PFS recovery is “not impossible. “ In June 2017 I fully recovered (except sleep) - Anonymous1968's post-PFS journal

@AaronF @Tzinkman
I too was too disabled to do exercise. I couldn’t stand up for long or climb more than a flight of stairs, slowly, before having to take a rest and climb the second flight of stairs. I was too uncoordinated to drive my motorbike and very insecure driving my car. Of course, I also had severe anxiety, brain fog, speech slur and problem solving not so complex problems. I could never have lifted weights in that state.

however, after going on a carnivore diet and completely getting rid of carbs (I was also eating small qty of spinach and kale) most of the neurological symptoms went away. After a few weeks, i started gaining strength. When I first started exercising, 3 months in the diet, I could do 10 squat, maybe 5 push ups and only 1 pull up and I had to kick myself in the ass hard to get the motivation to do it.

Now I can do more than 50 squats, 30 push ups and 15 pull ups. Not great numbers, but better than before.

In my opinion, diet has to come first. There’s no guarantee but I didn’t hear anyone who got his pfs worst from eating only meat. There is what is called keto flu in the first week, and it has turned away many who have tried.
It’s not an easy diet, but after a year and a half, I can say it’s sustainable.



If you want to create that, it’s a perfectly viable community project.

I thought we had something like a treatment survey/database in place already?

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If you are hit hard enough it doesn’t matter age or duration of length. I was 36 when I crashed completely and had used for 18 years off and on (mostly on). I noticed lower libido, PE, and weaker erctions a couple a few years earlier but didn’t know about PSSD and listened to doctors. I reintroduced Prozac for a few weeks after a terrible breakup and completely crashed. And people who “crash” don’t seem to recover it seems.
Regarding the term “crash” it is way overused and misused in the PSSD and PFS community. A crash is when almost every symptom happens AT ONCE. I had a moment laying in bed where I felt completely lobotimized and castrated at the same time. Body went numb, emotions left, libido completely went, visual imagination went, stopped sleeping completely, noticed dick shrinkage the next morning, etc. That’s a crash. And you only get one. I haven’t moved off of 0 since mine. Getting a lowered libido and some erection problems isn’t a crash.
So no I don’t see recovery happening for me. Duration of use and age when hit have nothing to do with it. If you get hit hard enough that is that.

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I guess my comment referred to those who had “crashed” coming off the drug and were ok on. It’s a pretty common thing that happened to you. People go off and on these drugs and then suddenly it hits when they restart the drug again. Like some type of accumulative unseen effect that isn’t noticeable until its too late. Some people immediately get this effect after one dose. Whatever the case I believe we’re all similar.
People use “crash” to also describe when they take something and all of their symptoms come back I’ve noticed. There’s no rules on how you’re allowed to use the term I guess, only what you meant by using it. I wasn’t by any means trying to categorise people, there are just trends and patterns with this sometimes which I find interesting. This is definitely a multi faceted problem. There’s still hope. Hang on please, for either natural recovery or a cure. Both are possibilities and way better than giving up.

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? Hello, I read what you wrote about the cure and I am very interested. I have suffered from Pfs for three years and I wanted to learn about these intravenous injections with setroids. I am from Poland, can I do it here?

Yerp, I’m a 53yo lawyer in Denver, not crazy/misguided. I took FIN daily for 15 years but unfortunately FIN/PFS in 2014-15 triggered a SWARM of 13(!) demonically HORRIFIC maladies, including profound sexual, sleep, emotional dysfunction;,body feminization, hallucinations; double vision; vertigo/imbalance, etc.

As I’ve reported I’m incredibly fortunate worst-case PFS resolved in 2,5 years, see prior threads. (Unfortunately it’s a mystery and I have no magic solution).

But ‘insane” sleep dysfunction persisted until recently. I very rarely slept and somehow survived on “zombie rest” - mostly or partially conscious “sleep” quite miserable, short, and random. I’ve been on disability since 2016, trying to get it controlled.

In 2021 I sued Merck for sleep dysfunction only but filed late and had to dismiss. (You must file in two(!) years after discovering FIN caused maladies.)

But lo and behold on Dec 10, 2021, my brain sleeping controls mysteriously resumed working! I usually sleep 4 hours normally without drugs.

So once again Lady Luck has blessed me, probably undeservedly. I’m no different or better than other victims but somehow have been released from FIN/PFS trauma after FOREVERRRR!

Hang in there and good luck!

Mel H.


Very glad to here you’re doing better these days
And thank you for taking the time to report
It matters

God Bless


@anonymous1968 hey Mel, good to hear you’re still doing welll!

Did you quit the Belsomra in the end ? Do you think they had any impact on improving your sleep or was it just time and recovery?