Progesterone treatment?

I still think progesterone and its metabolites are important here. It’s just a difficult balancing exercise between progesterone metabolites and testosterone metabolites. Increasing one decreases the other. Negative effects come from its anti androgen action.

Perhaps alternate progesterone with androgen supplementation would work.

19, have u thought about trying low dose prozac?

Careful with prozac

Yeah supposedly low dose like 2mg instead of the 20-25mg used to treat depression is the key.


1 week of the current protocol and results are very promising thus far:

*Progesterone Cream @ 10mg twice daily (morning and at night)
*Pregnenolone 50mg ED
*5000iu Vitamin D ED
*Calcium+Magnesium+Zinc ED
*Boron 10mg ED

*Improved Sleep
*Improved Energy
*Slightly improved libido (first time i’ve actually felt any resemblance of the old libido in the last 2 days)
*Morning and nocturnal erections are clock-work!
*Anxiety/Depression Gone (but this was somewhat on its way in the last 2 months anyway)
*Day-Time Erections = awesome
*No change to testicular size thus far, maybe ever so slightly fuller
*Have not noticed any improvements in semen volume thus far (only been 1 week though)
*Lucid dreams are a plus too! I swear to you they are in HD resolution!

Think i’m gonna do 3 weeks on and 1 week off for the next 4-5 months.

Thinking about also including a nootropics stack into the mix, get those GABA receptors firing. Thinking the deprenyl is a touch too hardcore seeing as though i’m not borderline suicidal anymore lol.

Outlook: Didn’t expect anything to happen in the first month or two so … Extremely positive! … Think light at the end was definitely onto something here, good work brother. Also had a chat to a very knowledgeable brother on UKM message boards that deals with all things hormonal and testicular… hes had years of experience writing out protocols, helping dudes that’ve fucked themselves up on roids and shit like fin. Cross-referencing what he has emailed me with light at the ends results, gives me much confidence! If this shit sorts me out I am in your debt light at the end.



May 9

to me

OK, this looks pretty simple to me, the HCG gave you a spike in testosterone as evident by your over the top numbers of testosterone.
But, HCG also cripples your LH, FSH some, but not as bad.
The Clomid by itself would put your PH over the top, but with HCG, it will not fire the pituitary in the presence of the HCG, thus the low numbers of LH.

I do not feel that you are secondary as looking at your numbers from your first test, and remember again, HCG will totally negatively affect LH in a bad way.
With the 11 shots EOD or E3D this did not give Clomid enough time to allow the pituitary to be more sensitive to GnRH as the Clomid would have done.
Remember that clearance time of HCG is about 3 days or so, so you add the 11 shots EOD that would be 21 days, then 3 days of clearance time 25 days, then you have little time with the Clomid to do its job.

Me personally I would do 20mg nolva now, and like 25mg Clomid every single day for 2 months, I also would take 5000iu vitamin D ED as well, as it is known to bump testosterone levels in men when deficient in that.
Could take boron at 10mg for 21 days then drip that in half, it tends to curb estrogen some, bump up testosterone some, and I think even free test by lowering SHBG which yours is a bit up anyway from the first test lowering free testosterone.

Your issue no doubt is from that DHT inhibiting drug, did you know that the prostate get cellular damage when DHT is inhibited?
There is much speculation on how to treat this, some even suggest progesterone, some pregnenolone as this is a precursor to all sex steroids, and great for mood, the dose is 50mg and this can’t hurt you but make you feel better, and give you the raw materials to make sex steroids.
You can read about it here:

Don’t worry about testicular size, that means nothing in the scope of things.

Do not use any more HCG/HMG, you will then run the risk of desensitization issues, and or damage to the leydig cells from excessive stimulation.

I am on UKM and have been there for years, that is where I help the most amount of dudes, and it is out of the UK.



Beekay- since starting this protocol you have had a spike in lucid dreams? This is very important IMO

Finatruth… 1080P resolution mate! Huge spike… don’t know if its the Progesterone or the Pregnenolone or both in synergy

interesting, very interesting. How and where are you applying progesterone? How and where are you applying Pregenlone? Ive always noticed more lucid dreams=better sleep=better erections=more sexual thoughts=better ejaculation=better sensitivty etc.

