Photographic evidence of facial changes (post your changes)

So fin caused your tumor obviously. Very curious to see what the mechanisms by which all these things actually occur as a result of fin are. Just sends all hormone systems completely haywire.

I don’t think I had elevated IGF-1 during fin use. And again it wasn’t elevated July 2016, when my face was undergoing the same changes it is undergoing now. It is faster now but that’s because being much healthier I am in a better position to rebuild and heal.

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Yeah I have no doubt that fin caused my tumour.

My face/jaw actually got smaller which doesn’t make much sense when you have high IGF-1.

But my hands did get noticeable bigger while my feet stayed the same size.

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Hi, (sorry English is not my main language)
Can i ask you if you also lost weight or is just the drug that makes you skin more gaunt.
Your story sounds very similar to me.
Also got scratches in my face like a cat attacked me.
Dokter’s says it is not the finasteride but there are to many story’s about this problem.
Now i got a hair and a skin problem. Makes me so unhappy!
Dit you experienced some improvement already?

Can you pls confirm that this symptom (i.e. FACIAL BONE LOSS) is part of PFS to Philip Roberts. They will add it to the symptom list if at least 3 others confirm it besides my brother and myself.

The email is this one:


Anybody experiencing facial bone loss (i.e. shrinkage of jaw, chin, and cheekbones) pls email The foundation will add this symptom to their offical symptom list on their website if enough people confirm this symptom.

Again if you have this it appears like your masculine facial features are less prominent because the jaw, chin and cheekbones have lost bone mass. Its like the outer layer has dissolved. The jaw, chin, and cheekbones appear smaller and less thick. Less chiseled if you will.

Notice: Some guys on this thread have not emailed Philip yet. I hope you will do this in the next couple of days. You dont have to do anything, just confirm it. Dont be shy about it. It is important that all symptoms are on their radar, as the scientists will have to explain how all are caused and will have more information to work with. Thanks.

I emailed that address and put my case in for consideration.

What about generalized bone loss? All over the entire body. That’s what I experienced, obviously includes the face.

Have never heard of that.

I posted a before/after on the previous page. I think I actually may have had Paget’s disease. Believe that has been mentioned in some threads here. I’ve discovered my bones are not actually getting bigger in the process of recvoery. Just appears that way because they’re becoming more angular. I’d guess whatever fin did to cause Paget’s involved DNA changes, if that’s what I had. The top pic in the post from the previous page is before fin, and the bottom is 4 months into a six month stint on fin.

This is really crazy, my gosh. Even if I heard not about it, I believe you. I hope you can do some research on the web what the possible cause could be? Best

Yeah I will be doing research on it. There are bone deformities in the before pic (the one on the bottom in the post on the previous page) and the top layer of bone was soft, both symptoms. Paget’s is supposed to be incurable but PFS and PFS recovery make for some unusual scenarios. My bone mass (which increases with Paget’s) held pretty steady for a few months when I began to measure it starting 6 months ago - 7.8 lbs. Measured it a few days ago and it’s 7.0 lbs, consistent with rcovery from Paget’s. Also rules out ongoing acromegaly. Only other possibility is Cushing’s-related bone loss, etc. but I don’t see anything about deformities with that. Allegedly it takes 10 years to recover from cushing bone loss, wouldn’t make much sense since it’s only been two years and the process of bone recovery is getting close to being done. Did have a lot of cushing’s symptoms.

13 posts were split to a new topic: Pete1989’s story

So at least, can we say that the thing that changes is not the bones but the fat around the face? We think it is the bone because of the apperance but maybe only fat is gone? I don’t think bones can change that much. Also never heard bone density changes are visible to human eye. It is more comforting to believe to fat loss theory tho.

lol , many good looking guys here with pfs. fuck our vanity !

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Hi there Cooper

I don’t feel that I could definitively call it one way or another, based on the numerous anecdotes of guys on here. It appears that some guys experience fat loss whilst some may in fact have experienced bone loss. Too many have discussed the latter, particularly loss of their jaw line to not consider it a possibility. Just a couple of the idiosyncratic symptoms dispensed by this drug.

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How many of you guys experience this though? I read approx. 5 people here but never heard some present reports. Does everyone with mild to severe PFS experience this bone loss to some degree?

I’ve suffered bone loss extensively in my face. The loss was rapid in the first few months but slowed down. It’s still continuing 7-8 months post crash but at a slightly slower rate. I wanted to believe that it was just fat/collagen loss at first but I came to realise after time that it was definitely bone loss. I could/can physically feel the deterioration when I press down on certain areas of my face and when I take photos of my face from certain angles it’s blindingly obvious.

I know in my case that my cortisol is high and I suffer other classic symptoms of high cortisol. Bone loss is a symptom of Cushing disease which is a problem where cortisol is chronically elevated. Maybe the cortisol and bone loss are related in our cases too? I really don’t know but I’m hoping to get some answers from the Baylor study!

My chin is much smaller less masculine then before it’s night and day compared to old photos of me.

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Can you please post the photos, maybe PM me? Now im concerned for my own face! Although im not sure about it, we can falsely create an obsessive illusion for us. (No offense, lighting plays a big role). I just checked out a photo of me when i was 16. The chin looked more prominent than now, but it could be just an illusion. I just took 4 pills of Accutane, and didn’t experienced any “crash”. Aaron, are you really sure you really experienced facial bone loss?

Check your inbox

Not to mention, hair turns gray. Did you notice that?

Honestly, I believe it is due to copper biounavailability. Why copper is turned off, I have no idea.

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