PREGNENOLONE - We should all be trying it?

From reading over on crisler’s forum and having many of my questions answered it has became quite clear that pregnenolone is a hormone involved in many of the issues that we face, or at least could be. Have a look at these threads:

My thread:

Look for posts with ‘chillin’ talking to me about how my symptoms are related to pregnenolone

It is generating a lot of hype over on crislers forum, have a search in the toolbar and take a look for yourselves, I am not saying it is the cure but what I am saying is that it is something we should be looking at. Dr Peatfield, one of the best known hormone doctors in the UK (now a nutritionist) is also looking into pregnenolone treatment for thyroid problems/ adrenal insufficiency etc etc.

I’m sorry if my threads are informal and poorly written but I am often browsing the forum very late…

It’s been discussed often here. Do a search on the forum.

I have seen that yes, but it is critical that people are getting the right type of pregnenolone, and for people in europe that is a very difficult task. So reading up on Crisler’s forum would be advised.

I think this new thread should stay.

Who’s tried it and what type did they use?


Its the flavour of the month over at crislers, dont be swayed… now they are also disovering that progesterone is something that is useful in men…gasp!

They are running around like headless chickens to be honest, hormones are not simple and they are all interlinked intricately, boosting one causes issues with another and thats why most on that site will never get to where they want because this is not for our minds to comprehend. Dont be influenced by them and risk losing your health even more, many young men have listened to some of the so called ‘veterans’ and ended up on TRT only to find their issues are still the same, yet TRT is pushed over there if your test levels are not that of a young stud around 700 - 800, Jansz is particularly guilty of this pushing of TRT unless you are top end of scale and giving you extensive 2000 pound blood testing list.

You speak of Dr peatfield, funny that, he actually does not like preg, i spoke to him. You can find out yourself when you speak to him. Dr peatfield is who you need to see £150 pounds consultation and leave it to him and you start to relax and stop thinking. he is an expert in adrenals and thyroids, sorting them will resolve 95% of testosterone issues and male helath problems imo.


hes not talking about TRT, hes talking about preg.

I am against there TRT ideology, I am probably going to visit peatfield soon. No offence muscleman but you don’t have a very good track record on forums.


Toadstool, i am not just talking TRT, i am referring to the whole ‘hop around’ philosophy and how it relates to everything they recommmend even preg and now it will be progesterone as well, just give it a couple of months LOL!. All the people there are headless chicken, even crisler who has overhyped himself and his minions have hyped him too, is learning himself but he is a smart one crisler, mad eloads of money and has customers for life, talkj about job security lol! nowonder his minions are so quick to recommend TRT, Now look at this, Crisler always recomended against Prog but now through experience and trial and error, people are realising prog has some merit in men. Crislers restarts are essentially copies and modifications of bodybuilder’s PCT which he has changed and altered with expereince and trial and error as has that other ‘google’ search master, the cocksucker Doc Scally - copied from the bodybuilders. Now crisler or any of these so called ‘top’ doctors _ notice they are top on the net and amongst minions - simply trial on you like a guniea pig thats how new all this is and how they are learning as they go along, with PCT’s nothing really groundbreaking on their part LOL! Dan Duchaine and co were the ones to look at serms to do restarts in bodybuilders. Hormone modulation is a very new field and noone in the world understand hormones completely, the members on that board are very bad people to get advice from because of this lack of understanding and knowledge could lead you to ruin your health more. So yes, Preg links in there because it comes from a baord with an underlying ignorance and quick to recommend things and change its mind a couple mof months later - by which time many people would have taken the plunge and found they did not need to.

Stupid people get influenced by such things and ruin their health further, many on there like daddoo, seekonk and others are an example of people who went on TRT on the recommendation of some ‘veterans’ and still have issues but now they have a tampered hypothalamus as well on top of all their other issues. Many likeiwse have jumped on the preg bandwagon and the results are mixed, some people benefit somewhat, others not so, some feeling worse and others trying to hit their sweet spot. Constantly like a dog chasing its tail. Like they say a fool and his money are easily parted.

I have a bad track record cos i dont give a shit! if i was truely wanting to sell some herbs like spstricken and many think i would be all sweet and prefessional but i dont care, i do know what i am talking about and i have gotten better. Take the info from the posts and not let anyone elses opinion blind you.

