Possible Epigenetic Changes in PFS Patients is Focus of New Clinical Study at University of Milano

I can’t quit figure out how to multi-quote so I’ll just try to answer some of the questions I’ve seen. I may be repeating myself because I don’t really have the time to re-read this entire thread.

Ive spoken to Dr M directly. He told me himself he has rat models that he hopes to be able to develop interventions for. Of course he didnt say these rat models have “PFS” but he did say that they have symptoms associated with PFS, so in that sense they have “PFS”. “Less mounting behavior, depressive tests, etc.” He said he had some ideas but did not elude. This was probably 14 months ago. He is focused in on 5ar genes. I mentioned multiple times that the AR gene also needs attention which he somewhat said “its possible” or something to that effect, but I think AXO also has stated that its a little frustrating he is so focused on only 5ar.

I probably don’t know more than what’s already been made public regarding Baylor. Other than the Foundation is getting pretty annoyed with them. Last I heard they were gathering data and the first of many studies was due… well its was probably 6 months ago now.

I’ve also spoken to Phil and Dr S each. Dr S told me a few years back that there was a company somewhat interested in an allpregnenlone drug to treat PFS… running a trial. He said at the time he didnt think it would do much and that we needed to see the study results otherwise we were throwing spaghetti at a wall that was 200 feet away.


I’ve noticed some guys who got PFS took Fin for months/years on end without any problems then quit for a while and went back on it and developed PFS.
Would be good info to relay to Melcangi on rat subjects. Anyone else agree? Have the rat be given finastride for a few months then stop the treatment for a month or two then go back on the treatment and see if the rats are prone to developing PFS?


Yes. That’s how it happened to me. Took it forever, forgot for a month, started back, stopped again.


Yeah maybe if we can get Melcangi’s attention regarding this it could help him in his research.
Didn’t the same thing happen to the user anonymous? I read his story, he took fin for like 17yrs or somthing luckily he recovered but still crazy how that happened, it happened to thetigershull as well if I’m not mistaken (correct me if I’m wrong) he went off for a bit then went back on and got PFS, just going off of memory I saw his story on YouTube.

This is how it happened to me as well. I took finasteride for 8 years. Went off it for 6 months with no issues. Then resumed and got PFS with the first pill. Before that I had another discontinuation period of 3 months. That time I didn’t get PFS when I resumed.


Same happened to me. I took it for 8 years, went off for 3 years as my hair stopped falling out and then went on for a month. Got PFS sides straight away.


It might be worth considering that those who took something and got a reaction right away might have previously taken another of the substances that we are seeing problems with here.

It might be your first time with a particular drug but it could be your second time with another drug that can cause similar side effects.

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I have taken finastride for one month just missed one random will it be enough to cause pfs

You’ll probably be fine. Have you been getting any major side effects?

I lost my morning wood during finastride other than that everything was fine after quitting 42 days later I got my morning wood back but insomnia is persistent with mild anxiety

My experience is almost identical to yours. I stopped getting morning wood during fin use as well, didn’t really know at the time it was an issue. My sleep quality is now poor and I have anxiety as well. Started a ketogenic diet yesterday and am hoping it will help. Maybe it’s something you could try or just focus on living a healthy lifestyle Vik, your symptoms will likely improve, don’t panic at this stage.

I never get morning wood (let’s just say wood after 6:00AM) but had nocturnals in 6 of the last 8 days. The number of nocturnals seems to be trending up for me. Quite strange. Can’t remember if I morning wood the first 2 years I took saw because I didn’t really pay attention to it back then.

I took saw from June 14’ to Nov 16’ and I started to develop severe depression in 2016. In November 2016, I will never forget, I woke up one morning and thought I had lost my penis. Could not feel it as it was lifeless and no brain penis connection.

I also quit and restarted finasteride twice. I took it the first round for about 3 weeks before I quit due to side effects, then restarted 2-3 weeks later. The side effects the second round were MUCH more pronounced and I went off it literally after 4 days. Two weeks later my whole body shut down. I think it is a very common theme for people who restart to have persistent side effects, and that should be clear to researchers.


Guys what about muscle loss and wastage? I’ve seen on here that libido issues and problems with ED can improve over time in some cases, which is very hopeful, as I have those as well. But I haven’t seen many promising cases of muscle loss and wastage rebound to recovery. In guys that are physically affected like this, are any of them able to see the muscle loss stop and actually put back on muscle, and lose lower abdominal fat?


Same happened to me I started it and after a week my girlfriend at the time was going down on me and I went limp in her mouth. Stopped after that for obvious reasons and everything went back to normal , tried again several months later with the advice of my doctor with which i lasted a day and that one pill worth 25 cents made me feel like I was on another planet, it was horrible. Ever since then I haven’t felt the same. That was 9 years ago. I’ve ingested maybe 2 dollars worth of this medicatio and it has cost me 100 of 1000s from days from being sick , supllements, trips to all the doctors not to mention time being unwell and that amount is still climbing.


Couldn’t find your member story. What are your symptoms? Has anything improved?

I haven’t added one yet. I will try to get around to it soon. My symptoms are much like everyone else. At this point I’ve been living with my symptoms for so long that I’ve found ways to cope. Docs tell me that my symptoms are similar to other diseases and what we have is undiagnosable therefore untreatable directly. All the info at this point on how to treat our cases are strictly anecdotal from a patient’s and physicians standpoint. I’ve been treated for hashimoto’s thyroiditis, parasites, sibo, candida, adrenal fatigue, brain fog,anxiety , depression, low testosterone because that’s what my labs show. My Ed isn’t too bad I can get it to work but it isnt what it was before so I haven’t treated that, I consider myself lucky in that regard. I have felt better but only for a few days at time. Adrenal glandulars I’m experimenting with now. If feel a bit better taking them. Gluten free,limit grains, limit sweets. If I diet anymore than that i feel worse. I ve tried chi’s protocols and others as well with no luck. I dont believe it is possible to fix a permanent change through exercise or dieting. It will have to be a man made pharmaceutical that will reverse the damage, if that is even possible in our lifetime I will be forever grateful.

What Andrenal glandular are you taking

I use TAD+ by Seroyal. They use a clean bovine source from New Zealand and comes recommended by my Naturopath and she say they are quite safe when treating for Hashimotos thyroiditis and Adrenal Fatigue which on paper is what I have. I do not use the bottle’s recommended dose but much less due to my sensitivites to supplements. I’ll take one a day for a few days at a time and then stop and continue the following week. Some benefits can be felt quite quickly others can be felt in the weeks to follow. I’ve also recently found Thorne makes one that has just Adrenal cortex without any other vitamins and minerals that I may switch to in the near future. I find it helps with sleep by balancing out cortisol and HPA dysregulation. I find that using it is slowly pushing me in the right direction. Not a cure but it is helping more than others in a time where I need it most.

Just came across this study.

Can anyone explain what it means for us ?
