Prostatitis/Hard flaccid/pelvic floor symptoms (CPPS)... A completly new view on PFS? (with pictures)

How long did it take to notice improvements?

And to clarify, you should/shouldn’t be doing abs exercises?

I’ve heard that kegels will make pelvic floor syndrome worse?

Thanks for the sharing.

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I noticed improvement the first time I did the full routine (takes about 1-2 hrs) I stopped half way through and jerked off because I actually felt a sex drive come back - Like I said before If I’m doing the program every day I do notice benefits - If I stop then the benefits fade out.

To clarify - people are having success with hard flaccid and doing ab workouts- it goes against what a normal PT would tell you I know - but many on this group and the DCT group have gone the traditional PT route and had little success - at least with this DCT stuff people are getting results - but its fucking hard work and u have to do it consistenly

Kegels are not good - don’t do that - this is not kegels its resistance stretching


I strongly believe that the sexual side effects of PFS, PAS and PSSD have something to do with pelvic dysfunction, as I said on this thread:

I’ve read a lot about hard flaccid and DCT. I almost bought this program before this coronavirus pandemic. I even sent an email to the author, but the dollar has skyrocketed against my country’s currency.

At first I was skeptical, as pelvic dysfunction may be just one of the consequences of our syndrome. But I started to think that all of our side effects (at least from the sexual part) can be caused by pelvic dysfunction, as it can simply cause pudental neuralgia and all the bizarre changes in our penises. I’ll send you a private message so we can talk better later.

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When you join the program you join the DCT facebook group (has about 300 ppl) and its great to see everyone’s progress. Like I said I find it best to do 1hr every morning and then do the assisted stretches with my dad 3 times a week when I go over to my parents for dinner. I believe short of curing PSSD/ PFS this is the best its going to get for relief - my sensitivity and HF definitely improve but like I said if I go a week and get lazy and don’t do the stretches then I lose my gains - but 1hr a day isn’t bad if it means I will have better sex with my gf that night

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Do you feel the tension/build up feeling when you say sex drive? I remember that I’d always have that feeling when abstaining and it would keep increasing every day until ejaculation.

Or your mental libido is fine, and the pelvic floor exercises reestablishes connection the brain to balls/dick.

I had a good reaction when I decided to relax the pelvic floor and flex the muscles above my buttcrack, like there was a tail to wag.

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I’m assuming shockwave therapy would help with this too.

Plenty of people on the DCT forum have tried shockwave and its expensive and very ineffective

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Hey guys! I’ve discovered same situation with you all! My symptoms %100 about pelvic floor. I’ve spoken plenty of people who has got Hard Flaccid syndrome, the symptomps same with me. How is your situation, I’ve bought DCT as well gonna start soon. I went physiotherapist and he told me that my pelvic musces so tight. So I think the DCT is key. Could you please PM me?

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what is dct ?

Dynamic Contraction Technique - google it

I have spent the last 2 years researching hard flaccid and DCT is BY FAR the best option. Lots of people getting better.

Its hard work but worth it - and the creators are always looking to make the program even better, they have so many ppl doing it with hard flaccid that their knowledge of the condition is getting better and better. So they understand this more than doctors or regular pelvic floor PT

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Can i have the name of the physical therapy centre please.

There has been a lot of activity in my thread after my absence, so I just answer in general.

In fact, I came across DCT through my research and tried it. It actually improved my pain a lot, and also a bit the feeling. But it’s not a cure and just another symptom of this shit.
The pelvic floor alone does not explain symptoms like anhedonia, brain fog etc.
It is obvious that this is a more complex thing.
In the meantime, I assume there is neuromuscular damage. The pudendal nerve could also be affected by chronic inflammation.

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Where did you read that it affects glutathione and do you know if it would therefore be useful to take it in supplement form?

I dont have access to the study anymore but the link that used to work to the graph was

We also had 8 of 8 that tested for glutathione with low levels including myself.

I actually recently starting taking Glutathione again at night. It definitely helps wit sleep and I do notice an overall benefit as well.

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Can i ask what dose u take and do u have the s-acetyl one?

Reduced Glutathione powder. I take about 300mg 5 nights a week.

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