What I think could save us, since we share the exactly same symptoms from people who took ssri, birth control pills, deca or any other steroid crash, milk thistle, accutane, anti-acids, saw palmetto etc. I think all the cures here and others I saw have something in common, testo boosters. I think when we increase androgens and our body works again, that will be the perfect time to ingest a lot of good fats, take bile salts to help detox estrogen and maybe increase testosterone by taking vitamin D or 10mg tamoxifen every other day.
Why I’m saying that? Because I saw some body builders complaining about depression, sex drive, limp dick, smaller dick, atrofied testicles, vision problems, gynecomastia, sleep problems, muscle wastage, weight gain, watery ejaculate from steroid crash. And they recover from taking high dosage of tribulus like 6g per day with tamoxifen, high fat diet, complex carbs. Since asparagus works like tribulus or even better, we may be closer to the cure.
So I don’t think pfs is an unique condition to us, because the others face the same symptoms.
I would like finatruth could tell me how he cook, he eats the asparagus because I wanna try it and when I feel like you I will try other steps to get cured once and for all.
Please if you read this send me an email or skype