Dr peatfield is your best bet, cos your issues is adrenals and thyroid (and possibly liver and dhant - but you dont believe in this) remember i adviced you about Dr Peatfield after you pmed me on crislers coard and no he is not keen on Preg and i did not recommend herbalism to you either! wow! i must not be too keen to sell anymore, maybe i am now working for Dr Peatfield LOL!. I am currently doing some little isocort to boost my adrenals further on his recommendation but i am more or less recovered. Whoever told you on crislers board that Dr Peatfield is into preg was none other than me and the result was he does not favour it. He has however healed thousands of people over decades from adrenal insufficiency - so if what he does works why change - if it aint broke dont fix it.

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I remember Sarovagar on that forum trying preg and ending up in ER. This is why its so dangerous to take advice of such people there are NOT doctors. Many on that forum are now moving away from HCG whereas just a year ago that was the new big thing and Crsiler recommneded it to his patients and leanguy a poster there fell for it and is now on HCG permenently since a couple of years ago when it was the new thing and hyped up. Now people are saying HCG causes e2 issues and is not ideal, its best to KISS and stick to TRT and arimidex. But this leanguy is now royally screwed as he did not even need to go on HCG or TRT, i know what he needed to do but due to being influenced by people on forums he will now definately be left with no choice but to be on TRT for life. This is because HCG loses effectiveness over time as well. HCG is also suppressive and i dont think screwing with your hypothalamus with fake signals for 2 years and messing with your system like that is going to allow you to heal naturally. He bought himself into this by listening to other peiople who themselves dont have a clue but pretend to act doctor and expert and swing between treatments - see the swing from seeing HCG as good a year ago and now antiHCG opinion building up. Likeiwse with progesterone for a long time Crisler himself was against it but people are disocvering Progesterone is needed and can be useful in HRT. See the swing. Now pregnonolone is seen as the be all and end all, but one person has already been to ER others have had issues, yet many people are falling for it. Wait for the swing against it. Its best to stick with tried and tested and HC or Isocort for adrenals is tried and tested - it does not cause all these issues and allows you to come off and function normally and your body to balance naturally. Talk about flavour of the month! that board changes its opinions and recommednations like the weather here changes in the UK often coming back full circle after a wild goose chase - e.g HCG is now not needed or conducive to hormonal balance - whereas initially a few year ago TRT was a bit of testosterone injection EOD and some arimidex and blood tests to monitor you stay in the youthful ranges for estradiol and test. Now people are back at the same place, but what about those poor people who committed? Now its preg…brace yourselves… LMAO!

HANS on them forums is very dangeous and is after peoples money, he has caused serious medical complications in many people, one i think he is called phil, was left on his own and dumped when he developed serious issues after starting thyroid meds. I mean Hans stopped answering calls when it all went wrong and dumped him to take care of himself!. If you search on meso rx you will find this. Just after your money and the advice these people give can be found either through your own research on the net or by going to the source - a good doctor (crisler is really JUST someone who knows how to pump you up with the right qualntities of hormones and balance those artfiical hormones out with armidex etc. It ios njot clever nor it is an ‘art’ like he calls it. All you need to do is findout what level young men healthy hormones are naturally, and recreate them artifically though use of testosterone injections and arimidex. Thats all he does, tries to recreate the same level of hormones a ssomeone has naturally when in prime. Injected steroids will give you a boost anyway, thats why bodybuilders use steroids so it aint all special and as a former steroid user myself i aint impressed. Crisler is not a thyroid or adrenal specialist, just someone who knows how many mg to inject you with or able to copy what Dr Peatfield recommends, seriously. Infact he does not even do the 4 x saliva testing, one person i know spent a lot of money going over from the UK and he told me that all he got was a morning blood test for cortisol or maybe it was urine?. Thats it. Then he was told he does not have cortisol issues. Later, on his own when he did the 24 hour saliva he was found to be high cortisol all times - indicative of cushings! This person was very dejected as Crisler a)did not diagnose this and b) could not fix him - you know what Crisler saud to him apparently - i dont know what your cause is for your issues- seriously thats what he said! he said try T3 to lower reverse T3 and then see and that was the end. This is something this person could have found himself by simply searching the net, reading forums and taking the reverse T3 test. He said crisler is a dick and overrated (remember it is the net and money making is a priority so dont fall for all the hooh haaa egotistical bullshit of Crisler, who also buys himself his own awards - its true ‘Best physician of Lansing award’ he displays in his office and boasted about on his forum where his minions started going wow wee you are god, was actually bought by him! This was exposed by Doc Scally (who incidentally is the same sort of perosn as Crisler but jealous of his success). I could buy an award and get it printed that i had the biggest dick in my town as verified by a ‘fictional organisation’, but that dont make it true. Its a sham, why does Crisler feel the need to buy these fake awards? Money. Anyway, this person told me about his expereince with crisler said he wished he had seen Dr Peatfield or Dr Skinner as he later did see one of these and found that thyroid and adrenals issues are the major cause of dick issues and i think it bwas Dr skinner diagnosed his Cushing, now, low test is usually a secondary complication of these adrenal and thyroid conditions.

