Problem Diagnosed. Pudendal nerve entrapment

Finally I was diagnosed by a doctor overseas. I was diagnosed after one consultation and the diagnosis was confirmed by nerve latency test which showed bilateral delay of signal from pudendal nerve. I also did electromyographic test but that one was normal. There is a treatment available: Pudendal nerve decompression surgery. I had to come back to the US and will go back overseas for the surgery in March. I do not trust the US healthcare system anymore. What a bunch of fucked up idiotic doctors we have here!



Think it’s a symptom but not the cAuse, be careful I have gotten better naturally after 2 years

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Surgery is a huge and drastic step. I agree with finatruth in the sense that you need to be careful. Really think this through before you do it.

Whatever you decide, I wish you the very best of luck.

I’ve been needlessly operated on to treat PFS, and regret it. I wish I had gotten second and third opinions and waited and been talked out of this.

You have to make the best decision for yourself with all the data you have, but knowing that some people eventually recover, I would be afraid that any physical diagnosis, assuming it’s even accurate, is a downstream manifestation of the root PFS condition. Unless the root cause is found and addressed, what’s to stop this physical issue from reemerging?

Just my advice, I wish you luck whichever path you take.

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This does not explain the mental side-effects. Also, it is known the PFS patients have tense pelvic floor muscles… Dr. Goldstein told me this and his physiotherapist has exercises for it. Based on my experience. This is far more likely to be a side-effect rather than the cause. This nerve entrapment has no baring on the cognitive sides. I would be more careful if I were you.


Can back you on that. I had terrible pain and after 6 months of suffering finally realised I had CPPS caused by subconsciously bracing and clenching my pelvic muscles. The condition compounds itself and gets worse because the pain causes you to instinctively clench more. Only by letting go and allowing the pain to wash over did I experience relief. Biggest epiphany ever.

If you have nerve entrapment you might want to try phisiothrrapy, with some massages to see if it helps, before getting cut open.

Which nerve is it and where?

What I think could save us, since we share the exactly same symptoms from people who took ssri, birth control pills, deca or any other steroid crash, milk thistle, accutane, anti-acids, saw palmetto etc. I think all the cures here and others I saw have something in common, testo boosters. I think when we increase androgens and our body works again, that will be the perfect time to ingest a lot of good fats, take bile salts to help detox estrogen and maybe increase testosterone by taking vitamin D or 10mg tamoxifen every other day.

Why I’m saying that? Because I saw some body builders complaining about depression, sex drive, limp dick, smaller dick, atrofied testicles, vision problems, gynecomastia, sleep problems, muscle wastage, weight gain, watery ejaculate from steroid crash. And they recover from taking high dosage of tribulus like 6g per day with tamoxifen, high fat diet, complex carbs. Since asparagus works like tribulus or even better, we may be closer to the cure.

So I don’t think pfs is an unique condition to us, because the others face the same symptoms.

I would like finatruth could tell me how he cook, he eats the asparagus because I wanna try it and when I feel like you I will try other steps to get cured once and for all.

Please if you read this send me an email or skype

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Are you fucking kidding me? They RESPOND t-boosters, we DON’T. Thats why we have pfs, they DO NOT.

It’s also interesting that you glossed over the tamoxifen use. As if that wasn’t important. Keep telling yourself these fairy tails of you must.

Finatruth is responding to asparagus that contains protodioscin which is the ingredient that makes tribulus work. Now would you say finatruth didn’t suffer from PFS? Cdnuts used testo-boosters, Beekay, elb and the majority of those cured people here.

Finatruth has responded to every single thing he’s tried… Now he’s on a paleo diet and responding well to that. Besides, you’d need literally tonnes of asparagus to get the same amount of protodioscin in a good trib extract. Man stop extrapolating with the data. All those guys benefited from strict lifestyle changes, diet, exercise, etc.

How similar in pathology is this to the pudendal neuropathy that a number of other PFSers have been diagnosed with ?



Finatruth is a crazy nut, he can’t possibly be getting better. I don’t believe a damn word he says.

haha… nice one. fucking depressed fuckers around here. get a life.

No one said you were crazy, just that there’s no way asparagus is the key to your improving. You do a lot. People are gonna be disappointed if they just eat a bunch of asparagus and expect to get better.

THe thing is which everyone needs to realize:

if you dont try, you will not know if it works for you or not. You cannot know jsut by theorizing. If it works for someone else, there is a chance that it might work for you aswell.

Either way, if you are complaining or not, if you are not doing anything to improve and not trying anything out, OR if you are trying out stuff like aspargasus, colon clense etc. etc.

Either way, both types of people need to go to studies, because science will get you definite answers. Everyone needs to take part in the studies. Even the more inteligent people who are doing their own protocol.

People who are complaining only are DUMB as FUCK. COMPLAINING DOESNT HELP YOU FUCKERS!

edit. Im flying to boston in decembre from germany. so you dont have a reason if you live in the us. get your asses up.

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This is basically what I was trying to say. Whenever you see a new protocol ask yourself “can it hurt me?” If the answer is “no”, incorperate that shit.

Edit - for the record, I’m on cdnuts protocol, some of chi’s, English and Mitch too. Follow the patterns, they’re there if you look hard enough.

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