

It’s better to take a small pleasure where it’s available.

For the record, I obviously mean occasionally. Not every meal.


I don’t see how literally drinking sugar is going to not do more harm to your body lmao, honestly it saddens me that you’re in this situation, but drinking carbonated sweet drinks, fucking up your digestive and circulatory system, or atleast increasing the risks of furthering his disease. I don’t think people understand how sodas and shit similar to it is a silent killer. We’re already in a fragile state, let’s drink shit and eat shit and increase our risks of more brain damage, and more damage to our body, and I’m actually shocked you’d condone it Greek

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Has stopping the multivitamin helped?

Zinc on low dosages decreases estrogens and improves DHT pathways, but on high dosages it increases estrogens from what I’ve read.

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I just don’t think a glass of coke every once in a while is going to make a big difference.

It’s good that you’ve presented your view, as a result I’ve added a line to clarify that I didn’t mean to eat/drink it all the time.


No, i’m still in the hell.

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I paid a visit to an endocrinologist who works with Melcangi. He knows the PFS, he knows there is no cure. He told me that PFS and PSSD are closely related. According to him, there must be a predisposition, given that antidepressants and finasteride are generally well tolerated drugs. He also told me that he has good expectations from drugs that will act on neurosteroids, like Zurlesso. Meanwhile, he put me on a low-dose Testo Gel, since my T is 493.

He even told me that Tribulus or Zinc aren’t dangerous, but Is preferable avoid everything.

I don’t know why, but in the last few days, I’m having improvement in libido and some erection with Cialis 3mg (low dose). The sensitivity is 50% and I’m happy. When I am with my girlfriend, my desire to have sex is very strong, but I hold back because I am afraid of crashing after ejaculation. What can I do?
@awor @axolotl

I didn’t ejaculate, but I crashed.
Next time, i will try to ejaculate.