Prohormone supplement: epiandrosterone

Hey noni – I could be wrong (awaiting clarification from cdnuts), but as I understand it, his approach was:

-T-BOOST KICKOFF 4-6 weeks
1) DHT 6 weeks <-----cdnuts said you could stretch this longer to one user*
2) PCT 4 weeks <-----Wicked Supplements STACK (Res100 PLUS TocoCaps PLUS TranSynergy DAA)
3) T-Boost 6 weeks <---------rotate one diff T-booster DAILY, 7-10 days. The PassionRx is NOT to be rotated; it’s for special occasions, i.e. if you have to be w/ a chick. So, really, we need to find 3-4 more proven T-boosters to add to the rotation.

My understanding is that these are 1 through 3 are indefinitely repeated sequential steps (DHT/prohormones, followed by a month of “PCT”, and THEN rotating T-boosters). Again, I could be wrong.

ANTI-E – 1x/Wk or as needed <----unsure if this is to be used throughout, or just during one of the phases. Anyone?

While I’m at it, might as well post a concise summary of the rest of cdnuts’ plan:
-fast or juice cleanse
-eat “paleo” / clean / real food / no intoxicants
-take methylated or “active” forms of vitamins, take liquid minerals
-lift weights + do sprints
-carb backload (eat carbs in PM, eat more carbs after workouts)
-incorporate DHT/PCT/T-boosting regmine indefinitely
-meditate / relax / find outlets

-options: Celtic Dreams Spray (Allopregnanolone) for sleep/calm, Grass-Fed Whey Protein (w/BCAAs?)

Thank you for the details. But it appears CDNuts order of cycles is different than what you listed according to the note#2 you included.

I read it like this:

1- T-boosting supplements (cycle different one each day of week) 4 weeks.
2- Prohormones (EpiAndro is the one I’m getting) 12 - 16 weeks.
3- PCT - Wicked Supplements STACK (Res100 PLUS TocoCaps PLUS TranSynergy DAA) 4 weeks.

Then start at #1 again and repeat.

I haven’t started yet, but so far I’ve bought 2 tboosters and the wicked PCT stack.
Any recommendations on products similar to androhard?
Any mfr recommendations for tboosters?

Much appreciated! I’m already working out and putting on muscle, so I can’t wait to start cycling on this program.

Hey Towm8r – we’re saying the same thing: Tboosting Rotation, DHT cycle, PCT. Wash, rinse, repeat. Indefinitely.

I was merely trying to distinguish that cdnuts recommended a kick-off T-rotation of about a month, and in other places said that the T-boosting phases can last about 1-2 months. Elsewhere he said “all my cycles were 6 weeks.” I think the takeaway is the sequence, and that there is some flexibility, he’s a proponent of “going by feel”…

Additionally, I should have been clearer, but the second quoted excerpt of cdnuts was in the context of someone with a limited supply of AndroHard. Cdnuts was explaining how the PFSer could stretch out his supply at a lower dose for a longer time. So, again, you see how someone can customize the time frames, nothing’s set in stone, he’s set up some rough guidelines.

I think he’d say not to worry about this stuff, just follow the general big moves, and iron it out as you go along.

Did you link to his T-boosting site? They have a package you can purchase. You can also research/consider Fenugreek, Maca, Avena Sativa, Cordeceps. I’m not done researching these myself.

A question I still have is during what phase(s) to take the Anti-E – I think it’s during the PCT phase, but I want to make sure.

Also wondering how often and at what time the Celtic Dreams allo spray ought to be utilized.

If this is the EpiAndro product being referenced, is anyone else concerned about the 6,7-dihydroxybergamottin (DHB) ingredient? It appears from some quick research that it inhibits the cytochrome P450 enzyme / cyp3a4. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t this one of the negative effects of finasteride?:

I’m as anxious as anyone to find a suitable, effective, replacement to AndroHard, I just don’t want to make a hasty decision.

Is it possible that the topical DHTCream (andractim) would be a suitable replacement to Androhard?

I’ve already done one cycle and thinking about ordering more, but I just don’t know which way to turn yet.

The product i was using was EpiAndro from LG Sciences

Primary Ingredient:
Epiandrosterone (3b-Hydroxy-androstane-3b-ol,17-one)
Other Ingredient:

I took a low dose for a few days, then followed the manufacturers recommended dosage


  • produced in the adrenal glands, the gonads, and the brain
  • Functions as an androgen (a male hormone) with anabolic activity. Anabolic refers to the building or synthesis of tissues.
  • Is a precursor that is converted to testosterone (a male hormone). Is a precursor to estrogen (a female anabolic hormone)
  • Reverses immune suppression caused by excess cortisol levels, thereby improving resistance against viruses, bacteria and Candida albicans, parasites, allergies, and cancer.
  • Stimulates bone deposition and remodeling to prevent osteoporosis.
  • Improves cardiovascular status by lowering total cholesterol and LDL levels, thereby lessening incidences of heart attack.
  • Increases muscle mass. Decreases percentage of body fat.
  • Involved in the thyroid gland’s conversion of the less active T4 to the more active T3.
  • Reverses many of the unfavorable effects of excess cortisol, creating subsequent improvement in energy/ vitality, sleep, premenstrual symptoms, and mental clarity.
  • Accelerates recovery from any kind of acute stress (e.g., insufficient sleep, excessive exercise, mental strain, etc.).

References: … enals.aspx


  • An epimer of androsterone.
  • A natural metabolite of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) via the 5α-reductase enzyme.

Epiandrosterone is considered to be a two-step precursor to the active male androgen
DHT, utilizing two metabolic enzymes in vivo to reach the target hormone;
they are 3b-HSD and 17b-HSD.

References: … lained.pdf

How can supplementing epiandrosterone increase 5-alpha-reductase when epiandrosterone is downstream of 5-alpha-reductase?

You would think the complete opposite effect was true, and that supplementing the product of 5-alpha-reductase would reduce production of the enzyme.

any update please inform us any results good or bad about your pct