Prostatitis treatment as a novel insight into Finasteride related problems

what about prostatic antinflamatory drugs?
some have good experience with myorelaxant?


very interesting info, Solonjk, thanks for posting.

Could taking an antifungal such as Nystatin (even under the false premise of attacking candida) have some effect on bacteria in the prostate region? Generally, I thought no…

But there has been a direct correlation for me between upping my Nystatin dosage significantly, and the return of morning erections (80-95% on average; with some off mornings).

I’ve been tracking this on a calendar/journal for the last 18 days. 2 months of Nystatin—nothing. Increase the dose radically, and boom! Some results.


what do you think:

MRI or ultrasound??

There is some evidence that royal jelly is effective in containing a staph infection.
Link 1
Link 2

:laughing: :laughing: You can’t be serious??

Have Dr Irwig, Traish or Jacobs found a cure for this condition? Are you 100% certain that you didn’t have an underlying problem that Finasteride made worse? I’m pretty sure I did. But we can’t talk about such things here lest the Lawyers might think we don’t have a case.

Is this a help website for Finasteride sufferers or is this more to do with putting a “case” together? Because gee, I came here to get help and possibly recover from my problems. You can have the money any day, I just would like my health back.

How you could possibly want to sacrifice even the remotest chance of recovery in exchange for what you ASSUME one of these doctors might think is just incredibly insane, agenda driven and to be quite frank - selfish.

No-one stops your endless campaign about hormonal problems, receptor down regulation and keeping everything looking nice and “western” but if someone hints at another idea that contradicts your way of thinking, then somehow you think you have the right to tell that person they are wrong and to stop talking about it. I try and ignore your posts Mew but man, I just can’t not say anything. And now it seems by reading back through this thread, I’m not the only one who thinks you’re out of line.

There are guys popping up left right and centre complaining of prostate issues, candida issues and bacterial infections. They would like to get their health back and it seems they are taking big steps forward.

Having said all of that, I appreciate that you keep this place running Mew, it must take a lot of time and energy. I am always thankfull this place exists no matter what.

I agree wholeheartedly.

Mew, would you care to explain to me how my libido roared back to life just hours after a colonic irrigation session?

Any doctor who doesn’t beleive in leaky gut syndrome is miles behind the times. Any good doctor who has the time would check for this condition as your gut is closely related to your liver function. EVERYTHING passes through your liver.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yeah Mew.

And while you’re at it, why don’t you stop your endless “world is round” campaign.

What is it with this constant spherical world agenda?

You want to believe science, because science tells you the world is round. Lol. Science is what got us into this mess in the first place.

I and quite a few other guys here have walked around a lot, and the world looks pretty flat to us. Have any guys here fallen off the world? No.

Deal with it.

You’re insinuating that Mew actually has all the answers…

Does he?

I’m happy for solonjk and I hope he continues to recover. I don’t believe he is trying to mislead anyone in anyway. But, I know that I had no health issues at all prior to Fin. I had a perfectly healthy and normal prostate which Fin likely shrunk to nothing. Alot of other guys have said the same. I bet more than 50% were completely healthy.

Furthermore, there have been several second hand reports of Dr. Shippen checking prostates and as far as I know he’s never concluded that is the root or even a contributing cause of our condition. He’s seen hundreds of us over the years. If there was a pattern here I can’t imagine he wouldnt have identified it.

Anyway, I’m not sure how productive these arguements are. Right now we should be focused on further media attention, gaining the interest of the research community and funding, in that order.


And we should be proactive and try to figure this thing out using every option that is available to us.

I doubt he checked the prostate to this extent… he is not a uro.

Your totally right. This just re-enforces the fact that PFS is not just one issue but many (metabolic?) issues that are unique to each individual case. And that’s why we should treat each case as such.

In my situation I know I had a sluggish liver and hypothyroid. I did however have a completley normal sex life. Did Finasteride “push me over the edge”? I don’t know.

Out of curiosity how much does Dr Shippen know about prostate issues? How far does he go to establish there is no issue there?

There is no one shoe fits all approach here. No scientific peer group study is going to provide us with a silver bullet. Maybe down the track if it turns out that one thing is the root cause (I doubt it). But how long do we wait? 5 years? 10 years? 50 years?

No thankyou. I’m trying to keep an open mind to all sorts of medicine that makes sense to try. Whether mainstream media agrees with it or not.

No, Shippen is not a urologist. I believe he holds certifications in both endocrinology and surgery in PA. Since he has spent alot of his career focused on testosterone and other issues of mens health I’d really be shocked if there was a pattern of infected/inflamed prostates that he has missed over the couse of the last 10 yrs.