Infact, check this out, Hans charges more than Dr peatfield for his consultation and Hans is not even a doctor, just someone who is currently healing himself and passes on what he has gleaned from his doctors and what he has found on the internet to you - but his advice is not transferrable in all cases and he is not a doctor who is able to advice properly - hence people having issues from him another was Diesel who got floaters due to Hans advice. Now hans claims he recommends people to Dr peatfield, which is bullspit he is trying to make money of Dr peatfields name to say that he works alongside with him or in partnership with him. It’s a fraud and a blatant attempt to fool. I know this as i was the one that actually wrote that email to him that he uses as evidence he recommeds people to Dr peatfield and i know he did not recommend Dr peatfield, he was pushing me to get a consultation with him for 300 dollars or something over the net and i saw sense and decided to research and saw Dr peatfield due to him being from UK, and being a leading specialist. Interestingly Peatfield said things that Hans said, thats why i emailed HANS but this is not surprising as HANS just copied Peatfields advice as he has been on the ‘stoptheythyroidmadness’ forum where Peatfield’s advice is openly shared unlike Crislers board where he binds everyone to silence - so this guy who had the bad experience with crisler, he cant even say this openly! LOL! So Hans is just copying - there is a difference between truely understanding and copying. LOL. Also Crisler charges you your full consultation to just look at your papers once, briefly. So if you cancel after having booked you lose your conultation fee. look it up on meso rx, people have had issues with this ‘money grabbing’ style. Scally is just a ‘google master’ and copier of bodybuilders PCTs, working on building amarket when he finally gets able to practise again, jealous of the business savy of Crisler and wnats a piece of the pie, bigger share than crisler when he gets going again. I worked it all out. The best doctors don’t need to use the net, they may be talked about on the net but they dont need to use it to build up custom, it’s savy businessmen that use the net to stoke up interest and name along with ‘fake awards’ LOL, and customers. Think about it. All these are money makers and taking advantage of this ‘huge pie’ that is the new market for making money and guranteed job security for life - desperate customers for life - mens health.

I worked all this out, all people out and all forums out. Its all bullshit - Dr Shippen is right - dont read the forums or the net - that is his advice to his patients. There is a reason for that. Remember these Crislers and Scallys they have simply copied and worked from the work of Shippen. Dont fall for the hype. In my opinion, Crisler has that forum to attract new customers and his minions recommend TRT rather suspicously quickly! HMMMM maybe they work for him to get custom. hmmmm possible.

I have even worked out where our issues lay and how to best treat it. But go see a competent unani hakim or and Dr peatfield. incidentally Dr peatfield sees the merit in herbal therapy and asked me to keep taking my herbs, i coordinated my medical approach between my unani hakim and Dr Peatfield. Once i sorted my ‘dhant’ which gave me a big jump in progress, i wanted to get adrenals tested to see if i could improve more so i went to see Dr peatfield after i got permission from my hakim to try Isocort, i was clear with both doctors and presented both treatment protocls to each other and they worked synyergestically to give me more improvement. I now may just try some T3 at a low dose to see what happens, just for sake of seeing if there can be more improvements, but only with the permission of my hakim who is against this and pharmaceuticals in general says that he may make some stronger thyroid herbals however he says i am now better but i want to keep modulating to see if i can improve more. The good thing is both the hakim and Dr peatfield were open to a different approaches and see meirt, for example my hakim saw merit in isocort and said that in the old days in india people were prescribed glandlualrs and organs of naimals to help heal there same organs.

