PSSD Auto-Antibodies Detected - Proof of autoimmune disorder in PSSD

I came across this reddit post indicating proof of auto-antibodies:

These autoantibodies target numerous G protein coupled receptors involved in different functions. So far 7/7 people with PSSD tested positive for these antibodies and Dr. Healy and Dr. Melcangi are aware and will be looking into this. The guy who started that post is working with Dr. Healy and having people test for these antibodies. They have started discussing treatment options but need more proof and correlation. Treatments may be aphaeresis, IVIG, or even bc007 (has shown to cure autoimmune cardiac condition and long COVID). If you ever want to be cured of this horror, I suggest you get these antibodies done and sent to Dr. Healy. You can get them done via CellTrend:

If you live in the US, you may need to have your PCP draw the blood and send the tests via their form. Or you may need to go to an independent lab and have them do the process for you. E-mail them and ask for their forms.

If you live in Michigan, TestSource Lab can draw the labs for you and send to CellTrend.

I encourage everyone, PSSD, PFS, and PAS to get these labs done. If we have enough proof that we have developed antibodies to GPCRs then we can seek treatment (apharesis and IVIG are already available) and bc007 may even provide cure (i.e. given once).


I’m going to try to get this done The related information / articles being posted across the forums over the last few days are extremely encouraging. The only thing I’ve seen to provide real optimism for the future, people need to get behind this Thanks for sharing @dgreene let’s hope this continues to gain traction and support from Everyone. We all have a vested interest. The keys to the door

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