Post your e2 levels please! MUST READ

no i think you have solely PFS. that is my opinion and i’m only going off anecdotal evidence

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yeah you probably have PFS from lowering your androgens through diet


Joey mine was low. I just posed this link below. My problem was my testosterone was between 350 and 400 and I was concudered normal. My E2 was always under 16. (My e2 now is 20-30) anywhere under 20 will start to make a man feel bad. Too high and it’s the same. The link I posted is where I got put in testosterone. One issue is many of the cookie cutter testosterone centers will immediately put you on an estrogen blocker (an AI) this about destroyed me and on high dosages of T my estrogen was below readable. They eventually took me off and I’m great. Supposedly I’m very sensitive to things that change estrogen. If you want to experiment, try buying some HCG on the web. You will have to inject it a few times a week in your fat so if you are scared of needles it’s a no go. Body builders use this after they use steroids so it’s easy to find. You just mix with bac water. (More is not better with this hormone) I inject the day before my testosterone shot. Makes me horny as heck :slight_smile:

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anyone serious about getting better , please pm me


you keep believing that you are some mutant ninja turtle that is uncureable. Lets see how far that gets you.

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I do not say i am uncureable, i say thst not by adjusting e2.

Tomas, I do not know if adjusting e2 will fix the issue. However it is worth the try. Are you Jesus Christ himself that you can say that its not the issue?

Please watch the videos


Watch Dylan Gemmili video on post finasteride syndrome as well… I have talked to him about pfs a few times he has several clients with it that he trains…

He told me they have perfect labs…and nothing helps that it has crushed several of his clients one who was a big wig las Vegas casino manager says he has found nothing that works…

Yet you have symtoms completely resolve (mental if I’m not mistaken). So clearly it’s curable for some of the sides. You see anecdotal evidence of this on this site.

Again, I never took prop/fin/accutane/ssri

Yet I have genital NUMBNESS

Look at this guys comment on the youtube video after taking steroids

H_i…Im 23 years old… I have one big problem and question… I took steroids 2 years ago… i was taking sustanon for 5 weeks and then i added Tren acetat and when i injected tren i felt dizzy and i felt like im having a heart attack and after that day i immediatelly stopped taking steroids… i didnt feel good for 6 months after that… I had heart palpitations and arrhythmias and i head blurred vision and felt dizzy all the time and i couldnt even go to the gym… I didnt do any PCT after that… Because i didnt have anything for PCT… Yes i know im stupid. And my biggest problem now is that after 2 years my dick and scrotum area is all numb… Im not feeling any sexual stimulation from a touch and i dont feel any pleasure when im having sex. I can feel a pain from a pinch but i dont feel any pleasure down there. I have libido but most of the time its very low… And my erections are very weak… I can have erections sometimes but they go away really fast… So after this 2 years i did a blood work… and my testosterone levels were in normal range and every other hormone was normal except Estrogen and Prolactin… My Estrogen was high and Prolactin was high too… Then i started taking arimidex to low estrogen and i took bromocriptine to lower prolactin… and i lowered both and nothing changed… My penis and scrotum area are still numb and erections are weak… I think i cant hold erections for long time because i dont feel any sexual stimulation or pleasure when girl touches my dick or when im having sex… Im taking Tribulus terestris, and all the vitamins, and zinc, and antioxidants for a year and nothing changed. Is there any help for me to get feeling in my penis back? I would appreciate any advice. Thanks._

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The first thing that comes to mind when I read that comment is hypogonadism. He didn’t state his exact levels, so it’s hard to know if they were lower than they once were or what. Also, he could be hypothyroid, etc. I wouldn’t automatically thing “PFS” on every case without labwork, etc.

he states that t was in range. e2 however was not.

A level of 350 is very low, but according to LabCorp, in range. I’m not saying that’s the boat he’s in, but it’s very possible.

i have 650 total t
e2 is low at 12.5 (11.5-45)
dht low at 220 (300-850)

This is obvious … you screwed up your hormonal axis. You would not be the first to mess it up with steroids. I peruse the bobybuilding websites because I’m on trt and I’ve played with a lot of injectables. There are many similar stories. There are many things you can mess up. You need to go to a good endocrinologist and be honest and tell him what youve done. From reading, a lot of guys have been successful on a “clomid reset” protocol but it fails for others. I tried it a few times but it would only work a short while. many are forced to get on trt. I can tell you from experience after taking AIs that if I drop my E too low (and I’ve dropped it below 5 before) that my penis feels like it’s invisible. It shrinks to 1/4 it’s normal size and I can barely feel it. Before trt I had low E (around 14 or something … I don’t remember exactly) . I’ve been chatting with another member who is playing with HCG. This will raise both your T and estrogen and could help in very small dosages.