PFS and rheumatoid arthritis;

Hi guys.
I’m writing for advice. After my last incident, I developed a rheumatic autoimmune disease (from the symptoms I think it’s rheumatoid arthritis, I’m going to see a doctor soon) are there men here who developed this condition after PFS? I am worried because I don’t know if the treatments for this disease will make my situation worse. I also have problems with the stomach (pain) and intestines (mucus in the stool) thank you very much if you will answer me :slight_smile:

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I got diagnosed with ulcerative colitis last year. First sign of it was mucus in the stools. Treatments haven’t made my PFS worse.


For me the crash triggered joint, tendon and muscle issues that continue to progress over the years. I went to the doc as well for rheumatoid arthritis, but got cleared.

Is inflammation involved in your problems or moreso gradual physical degeneration ?

I’m sorry Lino for your experience. Have you tried to cure your problems? How were your autoimmunity tests? I’ve been worse for two months, but there are days when I’m better. I do not know what will happen in the future, but when there is a recognized pathology (AR in this case, inflammatory disease) I will have to treat it. For this I wrote the post, to compare with other men/ guys with the same problem.

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My autoimmunity tests were fine.
I think generally it is best to get a referral to a clinic that is specialized in regards to rheumatic diseases.

Most gp’s are not doing as exhaustive testing, so the former is preferable to get things ruled out and have a high level of certainty.

Hopefully they can help you out and can give you some answers!

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non so come stai tu adesso ma io ho questi problemi alle anche ed alle ginocchia correlati a debolezza e perdita di tono muscolare. tu hai fatto progressi?? cosa ti ha aiutato? grazie

I have not made any progress, only worsening with other symptoms. I also had good days, I can take care of the house, at least. Do autoimmunity tests is an MRI to the sacroiliac for pain in the hips.

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il fatto è che il 5 settembre ho fatto una RMN con contrasto al cranio per paura di SLA, SM e tumori al cervello/ipofisi e non voglio sottopormi ad altra RMN in questo mese. Ho fatto anche una EMG la settimana scorsa tutte negative anche se la EMG ha evidenziato possibile artrosi (ho 46 anni). Cmq entro il 2024 farò la RMN al bacino e ripeterò i test per autoimmunità che avevo già fatto a marzo 2024 ed erano negativi. Quali altri sintomi stanno peggiorando?? i miei dolori sono costanti ed insopportabili adesso anche quando dormo nel letto non riesco a trovare la posizione …

@Lady86. I already had rheumatoid prior to fin/pfs and believe some of the biological drugs I was on masked the symptoms for periods. In that respect that was good because I had some symptom relief but ion the othe I was doing things that were unknowingly laying landmines inside me for when these drugs ran their course which always happens with time. But if I hadnt been taking fin for all of these yeaes (17 on and off) i might have been OK. So it could help. I think rituximab and actemra provided the most relief. Unfortunately I’ve been without a paddle since 2017 which is when the mines all started going off.

rituximab è un chemioterapico lo hanno somministrato a mia madre quando ha avuto linfoma non Hodgking non è una roba leggera … ho letto che lo hanno somministrato ad un tizio che aveva Miosite autoimmune … come fai a procurarti questi farmaci in autonomia?? in Italia non è possibile

It was prescribed for rheumatoid. Many cancer drugs are also used for A.I diseases and like fin the patient is only advised of the potential benefits for the condition it’s targeting. As a teenager I was never told i was being prescribed cancer drugs.

capisco. come ti senti adesso?? i miei dolori articolari e muscolari sono sempre presenti mentre l’aspetto depressione/sessuale/libido sembra sistemato, anche l’insonnia ed il brain fog sono rientrati peccato aver danneggiato i muscoli e le articolazioni in questo modo … purtroppo ho preso FINA per 23 anni con brevissime pause ho smesso il 10 luglio e sono a pezzi fisicamente a quasi 80 giorni dallo stop …

The symptoms that have worsened are chronic pain which has become much more intense, also appeared in the hands and feet. My anxiety has also worsened, but it is due to the fact that unlike before, my body feels pain. I have been found with an edema in the pelvis, but it is so little that the doctor who visited me did not give it any importance. I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, but I also have problems with the spine and a strong intestinal dysbiosis. The doctors don’t understand much about these pathologies, my blood tests are all regular, except for some things that however, according to the doctor, do not matter. I have had very intense fatigue episodes. eating anti-inflammatory food helps me. I was recently diagnosed with a “hormonal block” but my gynecologist can’t help me.

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venerdì faro RM alla colonna e bacino anche io ho forti dolori alla schiena e cervicale problemi di equilibrio con giramenti di testa fatico a tenere la testa dritta … dolori anche io forti e debolezza non alle mani ed ai piedi ma alle ginocchia e bacino, dolori articolari ma anche muscolari. non se ne comprende la causa ho anche perdita di tono e massa muscolare

Fibromyalgia is bullshit; these doctors don’t know what they talk about
your symptoms is due to epigenetic changes to your body, your estrogen receptors don’t respond well to estrogen, hence joint pain and spinal pain. also problems with androgen receptors, 5ARs, 5 beta reductase and others due to taking 5AR inhibitors.

If a patient has symptoms and they don’t know the cause, they call it fibromyalgia, which means pain in fibers and muscles.


Concordo. La fibromialgia è un invenzione che serve per dare una pseudo diagnosi quando non si riesce a diagnosticare il vero disturbo. Non esiste la fibromialgia ma il dolore se poi è causato dai recettori non lo so però so solo che fa male e rende veramente la vita dura ….

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it’s not just receptors; nerve fibers pain due to low neurosteroids.
pelvic, spinal and joint pains are due to low estrogen signaling due to receptors not responding well. and so on; it’s multifactorial.

io ho dolori anche muscolari con perdita di tono e massa muscolare probabilmente deriva dal fatto che la cosa è multifattoriale. per esempio traggo giovamento dal Pantoprazolo che causa una leggera inibizione del testosterone a favore del progesterone infatti il Pantorc mi fa ingrassare e mi abbassa la disbiosi.

I think you benefit from Pantoprazole because it’s a CYP3A4 competitive inhibitor.

CYP3A4 is involved in steroid metabolism (Testosterone, Estrogens, progesterone, etc.).

so you will have higher levels of these hormones.

Muscle tone and mass primarily androgen-dependent.

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Esatto. Quindi tu pensi che l’inibitore competitivo di CYP3A4 faccia salire gli ormoni? a me sembra che abbassi gli androgeni e faccia salire estrogeni e progesterone infatti ingrasso. Invece se provo a fare esercizio fisico mi vengono subito forti dolori come se alzare androgeni scateni una reazione dolorosa. che ne pensi??