Yet no-one believes me but fall hook line and sinker for opportunistic indivuiduals.

Anyway, rant over and out.

The best source is Dr peatfield right here in England. This can be confirmed by even people like Hans and pmgamer so called veterans on those boards claiming he is the best there is. Case closed. The guy is 75 years old still very sharp and fir himself and has decades of experience, he had adrenal and thyroid issues himself, self treated himself, learnt about his disease and became a specialist who advices other ‘specialists’. Been practising for 50 years and treated thousands upon thousands. Regularly advices other adrenal and thyroid experts and has written books on the subject. All over the world physicians follow his guidelines for treating adrenal and thyroid issues - that includes Crisler who simply treats his patients as per Dr peatfield’s guidelines. Nothing more or nothing less. Just copying thus not a complete or thorough understanding is needed yet Crisler is called the leading physican on the net. LOL. No, Dr peatfield revoloutionised the way adrenals and thyroids get treated and slowly the medical opinion which outcast him is slowly starting to see the light. I doubt very much he would have gained so much knowledge had he not have had adrenal and thyroid issues himself but that was his blessing and calling.

Anyway, here is another search i did and this shows the dangers of listening to people who want to play doctor. I always say go find a good reliable unani hakim or go to see Dr peatfield and do what they say. I never play doctor like some egotistical people. Although this is not musclechatroom, the advice i feel from musclechat that resulted in sarovagar hospital trip is just as dangerous.

so basically what you’re saying is trust no one… I’m not going to see an herbalist to fix my problems, sorry but that sounds dumber then it actually sounds. I’m with Joe, I refuse to take TRT ever, so no worries there. Just the thought of injecting myself everyday makes me cringe. Tell you what, tell me your regimen and ill try it and see if it cures me. If it cures me you can kick me in the nuts ok? Look, I understand where youre coming from though, hormones are tricky, I get that. You’re talking about trying t3 and repairing your adrenals, but yet I thought u were cured, which tells me there’s something not right with you still. Which would further lead me to believe that the herbal remedy your pressing upon isnt a silver bullet either. You’re not cured, so stop kidding yourself. I can tell you exactly why there’s no cure for PFS, and thats because theres simply not enough doctors who believe in such a thing to get off their ass and try to fix us. I can tell you right now If it was accepted by all doctors then we’d surely be cured by now.

Sorry for my rant. I’m drunk, lonely, alone, depressed, and just want to take my anger out on something so there you have it. Happy New year.

I second both statements there…

Muscleman, do not continue to post rants about drama on other sites, we don’t care and it contributes nothing of value to this site.

Secondly, you’ve been pushing visiting “unani hakims” and herbal treatments as cures in almost every thread you post in – FYI nobody here has ever been cured from such (except yourself, even though you never took Finasteride, and were busy trying to promote an individual selling such products – viewtopic.php?p=28543#p28543 ).

Third, you claim you’ve recovered from 5ARI herb usage so if that’s the case, perhaps you should go enjoy your life rather than stirring things up online, particularly on this forum. The mods have already received complaints about your behaviour here.

In short, stop spamming this forum with useless garbage, or Mods will need to make a decision about your account and post history.

I would be interested in finding out if anyone on TRT has had any luck with Pregnenolone. I am begining to suppliment with it and DHEA but my ED seems to be worse.

I agree with only 1% or 2% with what you say here but when you talk about jeryan or dhant etc etc I am very upset. Please don’t mislead people here. It is totally unacceptable. This is not jeryan or Dhant. We are totally differen here. If you are already 95% recovered go and treat the remaininig 5% with unani hakeems and then come back here with blood reports. you never showed us any blood reports so far and now after so many somersaults by you ,even if you show me some blood reports I will not believe you easily. I am sorry but you have made yourself highly suspecious.

I’ll be going back on TRT and have purchased some Pregnenolone supps. I’ll let you know if any miracles occur.

