Ozeph Carnivore/Ketogenic Regimen

Melatonin heals the epigenome. I’m not taking it to sleep.

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I see that you use clonazepam, is that only for insomnia?

A year after i quitted fin, i became addicted clonazepam and it almost went wrong for me. Its a strong sedative benzodiazepine, i think many would argue that this would slow the recovery time from pfs, what do you think?

I actually felt alot better on clonazepam and my sex life was better. But i strongly advice people to not use this drug, specially if they also have anxiety problems.

Yes it is. My insomnia is so bad I have to fight it with all kinds of things. I don’t think it’s good but it’s better than not sleeping. In that aspect, not sleeping would slow my recovery much more than taking clonazepam IMO.

I don’t see what clonazepam has to do with the epigenome, the body’s ability to fix it or the androgen receptors. Maybe you could clarify in which way clonazepam interact with PFS and slows its recovery.
We don’t lack ability to produce GABA IMO, what we have is a poly-glutamine toxicity which increases to toxic levels of all glutamine metabolites. Relevant to my condition: Glutamate, the stimulatory neurotransmitter which also antagonizes GABA.

In 2018, the disease disabled me. I couldn’t work so I had to find a way to be functional. All in all, I’m maybe just kicking the can down the road. I’m 53. I have a factory in Thailand and right now we’re producing at full capacity to provide goods for the newly printed money. I am not building any tolerance to clonazepam so I can probably go on and extra 2-3 years, by which time the printed money scheme should have imploded, I could shut my factory and retire with enough money to afford being disabled with 3 kids.

Meanwhile, I’m doing all I can to heal the epigenome. From the success stories, it looks like it took 4-6 years to those who recovered. That’s 3 years from now for me, with most symptoms currently already gone… Maybe I would have time to recover from the poly-glutamine toxicity and then deal with the clonazepam addiction without having extra high Glutamate to prevent any GABA from manifesting itself ?

Wish for the best and plan for the worst. Meanwhile, in my experience, Things are not as bad as the worst I can imagine and not as good as the best I could wish for so I guess I’ll have something in between in the future.

I cant clarify that at all, it was a thoughtless assumption.

Don’t worry. In order to move forward on a disease that has very little study behind it, we have to make assumptions. We just need to keep in mind that they are assumption and be careful…

Congratulation for your success in symptoms relieve and your body :slight_smile:

Are you doing some weight lifting or is this a natural body transformation with your diet?

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Glad to hear you are making strides in your recovery Ozeph!

On the topic of Melatonin… Melatonin is also a potent free radical scavenger in the brain. It’s use as an antioxidant shows very promising potential for reducing cognitive decline and neurodegenerative disease. Most people take in the order of 20mg/d for anti-ageing. It personally makes me feel extremely depressed the following day, so I avoid, but there is large benefit I see to taking high dose melatonin on the brain.

Curious, have you ever had your gut microbiome analysed? I am interested to understand how strict ketogenic lifestyle would affect the microbiotia. As I understand, the number 1 predictor of a healthy microbiome is the abundance and diversity of plant based fibers in your diet. As someone who is trying to fix their microbiome (I have the bacterial profile of somebody with CFS/ME), I’m interested to hear your thoughts on keto vs high fiber diet.

Best wishes and very happy to hear your progress.

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I did do weight lifting now I’m doing maintenance push ups and pull ups etc… but not nearly as many as I would do if I was training.

The diet increased my muscle mass and made the fat melt…

@Alex50 Melatonin helps repair the epigenome and does a lot more. It’s a good supplement IMO. 5mg will make you sleepy but more will be excitatory. I have yet to test taking 20mg in the morning.

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Your body looks incredible for 53 man congrats!

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Thank you.

That’s because of the diet and tricks to reverse aging. It also repairs epigenetic damage as it’s the major cause of aging.

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That’s awesome to read. Question though: how did you determine which supplements to take and how much of each to take? And also what foods to eat? I love reading threads like these where people improve a lot, but I have no idea how to implement any of this in my life. Did you see a nutritionist? Or did you go to a top hospital, like Johns Hopkins or mayo clinic?

I’m in Thailand and hospitals are of no use, “experts” are clueless.

I got on the diet by a series of coincidences and by luck it turned out to be the prescribed diet advise for epigenetic damage given by a Russian epigenetic expert (I found out later)

As for the supplements, It was trials and errors. The one I take are specific to my case.

