Please share results with a ketogenic or high fat intake diet

how long have you been on it?

maybe a bit more than a month

try to stick with this keto regimen for as long as possible, i suggest. i saw results at the 4th/6th month, and so seems to be for the others.

It’s been a while since I posted here. I thought I would give some feedback.

I’ve been on the ketogenic diet for more than a year. Cognitive problems and fatigue are all things of the past. They went away on the first week of diet. I do get anxiety whenever I cheat and have some carbs but I don’t if I stay disciplined. Same with depression and demotivation. Insomnia is still there, it was my first symptom 4 years pre-crash and it seems resilient to any treatment. With time, I believe it can improve. With the sleeping pills and some herb extracts like valerian, lemon balm, passion flowers and Hops, I manage to sleep almost normally. I still wake up fully awake 5-7 hours after going to bed, but I manage to get back to sleep.

But here’s the good news. The sexual symptoms are also improving. It took much more time than it did for the neurological symptoms, like 5-6 months before showing any signs of improvement and it’s been slow, but I now have normal erection, Almost normal sex drive although it’s lower (meaning I want sex 2-3 times a week instead of everyday) and sensitivity is between 80 to 120%. Sometimes I’m hyper sensitive to a fault, other times the feelings from having sex don’t feel so sexual. Semen became thick again along the way and body odors are coming back and disappearing sporadically. Best of all, I have been hurting my balls chronically 1 year pre-crash, and it took 9 months after the diet to slowly go away. I don’t thing I had any pain in the last 2 months.
Altogether, considering I’m 51, I would say it looks like a pretty normal sex life for my age.

I’m still doing weight lifting but could and should do more on the cardio level. Nonetheless, my heartbeat have gone down by 10 bpm. I have no belly, I’m developing an eight pack and I’m pretty healthy all over if not for pfs.

I had to cut collagen, cheese, all sweetener and watch out for pesticides and food additive. My diet is quite restrictive but I’m living an almost normal life: the diet and insomnia being the only thing that sets my life apart from a normal one… On a day I burn lots of energy, I can have carbs for breakfast, but I need to get physically active right away if I want to stay symptom free.

I can’t wait to sleep and eat normally but altogether I can’t complain. I feel this diet has worked for me and I’m grateful to have no more symptoms than that.

Ps: for extra saturated fat, I replaced fatbombs which had cheese and sweeteners with bulletproof coffee Google it or check on youtube). It’s basically hot coffee with butter or ghee and MCT oil. It’s got zero carbs and around 500 calories. I have it for breakfast. Sometimes I add cacao ( not cocoa, cacao is the complete bean, along with the fat, the minerals and the antioxydant. It has 40 times the flavonoids blueberries have, without the carbs. Beware, it’s 5ari so I take it only once in a while.)
An afternoon version can be done with decaf or with just coconut cream, ghee, hot water and vanilla.


looks like you’re not ready to go back to conventional diets. Months ago i ate a cake and i did not sleep for two days.
Another theory might be that ketogenic diet keeps the symptoms at bay but not cures, i don’t know honestly.

in my opinion neurological symptoms are the first to improve, then come the physsicals.
for example i first made progresses with depression and suicidal ideation, than i started sleeping again, and sometimes i do not have anxiety… yeah, i had minor phisical improvements but really, minor changes like some thickening nails and darkening hair…
a friend of mine with pfs told me that this is the healing order: 1) neurological 2) sexual 3) physical symptoms;

this is something i’m very curious about. do you think that this is crucial or important in your recovery? if yes, why? currently i’m doing only body weight exercises, mainly because of my social phobia (gyms are crowded places) and because i feel like i don’t have enough energy to move weights but i can tell you that after excercising i feel better.

so do you eat organic meat now? :slight_smile:

keep up the good work, you’re almost there.

p.s. how do you feel if you masturbate?

Thanks for the encouragements.

Keto doesn’t “cure” but time does and I believe it’s faster when you don’t have symptoms. It might just be wishful thinking, I don’t care. Hope is good.

Plus I’ve been on holidays or trips where I basically ate carbs and wasn’t so strict on the diet. I didn’t drink a can of Coke or eat an ice cream jar, but I can tolerate moderate carbs if I’m active. I also often forget to take my supplements and it doesn’t seem to change anything. If I stop completely, eventually I get depressed and demotivated so I try to take them.

I agree in the order of healing. I did not have visible physical symptoms. I had sexual ones, but a doctor couldn’t tell just by looking at me.

Weight lifting increases testosterone and creates new androgen receptors. My endocrinologist told me to do that and most success stories have this element in the story. Diet and weight lifting. I don’t know if it helps but anyway with the keto diet I lost all my fat so I might as well put some muscles on that skeleton.

I’m in Thailand. Organic is just an excuse to sell more expensive. There is no certifications. But I wash all my veggies in water with lots of baking soda and iodine to prevent bacteria from forming in the solution, which I keep for later… It removes 90% of chemicals and although I rinse with water after, both baking soda and iodine are edible (some even take those as supplements and say it helps)

And lastly, when I masturbate it can be normal, or I can finish too fast or it can be difficult to finish. It has not stabilized yet. I don’t know what it depends on.