Yes, but what this doctor in Europe is talking about is a type of “hidden” prostatitis. If he claims he is curing PFS it simply can’t be ignored.

ive taken some prostate medicine before for 6-10 weeks…it’s not the cause…

sick of these PFS doctors tr ying to make money off us

Oh I’ve taken a prostate medicine for 8+ years, and it’s definitely the 'cause :wink:

[Size=4]{FINASTERIDE, in case anyone was wondering}[/size]

Ok, a couple of things.

  1. Not to get all John Lennon-ish on everyone…but…imagine, if one could read through some of these threads without having to sift through personal attacks or the expression of absolute certainty that one theory or hypothesis or angle or treatment suggestion or lead was invalid or less plausible than any other…imagine that earnest disagreement or critique was diplomatically expressed (again, without the arrogance of inflexible certainty)…imagine how much time we’d all save, newcomers and veterans. Imagine how much more productive conversations would be. Imagine how much more motivated people would be to express their unorthodox ideas or treatments (failed ones as well as successful ones), and thus contribute to the collective historical record of what has been done to try to treat PFS. If someone is feeling better, or making marginal but not insignificant improvements not unlike those reported by folks pursuing conventional, accepted hormonal means, but is using something off the beaten path—they know not to post, because instead of appreciation for reporting back, their credibility is questioned, the real-ness of their PFS is questioned. And then we bemoan why some people never come back and report. A guy can work his heart out on a theory, post it, and then with one line, somebody says “NOPE, THAT’S JUST NOT TRUE.” Imagine a doctor did that to you when you told them about your sexual side effects and finasteride; oh wait, not that hard to imagine, right?

Here’s an example of one way to express dissent:

I disagree with this premise, I don’t think that this phenomenon exists because XYZ, however, if you’re experiencing some relief by treating ABC, then perhaps it’s something worth examining for those like you who have EFG in their histories. Again, I don’t think this is PFS, but you may have some additional or secondarily-induced health issues.

And that’s if you just really have to chime in at all.

  1. Since clear-cut recoveries are rare and multi-faceted with respect to treatment protocols, since PFS is so vast in symptoms covered, since standardized clinical protocols for known, accepted diseases are always so far behind actual practical knowledge, since PFS was barely recognized until recent publications and media attention somewhat legitimized it, how can anyone be so damn certain of anything? Anything at all?! How can anyone say that a certain condition is not legitimate because the same standard medical community that created, approved, issued and continues to exonerate this drug says it is not legitimate?

There may or may not be an autoimmune pattern for any number of us, for a small (like, say, a Merk-ish 2% of us small) or large per cent of us. There may or may not be a distinct type of prostatitis as part of the causative pathology for some or many or all of us. Direct injections into the prostate with antibiotics may or may not be helpful to us (or anyone–I don’t know!). Deep massages of calcified inflamed prostate tissue may or may not be helpful to us. Androgen resistance, mutated genes, again, may or may not be at play, or perhaps to just a slight degree. Our livers may or may not have anything to do with the situation. People may or may not have thyroid issues (ok, we know most do). And really, any combination of these things could be at work here. And we might be predisposed because of one of the above conditions or suffer them later, as complications. Or something else entirely. Since we don’t really know, how can we hold any single theory, doctor’s opinion, or treatment idea above any other? How are the anecdotal accounts of those who suffered from prostatitis or leaky gut (and who’ve recovered–shit, go read a book review on amazon) any less legitimate than the anecdotal accounts of us PFS sufferers? Does it matter in the eyes of those who’ve diagnosed and treated and recovered from these conditions whether or not you believe them, or a guy with a medical diploma believes them? It doesn’t, right? If I went to some faraway tribe, completely detached from civilization and was given some elixir to drink and POOF! I recovered, do you think I would care if an M.D. acknowledged the potency of that elixir, or if it fit in line with an accepted narrative for a mechanism of PFS?

We’ve all heard about the scientist who’s lost his car keys, right? When asked why he’s only searching under the street lamp, he replies “Because that’s the only place I can see.” Likewise, we’re all looking where we can see, where doctors think they can see, and where are individual and collective biases lead us to look. I’m just not ready to assign omniscient status to any one doc, or discount any doc. Or theory. Or treatment.

We know one absolute thing on this board: we were brought together because we took this pill. So if there was a need to screen for something, we weren’t told so. If there were potential things to monitor, we weren’t told so. If there were higher risk groups, we weren’t told so. And we sure as hell weren’t told that side effects could be indefinite or permanent even after discontinuation. So now, here we are, some 10 years later since the first people first congregated online to share their pain, and tell me…are we any closer to that magic bullet of a treatment? How then, can we afford to be so damn sure that we know the answer, and that a new route of treatment, or new variation of an old concept is not worth exploring?