Hey man,
I know it sucks, I am 27 now but took the pill at the age of 21. Such a small minority of guys have to deal with hair loss at the age of 21 and then an even smaller minority are unlucky enough to have persistent PFS years later, let alone any side effects to begin with. We are the unlucky 1% of the 1%…! Anyway - we must keep up the fight!
I didn’t ever experience any sexual sides. Just very very severe mental / cognition issues which have gradually improved over time. I therefore can’t offer any specific advice on your condition.
That being said - I am a believer that this is reversible, either as your body gradually readjusts over time or by pharmacological interventions. This is so hard to treat because PFS is caused by interference with really complex endocrine and nuerosteroid pathways - way beyond issues with just Test / DHT levels (which is where most people look). Therefore, you need to know where to look in order to find what is off balance and infer any potential treatment options.
For myself and my mental sides, as per the above initial post, I am pretty sure that the drug interfered with my Allopregnenolone levels. When talking about sexual sides, I think there are a number of potential causes. Obviously there could be some sort of Test / DHT issue caused directly by Fin (although Test & DHT levels in sufferers are usually not in an abnormal range). Alternatively, through a few different pathways oestrogen levels could have been raised or potentially there could have been up/downregulation in androgen receptors.
Have you had any bloodwork done? I personally do not know enough to explicitly advise, however there are some online experts who understand this stuff down to a really granular level, one of whom is linked above (Leo Longevity), another is Derek from MorePlatesMoreDates.com.
It may be helpful for you to pay for a private consultation with one of them, they have a track record of helping correct chemical imbalances of PFS sufferers and can help you identify what bloodwork you should have done and thereafter what some potential treatment options could be.
These guys are not Physicians, therefore any advice they give etc should be discussed with a Doctor. However, I think most doctors are clueless in terms of knowing where to start - I think these guys could help you start looking in the right places.
Good luck man, keep fighting…