Prep update and libido question

How long have you been taking it now?

Bump @Rmoney96

I don’t think he’s coming back man I’ve messaged him and tagged him a few times. I’m guessing it worked for him though if he hasn’t come back

Guess so. Hopefully!

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the man is enjoying life again :slight_smile: lets be happy for our comrades that make it out

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He joined on the 24th of October 2018. His last post was on the 20th of February. How is it not totally plausible that he recovered naturally? Or had he been struggling with severe (physical, mental and sexual) symptoms for years?

All of those stories, where a member makes improvements within months of stopping the drug (assuming he stopped in 2018) are not convincing to me.

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i get where you come from, but when it comes to prep med specifically, i am inclined to believe it due to all of the context and details in the stories.

It’d be good if people who recover would check in every now and again.

If you’re reading this and recovering / recovered, do let us all know how you’re doing.


Not logging in = recovered?

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I know its a rhetorical question but no, not logging in only means that the person has “moved on” for whatever reason. In many cases its acceptance of the situation or finding this place too emotionally stirring to visit.

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prep ? what is this medication ?

I think he’s recovered enough that he can at least live his life. He said he was getting improvements in both sexual and mental symptoms. But yes staying away from the site definitely does not correlate to recovery. I’ve taken more than a year break from the site in the past while my symptoms remain constant

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this is what i mean. im not saying “Healed” or “cured”

but side effects gone to the point where you forget about this website and dont even feel like coming back to it.


It’s an anti viral used to help stop people from getting HIV, usually people that are high risk take it every day. I don’t know a lot about it but several people with PFS and CFS have seen improvements while taking it.

Why? I haven’t the slightest idea. Maybe it’s real, maybe it’s placebo.

No changes on prep, except it was causing headaches on a week 2 , so i stopped and didn’t want other potential sides. was taking it 14 days.

Where’d you get it from? I think this will be the next thing I try. I’ll ride out whatever sides for at least a month

All day chemist has it

well, let us know if you ll get better , but i don’t think its a cure for sexual sides. although thread starter claims he had improvements almost immediately when taking it.Don’t remember anyone else drastically improved apart from him. Its enough people tried prep already. And keep in mind there is a small risk of bone loss and kidney toxicity.

I realised its duplicated thread about prep. there was another guy started this topic.

I’m going to make an appointment and consult a doctor before starting it

IF you going to see a doctor you will have to pretend you are gay, unless you are. Thats in case you want a prescription for it. But it is easy to get it without a prescription.