Problem Diagnosed. Pudendal nerve entrapment

agreed, there has to be a pattern and a way to recover… if there wasnt, why did people recover?.. probably didnt change our genes therefore. HIGHLY UNLIKELY IT CHANGED THE GENES, if it did… then people whould not recover.

REcovery is possible - fact.

“only for some blablabla im depressed piece of shit… recovery is impossible blabla” go kill yourself please, but please go to the study before.

You obviously don’t have pfs if you’re getting better, must not have had it that bad blahfuckin’blah. Even if its genetic, it can be changed back.

Alle recoveries are merck agents.

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Even the ones who were here for eight years ! And big softie was paid by primordial performance (hint: primordial was ethical as all hell)

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“i dont want to evne try to recover ;/ — life is over”

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My dick fell off. Haha. We should stop now, this is mean

I know.

Sure propica is a fucking poision. FUCKing hell. Smaller dick. jaw wasted. face fucked. no libido. no semen. not horny.

But theres more to life than sex.

Realize this and move on. at the same time do a protocol, WHICH WILL BE BENIFICIAL EITHER WAY. and go to the study.

the negative emotion has no purpose in life… its a trauma. you have to move on even if you are a little crippled. Either move on or kill your self. 2 options. Both is not selectable.

I can tell already that Life is the way to go.

genetix, think really hard before going under the knife. that may or may not fix it since it’s inflammation, it might not magically disappear after pieces away.
more importantly, where did you get this tested? so many pfs people report this that this isn’t probably a coincidence (i probably won’t test it tho).

The Pudendal nerve decompression surgery has no complications whatsoever. There are many surgical approaches to do the decompression, my surgeon do it through the perineal approach. The cut is almost 1 inch, and it is an outpatient procedure

We suffer from pudendal neuropathy/entrapment and one of the symptoms of such syndrome can be completely numb genitals. This is neurogenic impotence. Pudendal neuropathy can cause prostatitis like symptoms, anal pain, tight pelvic floor, and central nervous system irritation and hence the mental side effects. The pudendal nerve controls defecation, urination, and erectile function. I believe our constipation problems is because of loss of sensation in the anal area so the stool accumulates in the sigmoid colon. Constipation leads to nerve compression and that is why we feel worse when constipated.

I do not know why did Finasteride cause this, But at least I know the diagnosis of the problem.

You need to ask for Pudendal nerve latency test. It is available in any neurology clinic. The surgery, however, is done by few surgeons all over the world. There is some skillful surgeons in the US also. I’m not going to recommend any surgeon here on this board. I’m just trying to help everyone here with the most possible diagnosis.

Here is some useful study: … nction.pdf

I received similar diagnosis and followed up with several doctors in US but was basically told I was out of luck unless some new treatments come out. No mention of surgery.

Have you sought out additional opinions and/or decided to definitely go through with the procedure?

My perineal area has atrophied (less firm and structured) after taking finasteride but a few strains of muscle (or whatever it is) feel tense and hard. Did this happen with you as well?

Yes. I have the same problem. My pernineal area has atrophied. I have problems with incomplete evacuation of the colon also and I feel there is a golf ball in my anus. They do not mention surgery here because the insurance companies wouldn’t reimburse for it because they think it is for “research purposes”. I chose surgery because it is the only treatment that will address the root cause of the problem (which is a nerve problem). It will take months for the nerve to regenerate after surgery, but I was told penile sensitivity should be restored within weeks after surgery. You will have to find a surgeon, and pay for the surgery (some surgeons may have a refinance plan? is a good source of info). I searched this forum and so far there are 12 cases with the same diagnosis. I have lost 8 years of my life living this horror and I will do whatever it takes to get myself out of it.

I really hope everything works out well. Have you done a lot of research and definitely committed to trying the surgery? If so, please keep us informed because it sounds like we have overlapping problems.

You are out of your minds. I had numbness for 2+ years, now it’s completely gone and I have full sensitivity. It’s not permanent and surgery sounds absolutely ridiculous

I really hope this works out for you, if that’s the case, you don’t have pfs. It’s not like finasteride jumped in and trapped your pudendal nerve. Personally, my perineal area was really loose, now the skin has started to tighten up again, cdnuts also found his perineal area swelled again during his recovery. viewtopic.php?f=30&t=1630&start=100 second post down.

Please consider your options very carefully before going ahead with invasive surgery.

I really hope this works out for you, if that’s the case, you don’t have pfs. It’s not like finasteride jumped in and trapped your pudendal nerve. Personally, my perineal area was really loose, now the skin has started to tighten up again, cdnuts also found his perineal area swelled again during his recovery. viewtopic.php?f=30&t=1630&start=100 second post down.

Please consider your options very carefully before going ahead with invasive surgery.
Yeah. May be I do not have pfs after all. I will keep everyone here updated if I get any success.

That’s not true necessarily. Its plausible reduced androgen levels/effectiveness weakened the perineal muscles causing the pudendal nerve to shift and get positioned in a bad place where it couldn’t send out signals properly. Androgen levels are very clearly correlated with general muscle tone/density.

PFS throws a few systems into wack which is why symptoms are so varied.

By that logic, there is at least one person who recovered from finasteride side effects in 2 weeks so the side effects are not permanent and it is absolutely ridiculous to think you have PFS. I have lived with distorted nerve function/sensation for more than half a decade that has not improved or even varied over that time. This is in addition to a handful of other PFS symptoms.

No idea if the surgery would work and I wouldn’t pursue it at this point, but neurologists have directly told me that I am SOL unless new medications hit the market in coming decades.

Perhaps a stupid question and I kinda know the answer but has anyone tried tribulus and tamoxifen and what was your experience?

Hello, @Frustrated what may be reason ,that use of propecia cause pudendal neuropathy? According to u.
Thank you

IDK but finasteride is a neuroendocrine disruptor that also regulates sexual function and behavior so wouldn’t be shocking if somewhere in that process neural circuitry regulating sexual function could get screwed up. the drug messes around w a lot of functions that are not well understood yet but they are clearly connected to important neural and endocrine functions. if some part of the system breaks down, there could be all different kinds of bad downstream effects.