Penile shrinkage reversible?

Standard shrinkage, but I also get the hour glass shape when manually trying to get erect.

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Invictus, do you have any idea how propecia cause Tissue loss? I only used Accutane for 2 days, later on i have kind of a shrinkage feeling in my penis these days, as if it is shortens itself like a shrivel feeling while sitting or sleeping… Do you guys also get this feeeling? However, i don’t really recall my pre-Accutane penis size. It seems normal but im not sure. My only side was low semen volume.

How could it cause tissue loss, from the lack of hormones? Would 4 years of low T cause some tissue loss to me? Could full recovery possible?

A urologist i have spoken to told me that finasteride shrinks the prostate also if your testosterone levels drop your dick can shrink.

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Do you asked him about the possibility of full reversal of the shrinkage? If you get Testesterone treatmen will it come back to its full size again? Any info on that?

No. Guarda le mie foto e dimmi…

I had to have a second blood test to get an average of my levels im booked in again on this coming Monday afternoon will ask more questions and keep you updated mate

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Any more input to this?

Its hormonal guys. Not actual damage. Maybe if u dont get hard for weeks on end u will get damage, u could use a bathmate for that. I took a methyl donor recently, crashed, and wham, penis got totally shrunk, hourglass type shrunk. Before this i experienced it once a bit and in a window bam, everything normal again. I think DHT determines ur penis structure, so no DHT, no penis structure really. might have to do with other hormones too, but really tissue damage doesnt come overnight and doesnt go away overnight. Hormones do.

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How is your penis size now?
@Baz44uk also what did your doctor say? Thanks.

Any update?