Photos of body changes

Wait, you did, and i saw them… Jesus christ, that’s insane :frowning: Have you seen any doctors about it? Obviously you’re in a state that can’t be neglected

Yeah my entire skin complexion is gray, and my veins look aged and watery. I used to be super vascular with great, full veins. Now my veins are gone and only come out when I’m in the sun or lift something. I also get really cold very easily.

I took a single 1mg pill last October and within about 2 months I started noticing muscle loss and my skin was looking “off”. It just progressed gradually, with more muscle loss and aging, softening of my skin all over. It’s like when I took the drug, a switch got flipped.

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jesus dude im so sorry. 1 pill! its all it takes. the makers of these drugs should be fed to lions. im hoping i can recover some. i took a video but i look to haggard to share it . im wondering if all the coffee ive been drinking played a role? or maybe after the tribulus or spirulina i took. who fuckn knows. im so sad and depressed today about the state of my body. fuck man

I have same across inner thighs, hips, groin and buttocks. Caused by Accutane.

During the crash, these areas quickly became thicker with fat. A feminine style fat distribution. It is still a problem. The colour fades from them and the scars reduce in appearance over time. However the fat distribution remains a problem.


-also used to be vascular in the arms, fore arms, this is completely gone now??!
-dark circles under the eyes
-odd enough , when I felt normal I had slightly “puffy nipples” they are completely flat now?
-fungal rash I had my whole life on my thighs/biceps, buttocks, is completely gone now.
-urinary sphincter feels like its not working well, once im done pissing its as if somebody kicks below my belly button to let more out.
-although my penis is the same size, i can tell that my testicles have gotten like 40-50percent smaller as well as the scrotum being super tight, and high?

If you can be strong and look past the discomfort, your videos would be very helpful man. Please consider contacting @Jaime about making a video.

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@joey10 yes, I used to be ridiculously veiny in the forearms, now my veins have a watery, aged tinge to them, and they have gotten smaller. In this picture, (taken 1+ week ago), I got a slight pump from working out and my veins popped. This is how they used to be ALL of the time. My arm vascularity was like that of a steroid user. Now it’s mostly gone. If you check my unedited video content I posted, I have horrible bags under my eyes. I’ve always had a little darkness, but after taking Finasteride, it got much worse and hasn’t resolved at all.
I’ll post a picture, but my skin is extremely fucking pale and gray. Like a dead color, compared to what it was. Hairs are also dead. I spend time outside shirtless and use tanning beds, and my skin looks like this.

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no clue anymore, somebody posted a link about a guy who took zinc, and got “pfs” like symptoms… I took high doses of zinc , but only after I crashed from my low calorie diet. But zinc toxicity causes sodium depletion i believe. It is the most common thing it causes… Sodium has to do with body fluids, fluid retention etc…

I bet it’s Cushings or pseudo-cushings. See an endo and get your cortisol tested. Make sure you have no problems with pituitary and adrenals. Could also be due to high estrogen which can increase cortisol blinding.

Do you find you lose voice more at night like it gets weaker or hoarse?

Seems to be weaker and higher pitched all the time. I’ve never had a deep booming voice though. Just a touch higher now.


These are current pictures. I have steady, rubbery, fluid-like fat accumulating around my thighs. My legs and thighs have gotten thicker. I’ve always had lean legs my entire life. I’m currently eating 1-2 times a day and avoiding grains, and i’m steady putting on this weird fat.

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If i didn’t know i would say this guy doesn’t have PFS. You look muscular (although maybe you were more muscular before), no pot belly, no bloated face. You are more muscular then the average male your age.

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He definitely has PFS smh I’ve talked to him about his sides, some guys with PFS still have muscle he even showed photos of muscle loss before and after including myself, there’s others here who got skin changes and other weird shit because of this fucking drug.


I don’t say he haven’t PFS, just an observation he still has a good physique


yeah those marks, i have gotten those too, i think with pfs there are serious food intolerances and when you have the problematic foods, it is going to cause a stress reaction. i’ve had them disappear and reappear before based on what i am eating and find it to correlate to it.

3 foods i have been having a lot of, i recently eliminated and found my digestion is a little better after removal was potatoes, milk (even lactose free), and eggs. what’s interesting i have gotten a food allergy test and milk and eggs did show up high on the results before. potatoes being such high starch, i think it causes a problem just because if you are having digestion problems and then add the starch, it doesn’t do well just mixing in the gut with everything backed up.

i also can gain a lot of weight too if i have these problematic foods an have those marks, i think it is just really high stress in the body causing those marks, and the liver doesnt have a chance to detox because there is backup.

try looking at the food you are eating and see if it helps. make sure you are paying attention to what you are eating though to get enough of all the nutrients. if you dont eat milk, you still need calcium. so i got cocnut milk. or if you dont eat potatoes, you still need potassium so i drink oj, coconut water, cooked vegetables, an banans for that. or instead of eggs, liver is probably better to eat in small amounts for vit a.

i feel like a lot of problems is we cant get the nutrients we need because the body has so many food intolerances, then you eliminate a ton of stuff and that doesnt help to get the metabolism working. defo need those carbs from fruit and juice, no sugar isnt so great.

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1 year ago


I got this bad

Are you on any protocol, diet, or something?