Proviron Cycle?

Have you recovered from the shutdown?

Yeah I am back to roughly square one.

Dude if you are gonna start messing with yourself you need to start reading meso rx general health and steroids. Read posts by the medical doctors


take it with HCG and u wont get shut down

This advice is ill informed and very bad.

You wont agree to my unani hakeem advice so i will say this, go see Dr peatfield who is is New Madstone, Surrey, you do not have testosterone or other issues, i believe yours is a simple case of adrenals and thyroid, do not make your situation worse. if you cant afford to see him then try out a trial of low dose isocort building up slowly one pellet every 3 days until you feel ill effects. You will either find a vast improvement which will confirm adrenal issues or notice bad effects way before you reach the eight pellets. This is far safer than what you just did - took a steroid which shut you down slightly. Quit drinking and the weed they will not help recovery.

Yeah well done, give the 19 year old another problem and potentially necessitate his being on testosterone for life!

Why do people give advice when they really don’t know wtf they are talking about!

HCG will ensure that his testosterone production will not fail while taking external androgens.

Low doeses of HCG will be fine. 250 IU ever 2 or 3 days. This will ensure that he can fully test out proviron without worrying about shinking testicals or getting fully shut down.

There is no real point in taking an androgen if it is just going to shut you down, this is why HCG is critical in this type of situation.

I am not saying he should take it forever. Perhaps he could try a month or so on HCG and proviron.

I would say it would be much more risky taking an androgen and getting shut down then hoping you will recover than taking a androgen along with HCG and not getting shut down.

As he is 19 it is probably not the best thing to mess around with this kind of stuff. See some doctors first get some very extensive blood work to find out where you are at first.

I agree

I agree I just don’t think he should be taken proviron at all.

wacking him on test is not good advice. HCG or not!

I got a variocele, ie dilated veins in the spermatic cord, after an injury. It took a couple of weeks before I felt basically really ill, lost all libido, depression, ED etc. I’ve read several studies on pubmed regarding variocele and hormone/DHT status before and after variocele treatment, an example. I’ve tried everything from testosterone replacement to hcg.
But even if I got some energy back with testosterone, I never felt like before, ie sensitivity in genitals libido. However after 3 weeks of proviron 25-50 mg DHT I was like wth I can feel my penis and libido is back, after 2 years of suicidal tendencies. Variocele pools blood towards the testicles accumulating harmful metabolites and changes the temperature of the testicles. This effects enzymes (5-alpha reductase) that works in tissues converting testosterone to DHT, 5 alpha-reductase genes 1 and 2 is found in two reproductive tissues (testis and epididymis) so even if I inject testosterone the conversion to DHT is halted. Also the leydig cells may dysfunction together with sertoli cells, lowering testosterone and sperm quality. I’m gonna get the variocele fixed and hopefully I might recover some function.

I’m not a doctor and are not recommending self treatment, just a desperate person in search for answers, I’m mighty disappointed with the medical establishment, there are good doctors out there, trouble is finding one.

Great to see this, wonder what happened to him.

This is so damn interesting maybe I can benefit from proviron as well like this guy I have a grade 4 varicocele on the left testicle since my crash this guy also said when he injects testosterone he gets no benefit because it effects the conversion of DHT. This looks to be his only post so maybe he made a full recovery?

I like how misinformed the OP was lol. “Make sure there is no Estrogen at all.” “Shut down test after a couple weeks like any anabolic cycle.” Damn.