I spent about nine months taking topical cortisol mixed with pregnanalone. No help. Can look up the dosages if anyone is interested. No ER visits, although initially I took three doses a day and the third dose would spike my blood pressure.

Concur with the prior post indicating something new to try in another two months.

okay, but did you actually test your cortisol levels? or you just decided to take some ?

You can drive up E2 on DHEA and Preg, which can also contribute to ED. You can’t really predict the route those upstream prohormones will take.

What TRT protocol are you doing? Gels, Shots? Perhaps you need to adjust the dosage.

Also, the more frequent the doses of test, the less that E2 and DHT are driven up and vice-versa. Shots are usually administered at half-life around 7-8 days apart. I hear 2 weeks sometimes, which would be a joke IMHO. But best would be dividing your weekly injection dose into every other day doses, which also gives a steadier hormone level. If you take shots that is.

Yes, I think you are right the DHEA may have contributed to my E2 spike (I will know after my labs next Wed). I am still taking the Pregnenolone but have almost complete ED now even with the HRT, but now I don’t think the Preg is the problem. I think it is high E2. I have read that you should not take Pregnenolone wiht DHEA, so I stopped the DHEA.

I am going to add an AI soon to my HRT protocol to control E2.

200mg Test E / 1x week
250IU hCG / 2x week (on the 2 days before my Test IM)
2IU HGH / 1x day
Stopping Nolvadex 10mg (1/2 pill) / 1x day
Starting Aromasin 12.5 mg / 1x day

I only posted that in order to prevent members here being misled and falling for dangerous practise which will harm them more. Joe asked about preg and spoke of it being reccommneded on crislers forum so i felt it was not out of order to inform him of the root issues on them forums so he would understand and not get misled or influenced. My advice, if you read carefully, was to leave it to a medical professional like Dr peatfield rather than follow posters on forums who are essentially sick themselves. I think this ius a very useful and responsible contribution so i would challenge your view that it contributes nothing of value.

People on this site have been ‘pushing’ Dr Crisler and Dr Jacobs. Maybe cos they have been helped or they realise these guys are good. Why cant i promote someone who i think is good and has helped me? Why the double standards? I have even stopped promoting him, so for you to bring up that one post where i have done, yet ignore the others where i have not, is unfair. I recommended a genuine Hakim who helped me as i know the world is full of opportunistic charlatans, and i shared my experience. When people started to point the finger and claim i was benefiting (which i am not) i now distance myself from that particular hakim and recomnned they find someone who is genuine and leave it at that. Look at my post history you will see that i no longer recommedn or promote that hakim due to this finger pointing. Yet none points fingers when someone recommends Dr Crisler. As for nobody being helped by ‘unani’ herbs and recovered other than me, look at these:


Big Softie


You will notice Tribulus ( a unani herb), was central to atleast one complete recovery and helped a fair bit in the others. Now It is dangerous to take these herbs as a trail and error stab in the dark approach, if people want to try herbs they should go to a qualified herbalist and allow them to prescribe. This is responsible advice and good contribution from me so i challenge your post refering to my advice as ‘useless garbage’. Some people may have recovered taking tribulus alone, but you may harm yourself or need other herbs along with Tribulus tailored for your individual constitution, taking herbs on your own without knowledge is like taking wild stabs doing it all alone and can lead to worsening of your health, even cases such as hypogonadism can arise due to Tribulus and other unani, hormone modulating herbs. This is my angle i always come from and is truthful, genuine and responsible advice based on my expereinces and knowledge. It is not spamming, nor is it promoting a ‘Dr’ which i no longer do ( read all my other posts instead of digging the one where i did in my earlier posts. Herbs are serious and need to be treat with the same respect as pharmaceuticals.

I dont believe i have stirred up trouble here, if you look through my posts i have been nothing but civil and contributive to this forum. I dont think the complaints you have recieved are justified, furthermore some mebers may have bitterness towards me for reasons that have nothing to do with my posts on this forum. Therefore, i should not be seen in any light other than that on which my posts are based on in this forum. And my posts here have been pretty sound.

