Prohormone supplement: epiandrosterone

Epiandrosterone is a natural metabolite of DHEA, via 5ar:

If you have taken, or are taking any epiandrosterone prohormone based supplements, please post your experiences here.
An example of an epiandrosterone based supplement is ‘Androhard’ , by primordial performance, but this product has been discontinued.

I am taking EpiAndro (an epiandrosterone based supplement).
I’ve taken my first few doses with no adverse effects so far.

please keep us updated with any positive or negative effects. based on cdnuts recovery, I will consider adding such a supplement within a couple months.

Taking 5-Alpha by Forerunner Labs. Doubling the dose, nothing to report yet.

Good news is that you haven’t experienced an adverse reaction to it.
Thats a good start. According to some users, it may take a few weeks for us to see the benefits.

Any updates on the Epiandro???

I’m curious as to if it could be a suitable replacement to Androhard per cdnuts’ recovery protocol.


I would recommend the EpiAndro - it works well with a weightlifting regime.
I have finished two cycles.

After each cycle, I took 2 test boosting supps: Tribestan and Deer Antler Velvet.
Tribestan on one day, then Deer Antler Velvet the next day.
Seemed to work pretty well…

Epiandro contains epiandrosterone.
This was one of the main ingredients of Androhard so yes, EpiAndro may be a good alternative.

CDnuts protocol also includes proper diet, weightlifting and PCT (test boosting supplementation) after each cycle.

The goal is to increase the production of 5ar if I’m understanding cdnuts’ protocol correctly.

What about the libido increase on epiandro? Did you guys feel anything?
I’m thinking about buying it but I live in Brazil and our taxes are high so it will be expensive to buy it. So I would like a feedback from you guys before I buy this product.

I know Vincentv bough androhard and felt only pimples in his back but he was taking it with HCG and HCG will increase too much water retention, E2 and this just cause no libido and ED problems.

I’m waiting for answers just in case if you guys prefer send me a message.

No big change in libido, but it definitely helped with workouts in the gym, able to lift more and lift longer.

One thing to consider is that EpiAndro contains only epiandrosterone.
… whereas Androhard contained two key ingredients: epiandrosterone + androsterone

Taking epiandrosterone + androsterone might give better results?

That’s disapointing I thought you would say it increased your libido like androhard did to cdnuts.
Androhard V1 is just epiandrosterone.
One thing I think may happened to you is that LG Sciences is not that strong what I see is people taking by Iron Mag Labs and saying good things about the product and about libido. I think we should try this product and they are trying to create Epiandro-hard like a substitute to androhard will be like epiandro from IML but with more mg per capsule.

I live in Brazil it is expensive and hard to buy prohormones I will try to buy it but I think it will be just one box and I will have to wait until it arrives here.

Did you feel you getting dry when using the epiandro by LG Sciences? Because one thing we would like to get is dry from this compound cdnuts got dried out and others got too.

Could you send me by PM your e-mail. Because I think it is easier and faster to talk to you by e-mail than here

I’m talking to guys from swole source and they said the best are Epiandro RX from Iron Mag Labs and Epiandro-hard from Prescription Nutrition. I think the PN is better because it is more mg per capsule and also one guy said that his libido was higher comparing to IML.

AHv1 was best in libido, epiandro RX was the best in agression in the gym. PNs he said his libido and strenght was great. AHv1 libido was the best and strenght was amazing (that’s his words).

What I see is that epiandro from LG and 5 alpha are much much weaker than all the others I said above.


If you do decide to try one of these epiandrosterone products, I’d suggest starting on a low dose and increase gradually.

Have you thought about PCT ?

As part of my PCT, I ran a cycle of Grapefruit Seed Extract.
I took Grapefruit Seed Extract (in capsule form) for around one week.
Whilst taking Grapefruit Seed Extract, I didn’t take any other supplements. This was to avoid any potential interaction/complication.

Grapefruit seed extract inhibits aromatase:

Noniman what epiandro brand did you try? LG Sciences? How much mg did you take per day?

I read that the worst is 5 alpha test. It is very weak guys saying they took more than 6 pills per day to notice something and libido didn’t move.
LG is weak too in all the aspects but it gives some strenght.

I think it’s better run in high dosages think about AH V1 it had 250mg per capsule now the strongest that is available has only 80mg.
I will try but the guy that will sell to me just need to buy the product first because there’s no stock in his store.

I’m in other forums in Brazil but the people there just think if you have normal blood test you have psychological problems they don’t know anything about low libido, ED, no morning wood etc.

Now do you wake up with morning wood?

I don’t know if grapefruit is good to PCT. I heard that it will increase estrogens in the body.

I think my PCT will be high dosage vitamin D, E, Zinc and if I think I will run a very small dosage of tamoxifen like 1/4 EOD or E3D just for a week (the rest I will use for a month)

Could you explain what exactly PCT is? Is it just cylcing test boosting supplements? I’ve seen it all over and I know it’s what you use after using a prohormone but I don’t get what it is exactly


Have a read at this article: … one-cycle/

Post Cycle Therapy starts when you have finished taking a prohormone supplement.

If i understand correctly …
Whilst taking a prohormone supplement your testosterone levels may increase.
Your body may sense this and lower your natural testosterone production in an attempt to bring test levels down to ‘normal’ levels.

After taking a prohormone supplement, your natural testosterone production may have been downgraded and
may stay in the downgraded state unless you take a PCT med/supplement.

A PCT supplement is something that helps to boost your natural testosterone production and basically gets your balls working again.
The supplement could be something like resveratrol, tribulus or it could be stronger meds such clomid/tamoxifen/HCG.

Boosting testosterone production too much may lead to other problems such as aromatisation (an increase in estrogen). So careful not to overdo it.
I would not touch meds such as clomid/tamoxifen/HCG etc unless you are under guidance from your doctor/medical specialist.

Thanks, this is good info on PCT and the reasons.
I have a question though…

What are the specifics of the cycles?

Does this mean you take prohormones on day one and PCT on day two? Or does it mean a cycle of (days,weeks) on prohormones and then a cycle of (days,weeks) on PCT?

What are the recommended days/weeks on each cycle?


Most prohormone manufacturers recommend you take their product for several weeks, e.g. 4 weeks.
When finished you’d normally take a PCT supplement/medication for the same period.

An example:

  • 4 weeks of prohormone supplementation
  • followed by 4 weeks of PCT supplementation

Instead of using clomid/tamoxifen for PCT, cdnuts cycled natural testosterone boosters.

From what i gather, cdnuts protocol went something like this:

  • 4 weeks of prohormone supp/s, followed by
  • 4 weeks of PCT with a different supplement on each day of the week, e.g.
    Monday: Resveratrol / Res100
    Tuesday: Tongkat ali
    Wednesday: Tribulus
    Thur: Mucuna Pruriens
    Friday: Passion Rx
    Sat/Sun: Estrogen control with DIM/Chrysin

I bought I bottle of epi from iron man labs received today. Will let u guys know how it goes.
id Like to know the difference between regular dhea and epiandrosterone