PREGNENOLONE - We should all be trying it?

Mr Kerala, you will soon come to the same conslusions as me and realise what i am saying is in good faith and quite truthful. Already you are trying nigella satvia and noticing it has good effects. Nigella satvia is a big component in unani medicine. I find it amusing that you now are so untrusting of obvious and logical good advice yet you took saw palmetto to try and save your hair which harmed you.

Plus you denying asking about me is rediculous, he told me you were ‘an indian muslim originally from kerala now in Canada and you were irritating and a pest and would question him like he was some low level scammer and speak about how expensive he is, and you kept asking about me, my name and my details and history and acting like a person of low character’.

I am shitte muslim, according to my faith i can have many temporary wives. Man we belive is made for sex and his urges are natural and he needs more than one woman. if you dont know, we can have a temporary wife for a day or for life and have many.

I give up with you. You do your own thing, i believe thin gs happen to people due to their actions and actions bring consequences, good begets good.

I have recovered from good work.

and what about being banned twice from musclechatroom? Chrisler knows you very well, indeed many people on musclechatroom are against you , why?

and now shiite muslim? you keep hiding and dodging but you can not cheat all the people for long. Actually chrisler caught you red handed and then you quickly edited your post which made clear for Chrisler that you (muscleman) were posting again there as suffering so he bannded you. Am I worng? If you try to dodge again I will cut and post every thing from musclchatroom. Aknowledge that you were there as suffering and posting about cupping theories.

I had 8 AM serum cortisol taken before and near the end, and also had quarterly saliva cortisol testing (four specimens over a 24 hour period). Pregnanalone was also tested in saliva I would need to dig up the results.

Because they did not like my comments on race and testosterone levels and sexual prowess/ penis size and virility between races and also because of my views on many issues which made many feel insecure and gave them a inferiority complex. People took it all personally as it applied to them. being banned is no big deal and i dont sweat it, i speak my mind.

No, Crisler was made aware by another poster that it was me under a new alias, however i never did anything much wrong that time. i had to post as a person with big issues to gain knpwledge on adrenal issues and such. Just to find out. I still have cortisol issues due to me being stressed still and although the herbs have helped i still am slightly lower than what i should be and i am investigating the use of the glandular approach for this and thyroid but a lot of it was posted as fun and exaggerating my illness to actually get feedback. I do it during work, what else to do? Currently Crisler banned me for being Matrix, however i did nothing wrong, he banned me because they found i was suffering aka musulman. Once i have gotten banned they hold it against me and ban me again eventhough i do nothing wrong. Currently they have lots of spam that is being posted and the board is under attacked and crisler called me a dickhead and blames me.

I also post on this board You will see i have been posting there for a long time, maybe 10 years under different aliases. My story there is the truth, however on mens health boards i gain knowledge and info, thus sometimes exaggerate my symptoms to get advice and learn.

Next i will try low dose armour as well as isocort. This will make mne feel like i did when i was way younger i am hoping. I am fine as i am now, but i want to tweak to optimum naturally. Isocort is good. I will not bother with pregnonolone as its unnatural and replaces a whole hormone. Evfen in unani medicine the hakims reccomeded patients to eat the parts of an animal that they were weak in, i.e if weak testicles, eat testciles from sheep, if weak adrenals eat adrenals from sheep. This is another branch of unani and my hakeem is aware of and told me i could try isocort.

In my life i have abused steroids, taken them when i was just 20, took them mon ths at atime, took saw palmetto, took chinese herbs, underslept, over sexed, drunk alcohol, fucked whores, stressed all the time , slept less, suffered black magic, could not sleep stressed my body, nearly lost my mind, lost my job, nearly went to jail, plenty of emotional trauma basically abused my body totally…yet still today i am able to gain strong erection and have sex. I was impotent after chinese herbs and saw palmetto i did this take as well because eventhough i was under effects of black magic i tried to treat with chinese herbs thinking i was depressed and ill not realising it was black magic. Chinese herbs made me impotent and eradicated all libido. That was 5 years ago nearly.

