Premature Ejaculationn

Hi. I took finasteride for 5 days about 6 weeks ago, and I experienced a single but quite rare side effect. I’m experiencing premature ejaculation, and I’m pretty desperate at the moment, because of the side effect, and the lack of answers I’ve found on the web. Can anyone help me understand why this can happen and is there any treatment for it?

Details about how I feel: When I masturbate, as soon as I start doing it, I’m already having an orgasm, my prostate starts to generate it. Before, there was like a ‘build up’, orgasm is the last thing you feel after a session… I could last 40-50 minutes if I wanted to. Now it is physically impossible, and I last less than a minute.


Mine got better in like 6-9 months. There are stories of people who never improved this side effect though, so there’s no telling. Just wait it out and then if nothing changes try to do something about it.

I’ve had this, it has improved for me with time too.

Thanks for your answer.

Thanks for answering. I’ve read that people that try treatments or such, end up even worse than before, but I haven’t read as much as I would want to, so I’m unsure. Would you say it’s better to just let time heal as much as possible, or should I take action and try to do something about it?

By the way, this is the only side effect I’ve had, both while taking fin, and after stopping.

Some people will tell you one thing, some another. I can tell you only that I did nothing. Sorry to not be able to tell you anything that you can emulate.

Cómo estás ahora ? (same problem 1,5 years)

Same problem, no improvement in 4 years.

I posted this thread a while ago when I first got PFS. I lost access to that account so I’ve been lurking ever since. I decided to make a new account and start posting because letting time heal is not working. In fact, it has made things worse for me as all of my symptoms have been getting worse and worse. So, this year I decided to start my journey to proactively try to recover from this crap.

I’ve been reading that some of you have improved only with diet and exercise, so I’m starting with that. I choose the carnivore diet because I’ve read that it’s been helpful to some of you, and also some other people online saying that it helps with their autoimmune issues. But this shit is HARD. At least for me. I’m 1 month and a half in, and at the 1 month mark I couldn’t stand meat anymore. I had to force myself to sit down and eat it like a baby, and felt disgusted every time. I have always been a steak and meat lover btw and the carnivore diet idea at first seemed very appealing to me, but it isn’t xD.

So, as a last resort thing, I started to eat the meat raw. Not chicken or pork, only raw beef and from 1 particular cut. It’s been 2 weeks since I started doing that, and so far I’m doing fine. I can finally sit and feel at peace that I’m not gonna suffer while eating. But of course my entire family freaked out and that was another headache xD.

I’m underweight at the moment, and this diet makes it difficult to gain weight it seems. Also, as I was disgusted by the diet, I had to cut the amount of meals I have in a day to 2, so that doesn’t help with weight gain either (I think, not sure about this). So yeah, been very miserable ever since I started the diet, low energy, feel shitty overall, and having to eat sticks of butter to meet my calorie and fat intake is not very pleasant. But I’m not stopping. I’m doing this for 6 months to see if there’s any improvement, and by then I’ll decide how to continue forward.

Even then, my journey will continue until I’m fully recovered. So I’ll be here for a while.

Oh, about exercise, I’m not sure about when to start. I definitely feel very weak at the moment, and with my current energy it would be tough. But I’m getting impatient seeing that every week my weight doesn’t really change much so I might as well start soon.


I do have some periods with quite severe PE. And I still haven’t figured out what it could be connected with. Somehow it could be combine both with numbness or some glimpse of arousal. Btw, I’m execrising every week and I don’t see any improvement. I’m kinda stuck on some level.

PE is not my main concern anymore, this thread is 4 years old but my new one got merged into this for whatever reason. For me, the PE is being caused by pelvic floor dysfunction which is tightness in all of my PF muscles. I don’t know what causes this tightness, or how to solve it yet, but I have all of the symptoms that are present in people with hard flaccid. Btw, some exercise tightens the pf muscles further, if you’re doing squats you’re also strengthening your PF muscles. Having a strong PF isn’t a bad thing, but the PF should be balanced. If it’s too tight, you get PE. If it’s too loose, you get DE and ED. My PF prior to fin was in excellent condition it seems, because I had a lot of control, orgasms were very pleasurable and I had always been very happy with my function. Now 4 years post fin I have the function of a 80 year old grandpa xD Anyways, you should give stretching a try, and learn about reverse kegels. If your issue isn’t severe, then maybe you can find some relief with that. It did nothing for me tho, and my previous job allowed me to do a very intense RK regime.

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