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Jesus Ozeph! Big news. Very glad to hear. Can you really say that it is the diet that improved all of these sexual sides?
You were using a lot of amino acids and whatnot if i remember correctly.
Are you sure it was the diet itself?

Also you said your sensivity come back 120%. You mean it is even better then pre-finasteride baseline? Also is your penis size completely back to normal length/girth? Thanks much!!

I am sold on the ketogenic diet! The ability of bhb to unlock DNA that has been blocked by histones might be just the mechanism of action responsible for the gradual improvements with keto.

If curing pfs means jumping on a diet that leads to a ripped and healthy body, so be it… :slight_smile:


i think this means you’re healing not only keeping the symptoms at bay, but only if now you react better to carbs than you did before. so? :slight_smile:

i have anxiety attacks after masturbation.

Hi Cooper.

I can’t say for sure, but following or cheating on the diet has a direct correlation on neurological symptoms. It’s a matter of 20 minutes, just the time it takes for the carbs to enter the intestine. As we discussed Sonic and I, neurologicals are the first one to be affected by this diet and sexual sides takes a LOT longer to get better. Like months. So cheating wouldn’t show on the sexual sides unless I cheat for month (quit the diet)

So it could be the Pine Pollen, Tribulus Terrestris and Horny Goat Weed I’m cycling every week, but in the last 2 months I forgot the supplements often (like 40% of the time) and didn’t feel bad unless I stopped completely for a week or two, and the sexual sides have improved nonetheless.

I often have very long and annoying morning woods that seems to last forever and yes, by 120% sensitivity I mean premature ejaculation and masturbation that last less than a minute. Orgasms are good though !

As for penis size, at the time I had no erections and no sex drive it was always the size of when I come out of a cold swimming pool. But I never saw abnormally, never seen before smaller size on my penis. After my balls have been hurting for more than a year, I though they were smaller. If so, we’re talking 10-15%, But I have to say I was quick to get on this diet, only two months after the crash, so I think I stopped the damage from being worst. It’s just my opinion but I cannot believe if my balls were hurting and appeared to be shrinking that they were not deteriorating.

Nonetheless, this is past now, they stopped hurting months ago.


I follow that guy as my guide to ketogenic diet. He has lots of tips on what is damaging to testosterone, how to boost it, how to lower estrogen, how to fast, how to break a fast etc…

If indeed ketogenic diet and weight lifting helps heal from pfs (and I can’t say that for sure), this guy would be the guy to follow. Look at his past videos too, lots of good stuff.

He advertise for pre-made keto stuff, like all in one bulletproof coffee, just add water. I would avoid those as it’s keto processed food and not suitable IMO for pfs sufferers like us. He has to make money so I understand he’s got sponsors.

I will listen to this video, I want to investigate the idea demethylation could occur under ketogenis. Best of all, if it does indeed, it’s the body choosing what to demethylate.

I believe keto diets are safe for pfs. If someone can say otherwise, please share your experience so that we may warn others.

My version is more strict than regular keto which includes lots of stuff unsuitable for pfs. I basically eat like a carnivores. Notice how cats and dogs also eat grass. I eat meat, saturated fat and low carbs leafy greens. For the rest, it’s all in moderation and low or zero carbs of course.

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Yes, I do react better to carbs than before.

If you get anxiety after masturbating, stop doing it or at least don’t do it so often. Anxiety is a symptom of an increased imbalance in neurotransmitters compared to the moment before when you didn’t have it. Mostly GABA by the way. It’s better to avoid imbalancing our body on purpose.
Your fear of crowds could be related to a lack GABA and Serotonin IMO.

Again, this PDF explains well how to increase GABA and lower Glutamate and thus lower anxiety.

Here’s my condensate on this:

Take and do:
• Animal protein and fat
• Ketogenic diet favor GABA and GAD
• Mackerel has high GABA
• Eating Organic
• Taurine increase GAD and binds to GABA Rec.
• Magnesium (Also activates GABA Rec.)
• Zinc (no more than 40 mg)
• Probiotics
• Vitamin D (Easy on it)
• Vitamin K (leafy greens have huge amounts of it)
• Vitamin B6
• Lithium (I take only 2 mcg a day)
• Iodine
• Boron
• Chlorella Blue-Green Algae to detoxify
• 5-HTP or Trytophan (these would help with depression and fear of crowds. They give confidence)
• Keeping blood sugar leveled
• Adequate Sleep

Don’t Take, Don’t do:
• Glycine
• Glutamate
• Glutamine
• Cysteine
• Theanine
• Casein (Cheese)
• Aspartame (sweetener)
• Calcium (be careful)
• Glutathione (be careful)
• Beware of Candida guts and mouth infection (use mouth wash and take probiotics.)
• Sugar, whole grain, Starch
• Caffeine, Chocolate
• Food that spikes Insulin
• Artificial flavor, color, sweeteners, additives.
• Pesticide, Herbicide, Heavy Metals , perfume, dish soap, laundry soap
• Benzodiazepine
• Hydrolyzed food, creamers, Yeast, Collagen, Carragenine, Guar Gum or any Gum, chia seeds, Malt, Soy.
• Whey protein, Sport Protein Shake, Branch Chain Amino Acids.
• Processed Meat
• Tomato Juice

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It makes total sense for me now.