I am not spamming this forum, i have since that post of yours, not reccomended that particular unani hakim due to it being seen by paranoid members as me ‘pushing’ the hakim. I am not. I am simply stating that unani / ayuverda as soloutions to many issues here. I am also ‘pushing’ Dr Peatfield, maybe i am working for him too??, or maybe i am ‘pushing’ him because i have had good expereinces and want to share the information like people push Dr Crisler or Dr Jacobs.

What ‘post history’ are the mods going to take account of? I have not broken any rules when posting here on the forums. I challenge your term ‘useless’ for my posts and feel it is typical black and white thinking which will prevent recovery. just because some of my findings do not conform with your world view it is deemed garbage and useless. What is the point of a discussion forum then?


Big Softie


You can believe 1% or 100%, your benfit or your loss, it dont mean nothing to me. However, being paranoid is not going to help you get better, From a muslim to a muslim, i would say you need to read 2 rakah namaz istikhara and ask which way is best for you. Do this 3 times and let the almighty guide you. There are good people in the world who genuinely try to help people, being paranoid you lose out on this. I was not happy that you were constantly bombarding the Hakim with questions about me and wanting to know my name. Why did you want to know my name? You asked me via email and pm about what herbs i am taking and who i am seeing, when i tell you, you turn around and claim i am an agent for this hakim and try to find out about me? This Hakim is a Syed. If you cant find it in your heart to trust a Syed for the sake of god and allow god to make up the shortfall if any comes your way, who are you going to trust?? Paranoia will not help you my friend.

I dont need to convince you nor do i need you to purchase of this hakim. Your level of questioning irritated him and he does not have time for this, nor do you have the right to want to know my name. You need to take a leap of faith and have trust, noone is going to bend over backwards for you, help you, yes, but you are the one in need you need to do the trusting. Re: Blood tests, my test levels i have now looked properly were around 13 nmol and went to 20 nmol within 1-2 months and LH increased from aound 3 to 5.7. That previous 440ng - 600 ng dl test level was a mistake as in Britain we have the nmol/L system.

I peronsally think you already have purchased these herbs. I say this because i got an email only a couple of days ago that seems to me to be you.

here it is:

Of course if it is you, you will be aware i sent an email back relaying my expereinces and telling tp get a blood test after a month or two on to check LH and test levels.

I hope you get better but you should be honest.

FYI, when i am referring to ‘dhant’ i am specifically referring to when members are stating they saw discharge after urinating, or discharge upon arousal, or discharge whilst defeceating. Some members may have it others may not. From what some mebers state it is most definately dhant. Now, all the issues may not be linked to dhant, there may be othe rissue as well like liver, thyroid, adrenals HPTA issues, but dhant is a problem in a lot of cases as well and improiving dhant can help other issues. You need to understand me when i write dhant, i am not stating everyones whole issues are due to dhant, i am stating that dhant seems to be present in a lot of members and this is one problem of many. Dhant is not a build up of too much semen in young boys, dhant is a sign of sexual weakness and relates to prostatic fluid which leaks upon sexual arpousal or urinating or defeceating. Dhant cannot be treat by western medicnes as it is not understood or treat as a condition. Dhant eventually leads to premature ejaculation and impotence and seuxal destruction. But i feel Dhant may not affect every members perhaps, but does affect a lot and it may be only one part of the problem, not the whole problem, please understand me.


I did not send you any email from this forum. Indeed I sent you email long ago on Messo forum when you were new to me But once your acts became doubtful for me I stopped sending you emails. Again as long as I remember I did not send you email from this forum, nor I intend doing this in future. You once or twice PMed me in this forum which I did not respond nor I will.

Please don’t talk about religion or faith. It is everybody’s personal matter. What you have been posting here, is totally against your own faith. you have claimed to have sex with many girls (without marriage) and now giving me lecture on how should I have good relations with my God. Please accept either you were lygin before or are lying now.
How do you know if I asked your name from your proposed Hakim? were you sitting there? If your hakim told you this how he knew I was referring you not any other boy? this is all makes your behaviour very doubtful.

muscleman you have many contradictions in your sayings and doings. you were banned from musclechatroom and then you changed your ID and rejoined musclechatroom with new ID as suffering but once again you were banned. why are you doing this? what do you want to get.
