Please take the covid vaccine and avoid it's spread

The woman in the US who got paralyzed from the second Pfizer vaccine had no issues from the first shot. If I did not have mild lung damage I wouldn’t be getting them. The lung issue I have shows up on pulmonary function tests as something similar to mild COPD. COPD is issue with lungs getting air out of your lungs. People who get hit hard with COVID describe it this way. Like they try to exhale and it feels like they can’t take a satisfying breath out which you need to do to get a satisfying breath in. So this is how I feel already to much lessor degree obviously then people who end up on the respirator from Covid. So because I have this pre existing condition I concluded for my self that COVID is a bigger threat to me then the vaccine. But obviously this decision needs to be made on a case by case basis for your self. I’m hoping I can get past the second shot with no adverse reaction and that if I get COVID after the shots my immune system will be in a better position to deal with it preventing it from becoming a bad case

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I’m sorry to hear this …

Is it from Duta?

Actually it’s completely unrelated to my Dut and saw P usage . I developed the lung damage in my early twenties before even taking dut or saw P. I was doing drive way paving at the time and I believe it was steam from the hot top . Unfortunately I lived a very careless life in my young days LOL

I feel good though as long as I don’t breath in any second hand smoke or any other respiratory irritant. Practically symptom free as long as I’m not exposed to anything that aggravates it. And When I do cardio it feels better the next day . So if exercise and stay away from breathing anything in I’m good and a pulmonary function test at age 33 showed that it did not get any worse from age 23. So the actual condition is not worsening. As long as I don’t get lung cancer from breathing in that crap I think I’ll be good. I’ll eventually let them go down my air way into my lungs with the camera to check for tumor growth.

But yea I could see Covid taking my ass out over this haha. I’m glad I’m getting vaccinated


I am not from the US, Pfizer and Moderna are not even available in my country. I took AstraZeneca Covisheild and it seems to have a good track record regarding the side effects in comparison to few others.

Man if u suffer from lung problems then get ur shot asap, the decline in oxygen levels if u catch covid is no joke, especially the varient that has created havoc in India right now…I lost my dear mother becoz of this, she was even more healthier than me. Once the oxygen starts going below 85, chances of mortality becomes too high.

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Please remember that the supposed “efficacy” of these vaccines is about the reduction of mild symptoms it is not clear yet if these vaccines prevent infection, contagion and reduce mortality. I’m sorry for your mother, I lost my father too due to Covid at the beginning of the pandemic when they didn’t know how to cure this disease. However, it’s very surprising that, as your screen name suggests, as a person destroyed by Fin, you would take without due caution an experimental treatment that hasn’t even been approved through the standard process. Finasteride was approved by the FDA and nevertheless has destroyed countless lives, how many lives will be destroyed by these new gene-therapy vaccines? Nobody knows, but we should be skeptic of the propaganda. There are prominent scientists who say that these vaccines may increase mortality, scientists like Sucharit Bhakdi, Michael Yeadon, Dolores Cahill, Judy Mikovits.


@Doomed80 @LazarusRy

I see that you liked the above post.

It is is full of misleading or out and out wrong information.

From the first line, it is incorrect. I assume it has been mostly copy and pasted from one of the many, many sources of anti vax misinformation.

First line:

Reduction of mild symptoms.

No. It reduces the worst symptoms, meaning that while you can still contract corona virus, it reduces the likelihood of becoming extremely unwell and needing hospitalisation.

First line:

It doesn’t reduce mortality.

Yes it does. See my previous line.

First line:

It doesn’t reduce transmission.

Incorrect, it lowers viral load meaning that if you do contract corona virus, you will be less likely to pass it along.

Further along:

It’s gene therapy.

No it isn’t, it doesn’t change your dna.

There’s more, but honestly, I don’t have the time or inclination to continue. Think I’ve got it wrong? Fine, Google it, see who the sources are.

Be careful that you don’t become misled by listening to the misled or the malevolent.

Frankly, I’m sick of attempting to moderate this stuff. It’s very easy to post

“Look what finisteride did, the vaccine will make your veins burst, Dr bishbosh says so and he’s a prominent scientist.”

And then I have to Google dr bishbosh, then vaccines and veins and then wade through the websites called honest science dot com or cutting edge science dot com or health today or science health. Then I find a reputable source and it’s all bull.

I think that’s how this stuff spreads. It plays on fear and is easy to create and pass around, harder to research and debunk, even at a very low level like this.

I think we’ve pretty much discussed corona vaccines enough now, unless there’s some actual hard evidence that emerges. If you have a bad experience, feel free to share it.

My suggestion is that you weigh up the risks between corona virus and the vaccine, take note that nobody here has had a bad reaction to the vaccine that we know of, note that balding men seem to be at greater risk from corona virus and see where you want to get your information from. Maybe even decide if you can live your life without corona virus risk for a while longer as you wait to see what happens.

Whatever the case, make your decision, but don’t try and influence others here. I am fairly sure that I speak for the admins and other mods when I say we are either already vaccinated or planning to become vaccinated.

I am closing this thread, but it will remain visible.

No more corona virus vaccine talk, please.