Prep medication, reversing pfs?

Where did you get it from ?

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Good luck!

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Thanks guys. I’ve got pfs. There’s a medical trial going on in England at the moment which means you can get it from the local sexual health clinic if you meet the criteria. It’s more available in Scotland and Wales.


Sorry to sound like a kook, but how can prep help us with PFS?
What mechanism?

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I’m not quite sure, prep works by inhibiting viral reverse transcriptase but I’m not sure how this would fit into the dna methylation theory we talk about on here

Some background info on how it may help:

These RTIs seem to have a poor record for treating this condition considering the number of people who have said they tried it vs the number of people who said it helped them.

I’m taking Prep for it’s actual intended purpose to prevent HIV, but keeping fingers crossed if there are any unexpected benefits in helping with pfs.


Good luck bro, hope it helps way more than I’s helping me. Even though I can’t complain too much :slight_smile:


I believe that all the drugs are dosage and timing dependent, dosage = drug mg / kg of body weight, maybe this explain why work for some people and for others don’t work.

I’m just checking in to see how you’re all doing with prep. Any long term sustained improvements?

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I’ve been taking for 3 weeks. I had a slight upset stomach and some depression to begin with, but it’s now settled down. I don’t think it has had any affect good or bad on my symptoms at the moment.


Has anyone else had success with Prep ?

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Still no news? /:

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Prep doesn’t seem to be a cure for PFS.


Ok that’s sad.

I don’t want to freak anyone out, but I seem to have been doing well for over 10 days, more erections and libido. It may just be anecdotal and a just a general upsurge and not connected to prep.


It could be that it reactivated a gene that have to do with PFS, the effect dosen’t come instantaneous, the effect can take place days weeks an even months later after taking the drug.

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ive had positive experience in my first month’s supply, although not as drastic as the OP and others

i forgot to update and say that I ran out and didnt have time to order.

just ordered 2 months of supply.

gains actually lasted when i didnt take the prep

but they come SLOW, and even become flat for a while. lets see if i have more of the luck in the next few months


How to buy it from France ? I couldn’t find a reliable source and had problems with ADC.
Please help, I really want to try for at least 3 months.

its hard for me to tell you as im not in france.

tell ur doctor ur gay or that you dont want HIV because the person youre dating might be at risk for HIV and putting you at risk

find organizations that deliver prep med online in your area too. you will have to search around