Progesterone cream … rotate it around from neck, chest abdomen, arms etc…

Pregnenolone oral tabs … once in the morning at 50mg

Beekay- hmmmm the neck is extremely interesting, by your carotid artery? I wonder what delivering progesterone to the brain would do. Some have suggests I intranasally, others intravenous, other say the neck by artery.

beekay I highly recommend to start with low dose nolvadex, like 5mg. I bet you won’t need any more and will make everything worse with any dose above 10mg.

Right now I’m on 5mg tamoxifen and it feels good if I’m countering estrogen with arimidex. Without ari I get very anxious in the evening and my sleep gets destroyed.

Major improvements in only 3 weeks. Amazing protocol thus far… no doubt in my head anymore that a month or two from now i’ll be cured. I seem to be responding exceptionally well to this protocol.

no doubt its primarily the progesterone that’s the key to this puzzle… no doubt that addition of pregnenolone + vitamin D @ 5000iu is speeding up the process and providing all the raw materials. Pregnenolone has also been a wonder in terms of mood, sleep and complete annihilation of depression/anxiety symptoms. Not sure if the Boron is having any effect, Not sure if the Cal+Mag+Zinc is having any effect, but it cant hurt but provide more raw materials i suppose and balance hormones.

Symptoms check:

  • Libido - Horny almost every single day now %50 improvement
  • Erections - Rock Hard and has not failed me at all especially in the last week and a half or so. Morning & Nighting erections are clockwork nearly every single night but most importantly, Spontaneous Erections have started to happen over the past week and a half. I now look at a sexy female and feel that slight tickle of arousal that i’ve been missing all this time. %90 improvement
  • Loads - Definitely less watery, more volume with much better texture and colour %50 improvement
  • Sensitivity - Much Improved but not 100% just yet
  • Testicular Size - Whilst that actually size has not improved dramatically, My sack and balls in generally feel alot fuller and heavier and hang lower. %30 improvement
  • Anxiety / Depression - Non-existent in the last 2 weeks. Cured %100 improvement
  • Brain Fog - Cured %100 improvement
  • Energy - Whilst i am still quite fatigued, the ratio of bad days to good days is immense. no Doubt i was suffering from adrenal fatigue which seems to be improving by the day. %50 improvement

I did my first 2 weeks and whilst I did not see a dramatic improvement when on the progesterone. The discontinuation of the 4 days as per light at the ends protocol had a sort of bounce back effect that persisted. I’m currently 1 week into my next round.

After the 1st round of 2 weeks of progesterone, i shot 1500iu’s of HCG into my shoulder, and unlike my previous protocol, the rise in T thats expected had a tremendous effect on libido, erections and all the above symptoms. It would seem that whilst our bodies are in a state of imbalance between progesterone and estrogen, HCG has little to no effect on symptoms as increasing T alone does nothing but increase E2 along with it and naturally puts a more direct imabalance between T,E2 and Progesterone. Through my experience though, once that imabalance was slightly fixed, I immediately experienced how a rise in T should actually feel like!

I can’t scientifically prove any of what i’ve discussed, I can only tell you what my experiences prove to me. Next step is to have a blood test at the end of the 2nd round of the 2 week progesterone stint and compare the results.

Light at the End - you’re a champ mate!


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Great news! I hope it continues.

wow maybe i will try that too

Beekay- did you apply the cream to your neck near carotid artery? What brand and where did you get the oral preganalone?

Mate I rotate it around… Don’t think it matters too much where you apply it as long as it absorbs properly. Just try to stay away from areas with too much fat.

All products were purchased from Biovea as per light at the end

I am trying progesterone again. Again similar effects to last time - increased erections yes and better sleep at first BUT increased fatigue (when i get home i fall asleep straight away) etc…

I think we might need to combine progesterone with something like HCG to get all the benefits. Progesterone is important. I can feel it doing something positive but the fatigue, the drying of my skin point, slowing of beard growth make me concerned we need more testosterone.

Beekay had high testosterone going into his protocol.

An idea.

I’m going to take a number of days off progesterone and take pregnenolone.

you getting any hairloss from the progesterone??? mine started shedding like crazy after a few weeks on it…

When I get hair shedding and itching I get improved sexual functioning.

Ok, but in robbo’s case, i think he said along with the hair problems, that their sexual functioning also worsened. The same happened in my case.