Hey, ozeph, congrats! I am on a similar path (I believe raw is better, and felt improvements in 1 day) but I wonder if you have tried reintroducing greens? Right now, even avocados and coconuts trigger my migraines, but I believe I should get more raw stuff in as soon as I can tolerate them. Oh, also, could you share the Russian diet article? All the best!

Thank you and congratulation on your own improvements !

The Russian diet was shared with me by a Russian friend on a PM.

I don’t see the use of eating things that makes me sick. But I do eat some spinach, cucumbers and lettuce in small quantity and I don’t react bad.

I know it’s boring (after 3 years…) and I learned stoicism during that period. Pleasure is lesser than the satisfaction derived from accomplishments and it’s really great to be free from the constant search of pleasure. I understand it might not be from everyone.

I got a 10 meter tapeworm from eating raw beef 9 months ago and on that day I was sick because I couldn’t digest it. I took hard medicine to kill the worm and I’m still recovering from my reaction to those medicine. I will always cook my meat from now on. I don’t cook the very few veggies I eat.

It appears humans are intelligent because by using fire to breakdown the long molecule of our food, we could trade off a shorter intestine for a larger brain, both being the most energy consuming part of our body. Chimps don’t have that luxury so their intestine is longer and their brain is the size of whatever the energy left permits.

Inuits don’t cook their meat but then again they eat lots of fat, seals are very fat. They are keto (I mean both the Inuits and the seals !).

The diet and Tricks to repair the Epigenome are the best thing I did to fight off this disease.

The best of luck to you !

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What were your typical symptoms when you had you tapeworm?
I’m curious because I eat raw meat from time to time and I think something is wrong with my digestion.

I would like to 2nd Marki above? and appreciate you sticking around to help us. I totally understand you, at this point I care 0 about pleasure, just wanna have my mind back and get going with my life without pain/dementia/anhedonia, doesn’t look like this bizarre shrinkage/no-libido is reversible anyway.

On raw meat, I understand the risks and still need more info and don’t know what I would do if I had my own tapeworm, but notice that what really damaged us was the drugs we took (my case, proviron).I currently give Creed to the idea that cooking might deform and eliminate, and not only pre-digest, the nutrients. This theory from Aajonus (despite neurotic about everything being unpure, his diet has cured thousands worldwide while “doctors” are designed to sicken/Rob one further to keep the wheels turning ) is that a lot of diseases are actually chemical contamination from this mercury-vaccinated,unnatural,processed,unbalanced,antibacterial, drug-abusing, toxicated societies. And this lack of bacteria would debilitate us in digesting the proper nutrients to regenerate our epigenome (why even sups don’t effect us often? Why naturalr raw fruits now harm us?.). He actually advocates for enduring the initial sickness, as it would be a sign of detox and readjustment of your body to the new lifestyle (tapeworm/salmonella would only grow to digest whatever is putrid inside, once they are done they balance back to normal-we all have them anyway). But again, it is just speculation based on this very sensitive pain button I developed for 6 months -why others didn’t? Maybe my bacterias were even worse of then everybody’s in here- and basically went away on day1 of raw meat/egg only.

I think it was from the Inuits and nature in general that he and Weston Price/Patteger ca 1930 realized that it is actually organs that are eaten first and thus most nurturing (and much easier to digest than muscles, and this even if we agree on cooking everything). This in turn links to the idea of “like heals like”, or “eat the organ you want to heal”. Makes sense, cells from different tissues have different frequencies/composition and would likely assimilate each other much better.

Could we take a look at the diet itself, or was it just “eat whatever meat you want, anytime you want” ? On you, personally, does even avocado, coconut meat/water, olive oil, dairy, honey, eggs, poultry and fish make you sick?(I know you drink coffee, though, right? Not all unnatural/processed plants are bad for u then, which means other natural foods could be worth a push to update your OKs list once in a while?) Another question is if you are really in ketosis (and if you do track it along with GKI, and what would your avg numbers be?)? I did strict keto for 3 months, but didn’t help with migraines and it was really a pain tracking the 4:1:1 macros the first month every meal, so I wonder what would yours be, if any?(fat: protein?). And assuming that you are in ketosis, does that mean you replenish electrolytes or you get all from the diet?

