PropeciaHelp's only Coronavirus Vaccine topic. Read before posting

Got my second dose today (AZ), nothing except a sore arm.


Briefly wanted to chime in and report that I had my second Pfizer shot on friday morning.

Only sore arm on the first day. Second day I was definitely feverish, tired, headaches, no appetite, but that resolved after 1 day. Probably a normal reaction. No notable problems now.

Anyway, hopefully less risk of long covid now and can finally meet friends and go to more crowded places. Hope to date and perhaps travel more confidently again soon.

I believe the vaccines are safe for PFS patients.

Cheers guys


Had my second BionTech/Pfizer shot on Wednesday. Apart from a sore arm for two days (first shot: three days) I had no issues whatsoever.


I received the johnson and johnson vaccine on the 17th and noticed absolutely nothing…but I am so sick and weak I could barely walk to the clinic to get the shot…But was expecting to get sick like everyone I knew did…

I received my second Pfizer BionTec Vaccination on 30 august and I have more problems to come out of my bed since this day. It’s now three.weeks that I feel fatigue after the second vaccination.


Update, to my huge basic problems with PFS since 6 April 2021 l have felt an increased fatuige since my second Pfizer BionTec Vaccination on 30 Aug 2021. It’s three months now.

Looks like I’m the first isotretinoin guy to report my vaccine sides here.
I was vaccinated with the first dose of Pfizer (I’m getting my second shot soon). I didn’t even feel the needle and didn’t notice any side effects that day, not even a sore arm. However, the next day I felt some pain in my arm and got some fever in the evening. The body temperature was pretty high, but there was no headache or nausea. The day after I felt a bit weaker than usual, but mostly fine. Also I had cold sweat several nights after the vaccination. And probably some palpitations, but that could be just false impression. One more weird side effect I experienced was unnaturally bright ring of reddening around my glans that I noticed in the morning after my vaccination. There was no itching or pain or whatever else. And no rash anywhere else too. It disappeared gradually in two days without any treatment (except some oral antihistamine). Never experienced anything like that before.

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I second Ultra on this one,

I too have PAS from isotretinoin and got my first Pfizer vaccine more than 3 weeks ago. Had put it off for a while due to the obvious bad experience I had with medications in the past. But I bit the bullet and went to get it done due to my need to travel around christmas time. I cannot report any adverse effects other than a stuffy nose for a few days and a sore arm. Other than that it hasn’t hindered my recovery at all, I’m still getting better and I would recommend everybody to get the vaccine if that is what you desire. Not all medicine is equal and what we experienced with Finasteride and Isotretinoin is very rare. Don’t let one bad experience cloud your thinking.


Holy shit, Omicron.

At least one sample of Omicron has acquired the Delta spike protein mutation P618R. Its 4.5x the Rt value of Delta despite mitigations.

Any good movies to watch at theatres before Omicron takes over the world?


Well, that was to be expected.

As for the movies… I’m curious abot the new Ghostbusters, but tbh I don’t expect much.

Got my third shot yesterday.

In keeping with The Ghostbusters mention above, I have “crossed the streams” and have had Astra Zenica and now Pfizer’s vaccine too.

Arm is sore, tired. Nothing else remarkable.

My biggest complaint is that 3 vaccinations down and I’ve got no stickers.


I got my booster shot from Pfizer a week ago (a week after getting the Flu shot). Nothing remarkable happened. My arm was barely sore, I actually forgot I got the shot.

My first two COVID-19 vaccinations were Moderna.

Only complaint is that I lost my vaccination card and don’t have my third sticker.

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Matrix Resurrection and Spider-Man: No Way Home

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Very cold of you to mention that you got 2 stickers. :cry:


Would like to see the new Matrix but though I wear a mask in public, I’m not keen on watching a movie wearing one, which is the rule now here in the UK. Bummer.

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Had Pfizer booster today. Nothing to report so far, just a dead arm. Worse than last time but nothing concerning.

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Had my booster Monday last week. After two Pfizer doses, it was Moderna this time. Had a bit of a sore arm for the first day and felt a bit off the day after, but that went away quickly.

Movie was not the best. Would not recommend.

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So the biggest thing I’ve had from the booster is extreme lethargy the next day. I am very very tired and just feel like sleeping.

Got my first dose of Pfizer Yesterday. For a moment only diarrhea, tiredness and sore arm. I was late for this vaccination due to bad experiences with drugs.