Prostatitis treatment as a novel insight into Finasteride related problems

you can simply ban me or erase me
judging from the financial harm i have suffered from this forum
from all your insane findings

and the multiple insults from lunatics
i don’t think i have anything to earn from staying here

i think you have done a lot of harm as well
i traveled back and forth to europe coz of your multiple studies freaking me out and used up hundreds of pills to help me while i needed none
let alone the tests (10 grant or more)
let alone the psychological mess for years
staying in a freaking rollercoaster
next time be a doctor or ask a doctor
think and then post

but you insisted
its hormonal
now its genetics

when people get mutated
then help them out of it

stick the rules up your behinds like i use the wand
maybe this clears your brain fog

by the way im 32

hit me back when im 64
see who spend his life better
me treating my prostate and sexual health
or you waiting on gene therapy
and the rest of the misinformed gang

I don’t have time for this nonsense, and I find your attitude towards others and manner of speaking rude and disgusting.

Since you state you have nothing to offer this group, and continue to insult others, I will honor your wish for your account to be banned. Best of luck.

keep up the agenda

this is important topic. because I believe prostatitis caused all our problems. Low libido, ed, shrinking, genital anestesia …

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It is difficult to diagnose. treatment is also difficult. they diagnosed me prostatitis. But even if you have prostatitis, sometimes it is not found in the tests.

Not really…it’s just a symptom…Insomnia, depression, suicide ideation, memory loss, tinnitus are not in any way caused by prostatitis…the problem is a lot bigger than that

prostatitis own people are also depressed. there is also the suicidal thoughts. sexual problems is sufficient reason for depression.

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What’s the treatment for prostatitis?

Usually, antibiotics. If you read the entirety of this topic, you will find that treating PFS as if it was prostatitis wasn’t a successful endevour for those who tried it.

Im going to force a doctor to examine my prostate fluid for bacteria. After looking what happened to me, i too feel like it may all related to Prostatitis. I have only physical sexual symptoms. I will post my results here if they can found something.

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same boat with you.

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Any new info?

he got prostatitis diagnosis

Yeah i treated my protatitis but nothing has changed. The problem is hormonal.

he just massaged it. I don’t think you are been cured. you should see other doctors

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Bromelain with Quercetin can be effectiv in prostatitis treatment:

Why antibiotics fix our libido? There must be prostat inflamation or nerve inflamation something like that. Because I took cipro for skin acne and last 2 days my libido rise %80.

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Prostatitis cases report loss of libido too. Its a mind- body thing. Body shuts down libido when you have more serious issues on your genital organs.

Guys, for those of us whose problems are related to the prostate (inflammation, calcification ecc), are free T/Dht boosters of any help or they are useless or possibly harmful?
I’ve just sexual sides and my uro finally told me that my prostate is inflamed, so im going anti-inflammatory route for now, but I was thinking to add some tribulus or creatine since my T is very high and i’m worried is not converting to dht as it should (although it’s j a guess).

I searched pubmed and other scientific sources but couldn’t find anything on the matter.

I’d be wary of the Tribulus though, the data on it is conflicted. And also many people here report adverse effects on it (but some report positive effect as well).

Creatine increase 5AR activity and thus DHT by around 40%. It might affect the prostate, but if it’s good or bad I can’t tell you.