Please take the covid vaccine and avoid it's spread

I lost my dear mom to this cruel disease yesterday. Please take the vaccine and sanitize urself and keep a mask properly. Stop the spread of this cruel disease. I just don’t want anyone else in this world to feel this pain i suffer. Ur beloved one will be struggling to get oxygen and u will not be able to do anything. Plz eradicate this disease.


I’m very sorry about your mother! Take time to think about her and think about how you can make her proud. You will need her to give you strength to toughen up. There are difficult times ahead for everyone, good health will be something everyone wants but very few have.

Hello there @Goodhealth

We’re all entitled to our beliefs but you are presenting your beliefs as facts without any substantiating evidence. I appreciate that probably in your own world view I am one of the majority who are being hoodwinked by such things as the covid vaccine and 5G, but in the absence of evidence to the contrary your declarations could be perceived as street preaching. I personally believe that the space for tolerance of different opinions is greatly reduced when such evidence is lacking, especially when, in my opinion, and in the opinion of nearly all scientists, not taking the vaccine will result in significantly greater suffering and that your own recommendations could cause real harm. It is unfortunate that you have joined the forum to propagate your belief at the same time as one of our members tragically lost his mother to coronavirus. Most of us here will have gone through the process of discovering that the world doesn’t always work in our favour due to our own experiences which find us here, but at the same time I can’t help but feel that there is a difference between being open to corruption and being what I would consider conspiratorial which I would also consider another product of our digital age.

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I took my 1st jab of AstraZeneca today. I feel no different, same old pfs. I am atleast satisfied that i will not have severe covid now.


I had the same vaccination, I felt a little bad the following day. So prepare to get not very much done tomorrow, would be my advice.

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Little bad in the sense?
I do feel a bit weak right now but since my muscles were already very weak from PFS, I could be wrong. I don’t have fever or anything, just some pain in the injected site. It’s been 6 hrs right now.

Just tired, slightly upset stomach. Nothing to worry about, but I was glad I didn’t have work to do that day.

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That nurse/vaccinator asked me whether i had any previous allergies to any drugs, i said no.

All my post vaccine symptoms are gone and now i am totally fine, but with that same severe muscle weakness and shrinked body which that poison finasteride gave me.

I got the first Pfizer shot about two weeks ago. I felt just a little off for three days. The 3rd day I got a little fever. No biggie at all. I will get the second shot

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Yeah, i don’t feel any different now. Just some “covid arm” which will probably get better by tomorrow. Just same old pfs body, this atleast gave me a hint that my case of pfs is not autoimmune like some people here claim it to be. I felt almost dead with covid and vaccine made me worse as well. Idk why some people here feel good if they get any flu, i feel the opposite and i am worse than many here.

It’s usually after the second dose that people get knocked to the ground.

Here in Italy by the way, the common knowledge is that Covid vaccine do not prevent the virus from being spreaded around, it just lowers your chances of developing severe symptoms.

Nope, my elder brother took 2 complete doses of AstraZeneca a month ago, he’s completely fine, infact he got knocked after 1st dose, 2nd dose felt nothing to him.

Yes u are right, nothing gives 100% guarantee. I just don’t want any long term complications of covid like black fungus (just google it) and all that, this virus is too cruel.

Not in every case obviously.

It’s the trend.

Yes, not in every case.

Have u got vaccinated?

Nope. I don’t think I will.

Anyway, Italy’s moving much slower than US and we haven’t vaccinated virtually anyone below the age of 52-53 aside from teachers, medical professionals, and so on.

So u want this virus to stay here for a long time i guess !! Lol

Many severe sufferers (including me) have already taken the vaccine and are totally fine, so don’t fall for the conspiracies. No vaccine in this world can compete with the potency of Fin, SSRI’s, Arimidex.

I understand ur concern regarding the vaccine but not getting vaccinated will be even more terrible (post covid complications).

I hope u don’t come across the deadly varients recently being seen in some countries.

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It’s not about conspiracies, it’s just that I’m afraid of sides.

Here in Italy the incidence of severe adverse reactions is around 4% when monitoring patients with active surveillance (meaning your doc is supposed to call you and ask if you got any sides, not the other way around) is around 4%.

If I get the virus, assuming I haven’t had it already and healed without even knowing, my chances of developing severe sides are less than 4%.

Again, I’m just scared of possible complications, even though the chances are very little.

Anyway, pharmaceutical companies have clearly stated that the vaccine won’t prevent the virus from being spreaded, it just “protects” people who got the shot. So, the number of vaccinated people won’t impact the chances of you getting hit with severe covid.

Let’s not turn this thread in a vaccine dispute: I’m the farest thing from an anti-vax, and I have no interest in influencing other people decisions.


Thanks man! :slight_smile:

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U certainly don’t know what’s going on in India i guess…

Anyway, all the best man, stay safe from covid. Post finasteride syndrome + post covid syndrome would be death sentence for me, i am glad to be vaccinated.

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