I am lucky and blessed that despite all these things i am still relatively okay and i want to optimise my health and wish i never abused myself. I now have some adrenal slight issues and maybe thyroid which i will maximise with armour and isocort. I also have heavy metal toxicity which is most likely due to chinese herbs treatment which i have yet to treat and some residual sleep issues. All in all i am fine sexually though, just wanna optimise my health in all areas. Unani helped me a lot in this thats why i share this as did my spiritual healer for the black magic and the physcial disease - Dr Rana sanaullah Khan (see website - type in google, dr rana sana ullah khan + spiritual healer, he treats for free) and treats all physical diseases too, by the healing power of god and quranic verses. He has healed me also i believe as after i met him i have gotten better and better, i also took unani herbs as well and i beleive there may be a combined effect. My healing has had many treatments paths unani, spitritual treatment etc etc. i did everything together not leaving any stone unturned.

You are paranoid man, just relax and listen to good advice and see it as such. unani medcine is a sign from the creator that he exists. i sincerely beleive that and people will see it if they try it.

your ‘hakeem’ is an idiot and unani is a scam

this guy is just pushing his own religious agenda on everyone

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Where have i pushed my religous agenda on everyone? i have mentioned what has helped ME, so if a spiritual healer helped me, or a unani hakeem helped me, i can mention it and it does not make it pushing my religous agenda. Mentining this does not mean i am pushing my religous agenda because unani tibb is the same now as ayuverda and spiritual healers can be from most all religions. I am a muslim so i went to a muslim spiritual healer, i am a muslim so i tried traditional unani tibb medicine, i was helped so i mentioned it.

Also i am communicating with a muslim in this post, you have entered in between to claim i am pushing it on everyone when i am simply replying to spstricken who is a muslim.

I do state that i was helped by unani medicine and my spiritual healer, however that is not calssed as pushing my religous agenda on everyone.

Furthermore, you cant judge the hakeem if you never been treat by him, same as you cant judge a book without reading it.

You sir, have entered into this posting between me and spstricken, i have meant those posts only to spsptricken as is apparent by our exchanges, so your argument of me pushing religous agenda is void, again like i mentioned befre have mentioned what has helped ME, so if a spiritual healer helped me, i can mention it and it does not make it pushing my religous agenda.

Your post is unwarranted as is you calling my hakeem who is a very improtant person not just due to his hikmat but due to who he is descended from is wrong and grave error and you should not do it again.

Your post is unwarranted as is you calling my hakeem who is a very improtant person not just due to his hikmat but due to who he is descended from is wrong and grave error and you should not do it again.

Looks like musclman is drunk. Sorry man I am sure it will not take long to get yourself banned. you are a big problem for yourself.
Please stop adderssing me, I don’t need your advice. What I am and what I am not, this is my bussiness. We are here to help each other not to question some each others’ faith.
you are just trying to stir up a useless debate.

I hope this is your last post, at least to me.
Please go somewhere else and use your energies over there.

Nobody helped you, you’re still whining about " sexual issues and insomnia, hypothyroid symptoms, low cortisol, depression, lack of libido" under your other screen name, liftermo,


okay i admit, thats me barcafan i have some slight issues lingering mainly due to heavy metal. I can have sex and get good erections though and i am more or less feeling good, but i want to optimise further. Yes, slight hypothyroid issues mean a lack of libido, i only want sex now about once a day or maybe 4- 5 times a week before its was atleast twice a day or i would go crazy, i could do it more times a day i was superman and blessed by god. So i have some improvements to make still. My erections used to be solid metal, now they are hard like wood not metal and do the job good but not 100% like before, then again i am older now, however i was at one stage 4 years ago completely impotent with zero libido. Sleep still is not as deep and long as it used to be but i do sleep now 6- 8 hours, before i used to sleep 8 -10 hours and very deep. I am better but i can still optimise my overall health more and heavy metals may be the issue.

However if i mention such things people get jealous and dont want to help me and tell me i have no issues, so i am extracting info to help myself and sometimes i have to show more of a problem to get help.

Apparently i am superone too and many other personas. I am not. I admit to the ones i was or am.

Plus you should not be calling anyone a retard, thats offensive and not only that is not condusive to you getting well, being angry will delay your recovery. I am a lot better health than you and even i avoid such emotions as i want continous results and gain them incrementally. Once you start having regular good sex with a fully erect rock hard penis your anger should resolve, but until then be patient sir. I understand your symptoms make u frustated and angered but it should get better with time.


That post was not to you, it was to barcafan…you seem to claim i will get banned yet i am not done anything for this, you came in and directly posted to me and i have posted nothing but in a civil way so why do you say this?