Curious and thrilled by this new path, but honestly I hope I can start introducing more raw food types as soon as migraines/mood allow (probably all other animal products, fatty and citric fruits and keto veggies). Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

I felt nauseous after eating a large meal, food would not go down easy and that’s about it. Only large tapeworms have symptoms (Teania Sagitana from beef has symptoms. Pork tapeworm don’t and they can grow larvaes in your brain and eyes… Really freaky)
Also there would be larvae in my feaces. They look like 2cm white soy sprout with no heads or tail, and they usually don’t move.

There’s a lot to unpack in there…

I still think it’s reversible but I think specific measures has to be taken as per Tricks to repair the Epigenome.

I only eat things with one ingredients and try to avoid chemicals, but as you said they are everywhere so it’s not easy. I think it’s better to detoxify using Chlorella blue algae and EDTA rather then plant food we may be allergic too. That’s my opinion.

It seems our current body status has killed all bifidus strains in our guts so we may have a bacterial imbalance /infection as well as candida infections. I know I do. I’m currently working on it using biofilm enzymes, pre and probiotics. Lots of things don’t make me sick but they have carbs so it’s not keto. I know I’m in ketosis because when you do, water tastes sweet. I also only eat one meal a day which really boost autophagy and is one of the trick above. It helps getting into ketosis. my GKI is between 1-2.
I made an electrolyte drink I take everyday. It consist of magnesium chloride and potassium chloride so I make sure my electrolytes and minerals are kept in check.

I actually do have cheat meals where I eat at restaurants and pick items that are more on the meat side. Usually, if I cheat, I’ll have a single meal with not enough calories to make sure I burn the carbs first.

It’s great to see you are heaping the benefits of your studies and discipline, a true inspiration for us all! My 2 cents is only that maybe focusing on organ meat instead of beef could really alleviate most of the pills you are popping, (and they would come in a naturally balanced, bio-available way).

I would also consider the pro bacteria argument that all healthy people have candida, salmonella, etc, in their body (in quantity, everyone is basically bacteria) and that we as unbalanced fellas are temporarily showing it more because what they do in the body is get rid of damaged cells. On this same line, 0 carbs make sense because this bacteria unbalance would actually be exacerbated by fibers, thus juicing keto greens in a food processor might be worth a shot eventually.

I am definitely considering going keto again with a carnivore diet, just wondering if it could be pulled off without electrolyte pills, cause we weren’t meant to be lycking rocks, but get it from food - maybe bone broth, bone marrow, coconut water and dis-fibered avocado, or oyster/clams?? Or maybe just stick with Shawn Baker, either that or Aajonus, haha, trying to choose here…

Good idea for the meat organs. It won’t be liver, too much L-Cystein and I don’t react well, which is too bad considering the large amounts of minerals it contains. I’ll try again at lower doses and see.

We need 450mg of magnesium per day and it’s especially important for insomnia. I supplement 3/4 of that with food grade magnesium chloride, dissolved in water. Once it’s ionized, a Cl- or a Mg+2 in the blood is identical to the same ions coming from food from what I learned of chemistry. Both are electrolytes. It won’t be accompanied with other potentially complementary minerals or compounds so eating the organ you want to fix it a good idea. I’ll think of how I could cook pork brain so that all tapeworm larvae and eggs are dead and it tastes good enough to eat or mix with my food (it’ll take some getting used to… Lol !)

Mammals do lick rocks and salt was the first mineral mined by humans. It was also used as a currency because everyone needs it.
There’s also a matter of how much time you are willing to put in your diet. I’m working up to 14 hours a day and I’m quite happy I found a diet that requires around 1 hour of preparation and eating time a day. If you have time, it makes sense to use it to perfect your diet.

I’m taking lots of good probiotics along with resistant starch (from potato) to feed them. So far so good ! I’m waiting on bio-film enzymes (Candex) to get rid of candida and streptococcus.
I think eating prebiotics without taking good probiotics may feed bad bacteria.

I have a candida infection. I looked the symptoms and I currently have it in my hair and once had it in my mouth (white bumps on the inner lips). I’ll try and fight it with biofilm enzymes, iodine and candida killing probiotics. Candida feeds on glucose so a ketogenic diet really helps, even though we always have glucose in the blood. The brain needs it.