Progesterone treatment?

Congratulations man. Hope you can sustain your improvements.

Anyone experienced inability to ejaculate while on progesterone?

New here guys! Very interesting thread, and I am SO happy I came across it!

Long story short, I took Saw Palmetto for 4 months along with Rogaine from June 2010 to October 2010. Once I got off cold turkey I gained 15 lbs in 2 weeks! DHT in April 2011 measured borderline low, while free T and total T measured low-normal. My body temp had dropped to 97.0-98.0 consistently. Not too much brain fog or sexual sides, just the weight gain and brain fog.

Then from August 2011 to January 2012 I was taking topical RU58841 (not sure how many people are familiar with it, but it’s a strong Anti Androgen that doesn’t inhibit Alpha 5 Reductase). That is where things got worse. I noticed my testicles had shrunk about 25%-35% in volume, grew breast tissue, flaccid penile shrinkage, low libido, feeling cold, not interested in doing anything, anxiety/depressed.

My current Endo has put me on Thyroid meds and my Temp is back up to normal, but that is the only plus. My blood work from last month had shown my Total and Free T and borderline low, while my estrogen/E2 (although not the Sensitive Assay) were normal. My SHBG is also low normal. I can still get erections, but I have to kind of rub it to get it going.

So do you think my sides are mostly Low T driven, or originally from the Saw Palmetto/Rogaine usage? I guess my story is pretty complex. I’m worried because my Endo wants to put me on Testosterone/Progesterone cream. That is why I specifically posted within the thread (NOT trying to hijack, but I tried posting a thread and it never showed up, plus this thread has a lot to do with the Progesterone). Do you think I should just ask for the Progesterone itself, or would the Testosterone help? I just don’t want to make things worse than they already are. I am REALLY interested in this protocol that many users in this thread are currently using.

One last question, would taking the 3alpha-diol G and the Androsterone glucuronide tests be the real way to determine how well I’ll respond to the therapy? Thanks guys.

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stopped this protocol a few days ago. i might pick it up again in a few days, not sure. wasn’t feeling too much benefit. i did start GNC’s amino acid formula yesterday though and i do feel slightly less foggy and more energized. gonna keep this up.

gonna give lights protocol a go soon,my progesterone cream and macca are on the way from biovea,although couldnt get the liquid deprenyl from anti aging sysems as they wont ship that certain item to the u.k,fingers crossed i get some benefit,in my sixth year of p.f.s now…

Very interesting thread. The question is, that stupid demyelination. I hope the researchers will assess if myelin in the androgen dependant zone of the spinal chord is affected. There might be slight damage to the myelin sheats, and maybe high grade Tesla instruments need to be used to identify these damages. It is important, because once we manage to rebalance the neurosteroids, we need to boost the myelin regeneration if there is damage (I do think so, and I strongly think that crashes are due to inflammations; avoid them as pest). The pattern is phenomenologically identical to MS.

I think that progesterone can block/reverse this damage, like allopregnanolone. However, I’m unsure if the neurosteroids synthesis gets rebalanced. Please light at the end, do you know what was your progesterone and 3adiolg before starting the protocol? and do you know where they are now? if no, could you really please make these two exams? this can give you an idea of what is your probability to lose progress. If neurosteroids are still unbalanced, I think this can happen unfortunately.
You would also help us.

Also, don’t forget that myelin is also present around the axons of the peripheral nerves (like the pudendal nerve). I think probably that nerve is affected too in it’s myelin sheats.

If you currently work or plan to apply to work please be aware that in the US you will need a prescription for selegiline. It shows up on a drug test as Methamphetamine. This is noted on numerous sites.

Is it possible that progesterone acts on the cellular level. So may it is able to change something finasterid did harm? … .html?_r=0

Ahhhhhh and here is what I believe to be most important, and this is a quote from the article:

“In fact, small amounts of progesterone are found in the brains of both women and men, suggesting that it has neuroprotective as well as reproductive functions”

and now people, what if, lets just say what if, that small amount of progesterone was depleted or was inbalance to estrogen…what might happen then???

smoking gun


I would like to know if there are guys using progesterone by now…

I’ve been using it for about four weeks and have noticed improvements in both my mental and sexual side effects. I did go from using 10 mg to only 5 in the morning though.

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I do, and I feel much better in the moment mentally. Sexual improvements are given, but I don´t feel cured. But I am only doing it for 5 days or so.

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Please, to those that are taking progesterone, do you know what is your analysis for progesterone and 3adiol G?
It it throughly normale it might take time with progesterone, theoretically talking.

Just a quick question

Is all progesterone available without a prescription ?

Yes you can order progesterone cream. It is available in internet.

@tab: I don´t know my levels - but who cares. It may help.

When this is all said and done, and the dust clears…they will discover that the problems arises from a lack or imbalance of progesterone/estrogen in the BRAIN which has caused a cascade effect involving low testosterone as well as improper functioning of the thyroid…you can print it!!

Yes anectodal reports are that 5mg is the most that should be used. Also hate to be graphic but it’s best to insert anally

This one’s new
Allopregnanolone-mediated protective effects of progesterone on tributyltin-induced neuronal injury in rat hippocampal slices.

When the cortisol-production-line hormones progesterone and cortisol are too downregulated, then cells will aromatase T into E2, and use the E2 to oppose T metabolism and DHT metabolism. To our cells, this is “Plan B”. “Plan A” is to use progesterone and cortisol to oppose / downregulate T and DHT metabolism.

While using E2 to oppose T metabolism and DHT metabolism works well in cells which absorb DHT from serum, it works very poorly in cells which manufacture their own DHT (eg: prostate, and hair follicles, ie: all cells with plenty of 5α reductase). Hence these cells continue to experience too high DHT metabolism even in the presence of too high E2.

At the onset of male pattern baldness, our progesterone and our cortisol have gone too low, which would allow T metabolism and DHT metabolism to go too high, so our cells invoke their secondary defence mechanism and increase E2, and they then use E2 to oppose T metabolism and DHT metabolism.

High E2= estrogen dominance = estrogen dominance=what we fell in the flesh and bones