Proviron Cycle?

Ok, have a weird question. When I was taking Proviron and Arimidex I felt pretty good, until the Proviron started to shut me down. Well, like with most anabolics, you can experience shut down when taking too much, hence why we have PCT – to get the boys and HPTA started up again.

What if instead of using other anabolics we used a Proviron cycle of 25mg a day for 4-6 weeks followed by a PCT? This would push a lot of DHT into our system, shut down test after a couple of weeks just like with any anabolic cycle, hopefully change – if there was any – the gene expression back to androgenic, then the PCT will reboot the system and we should be back on track while all along using Arimidex and 1mg a day? Also, use Nolva during PCT - make sure there is little to no estrogen at all. Between DHT, Arimidex, and Nolva in PCT estrogen should stay low.

Any ideas? I wanted to run this idea by the board as my knowledge isn’t as extensive. I’m thinking after a 4-6 weeks of heavy Proviron 5AR should be well stimulated, then do strong PCT so you can start up and stay right on track and 5AR keeps working.

I’m not a doctor so can’t really say whether what you’re suggesting is advisable but i can see your logic. i’d definitely be interested to see the results of such a cycle.

Would you run a low dose of HCG through the cycle to keep your testes from atrophy? Proviron is supposed to be only mildly suppressive so you wouldn’t need a lot i don’t think.

Well, I got the ideas from ScaredMD’s H-drol cycle. Would hCG be needed with 4-6 weeks proviron? They normally, to my knowledge, use hCG with longer cycles, but I’m not totally sure. I have an endo that is willing to give hCG if necessary. What could be the draw backs? For some reason this also reminds me of what the ananymous person said about a super phisological dose of DHT. Perhaps this strong dose over a period of time might help.

Well i guess it depends, i suppose as long as the proviron doesn’t shut you down you would be ok. Maybe you could ask on a bodybuilding forum and they might be able to give you some better advice.

Do you think 25mg a day would be enough?

Yeah, I checked with some of the bb and they all push 25-50mg a day, especially before a show as to obtain that hard look right before competition. I know 25-50mg/day would shut me down so a PCT is definitely needed.

Of course you can ask your doctor, but they way I understand it, DHT is basically inhibitive of the HPTA in the same way as Testosterone. I think if you were to run a cycle of Proviron it would stop endogenous Testosterone production as a result. I think if the idea is to return to normalcy, we need both things at the same time (DHT in ADDITION to “normal” levels of T), otherwise we are just substituting one androgen for another.

In order to achieve this we can try two things, I suppose. One would be to run the Proviron with a low dose of Testosterone, this way when our body quits producing T, it won’t matter, we will have both androgens present. The other option I see is to run Proviron with a low dose of HCG, this should force our body to continue to produce a normal level of Testosterone while we are “on cycle”. I prefer the latter idea, if only because I would rather have my own testicles actually PRODUCING the testosterone.

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I am going to run a cycle of proviron, I was tempted to try arimidex too but I don’t like the sounds of the side effects. I will let you all know how I get on.

did you do this yet.

Adding HCG will ensure that your test does not get shutdown. It can increase e. Try to keep dosage low.

I just finished a run of proviron, and felt very good on it.

Dosage? Length? How did you feel better?


7 days 25 mg

My mood was fantastic, my sex drive and erections were greatly improved and I had very strong nocturnal and morning erections. 1 day off and things are already going back into disaster mode.

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Interesting. Are you low on DHT? and/or test?

Are you going to try out andro hard? or any other dht pro hormone?

What is PCT?

And where can one get proviron and or HCG - need a script?

I doubt you would need a PCT on this dosage and duration.

No, because it looks as if it has no long term benefit.

@joe91 Did you use it proviron alone?

I tried proviron and initially had a serious boost followed by shut down after only 4 days!

Yes proviron alone for 7 days, I wasn’t too sensible when I used it either, drinking a lot and smoking weed. By shutdown what do you mean? did you recover from the shutdown? today I felt really terrible, 3rd day off the drug, maybe I shouldn’t have tried it.

I mean you put testosterone in your body and for a while along with your own it boosts you up and then your body stops producing its own and you end up worse of than when you started. That’s shut down.