I often wondered what the common theme of all the recovery storys are. Raising testosterone? Raising 5ar? Or HGH or igf1? Raising or lowering of ar density?

If you know the answer you can sort out which practises are helpfull and which are unnecessary.

I am now the opinion that raising ketones, precisely bhb, is the key.

That’s why fasting, hiit training (depletes glycogen), paleo/carnivore/keto diet, weight lifting (depletes glycogen) and cold water swimming (cold raises ketones) is part of nearly every success story.

I did several fasts in the past (3, 5 and 7 day), without noticing dramatic immediate improvements. But all in all, over time my, my symptoms improved (like 30-40 percent).

The last1/2 year I didn’t fast and symptoms got worse.

I am now 3 days in ketosis and this night nocturnal erections started slightly coming back. It’s the first time in a long time that I feel confident in a path. Let’s see where it leads.

Just too bad, that nuts, avocado and coconut oil are 5ar lowering foods. Could be such a delicious diet…

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I take ghee as my source of saturated fat and Brazil nuts are pro androgens.

I have no idea about the bio chemistry. I did lots of research, understood plenty of things and couldn’t find what is precisely our problem.

All I have is ketogenic diet, more exactly 75 gr of beef protein, less than 10 gr of carbs from leafy greens and the rest is saturated fat, either beef fat, ghee or MCT oil (and a little coconut cream). I’m very strict.
I also fast.

Fasting and keto are the best thing I know helps.

I have BHB salts and BHB esters but they’re harsh on the stomach and don’t give much calories. I’ll look more into BHB and it’s effects. BHB naturally produced by the body is much better.

Thanks for the tip.

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The main theory remains that in some tissues our androgen receptors are upregulated and therefore epigenetically “switched off” or “silenced”. As a further effect 5ar is somewhat inhibited. The main problems therefore seems to be on the epigenetic level.

Theoretically it fits just perfect with the ability of bhb to act on the epigenetic level.

Okay, so you are really on very strict keto diet. That should bring the best results. I will do the same… Thx for your inspiration!

@Ozeph, did you plan your diet and meals by yourself or did you go to a nutritionist?

To be more accurate, by 75 gr of beef protein, I mean 300 gr of Beef a day, as much leafy greens as 10 gr of carbs will allow (not counting fibers, meaaning generaly around 200 gr) and lots (lots) of ghee, 2 tbsp of MCT oil and about the same of coconut cream (that goes in the morning coffee). I get 2000+ calories

After 1 year of ketogenic diet, my body can have carbs and switch right back into ketosis the next day. It knows how to burn fat as its main energy source and it’s not a slice of birthday cake that will make it forget.
Everyweek, I have 3-7 days of less than 10 gr of carbs, and 0 to 4 days of less than 50gr of carbs. Altogether, I have carbs day less than 10% of the days.

@Go_Faster_Sonic : It’s probably not your kind of answer. Think me crazy if you wish, but I asked the Universe, which I believe is alive (sort of my version of God, but not in a religious sense) to find me the way to get better. Then a friend told me diet cures everything. He didn’t tell me what to do though. The next day, I watched a video of Jordan Peterson who fixed 40 years of depression, anxiety and insomnia by going on a beef, salt and water diet. Nothing more. I was intrigued but did nothing. The next day, another unrelated friend told me to try a carnivore diet to fix my symptoms. He’s an acupuncturist (if that’s what they’re called). Coincidence, I came home late and the only thing in the fridge was a precooked chicken breast which I had alone for dinner. That was day one of the diet.
Too many coincidences for me, I took it as the Universe’s answer to my question.

Whatever… True or not, it works. That’s the bottom line.


Just to let you know, there is an documentary about the ketogenic diet on Netflix called “the magic pill”. Doesn’t include something about the epigenetic effects though…

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I like this !

The ketogenic diet has been a revelation to me. It fixed health problems I had since I was a teen.

I think humanity is having a carbs epidemic. In my opinion, it’s the first cause of death considering the cancers, heart attacks, strokes, and just all over inflammation until the body gives up.

But then again, I’m biased in favor of Keto and I do realize it’s not sustainable on a world wide basis.


Agree with everything. Not sure about not being sustainable world wide. First step would be world wide recognizing that no/low carb and meat is healthy (besides all the other myths). When step one would be reached, a fruitful discussion could be started HOW this could be made worldwide sustainable.

But anyway, that won’t happen and I am not really bothered. For now I simply want my life back!

If you are interested: There is a second documentary on iTunes and vimeo, called “FAT a documentary”. Haven’t seen it yet. Also there currently is a documentary in progress called “Food Lies”

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