Not feeling good

You may think this is surprising but this has happened many times to people of this forum, myself included. I think the best thing is to accept that his father won’t change his mind (because as unacceptable as it may seem, he won’t) and keep going until the knowledge about PFS is more widespread in the medical community.

Hi @borax, sorry to hear about how hard things are for you right now. I can relate 100% to feeling like you are being made to carry the burden of your condition by yourself, and it’s a terrible spot to be in. Is there anybody you can talk to about your problems who will actually listen to and believe you, outside of this forum? I think that can be really helpful.

Also have to second the suggestion of my friend @Dubya_B above, that if you are able to live independently from your parents (I know that’s potentially a big if), you should go for that. Living in an environment where you’re constantly pressured not to let your true feelings show can be absolutely toxic for your mental wellbeing. It’s good that you’re able to recognise your dad is essentially a good guy, but that doesn’t mean he’s not treating you in a way that is extremely unhelpful and unfair, even if it comes from a place of ignorance.


I second this! There’s seriously something wrong with him if you are doign the best you can to carry your own weight and he is threatening you for being distressed about health concerns. Even the threat of leaving home might encourage him to reconsider his actions.


I’m really scared, it’s been a while and i’ve been feeling similar to my old crash days. I had some improvements in between but recently realized i’ve been consuming hydrolyzed soy protein in something that i’ve been eating. I don’t know where to go from here. Hope you’re all doing well.

Stay strong brother…
We know it is hard but you need to hang and chin up…
Anticipating the worse will not make it any better…
The more you are into it, the more you tame the beast…

Hey man, stay strong. I’m sorry you’re going through this. I feel you with the parents thing, i’m going through almost the same thing… we’re around the same age too, i also turned 20 this year. Please feel free to PM me if you need someone to talk to. I wish you the best.

Really concerned because i took it for somewhere around 10 days and just stopped about 2 days ago. Hoping to go back to baseline because although life was difficult, I was in a somewhat manageable state and getting closer to who I wanted to be. I’m currently doing a course in medicinal chemistry on edX a couple of nights a week, if anyone wants to join me feel free to message me.

Thank you for your words.

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Thank you

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We have to support each other cause this place is where you will find comfort…
This drug has done harm to you, don’t put another strain on you…
We are all in the same shoes… We cycle our fears… I might feel shit in two days and maybe you will offer comfort, that is how it goes… Looking forward to the chat function as we will be able to interact even better and help people…
Even though it sucks, it is an ultimate human experience… I feel very grateful to modestly offer support. I used to be a selfish prick :D.


Sup with your dad bro?

Any chance you can live independently? Or change his mind?

Show him the foundation or something!

Feel better soon brother, and PM me if you want to talk!! Seriously, if you don’t then I will :slight_smile:

You’ll get through this @borax you have been here before and you got better you’ll do it again.

Just how he is. Unfortunately living on my own isn’t an option as I wouldn’t be able to afford it. I got a bit better for a bit and now haven’t been doing so well this past week. I don’t know what to do anymore.

Why can’t you afford? Can you take a job?

Let me guess, the dilemma is that you are at college?

Yes, jobs, even for college graduates aren’t the easiest to find here. It’s largely down to who you know.

hey @borax decided to bump this because currently im going through a rough spot here, below my baseline

was curious if you ever tried the psilocybin or ketamin

im at the point where if i want to have “PFS normal” life where i can still work and pay the bills then i might have to take a chance, and was wondering if you had any experience with them that mightve helped

sent you a dm regarding this a while back FYI

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I have not tried either of them. I recommend not trying anything and letting time do it’s thing if it’s something you can handle, but if not, I hope you find success. I’ve personally gotten better to the point where I’m just hoping to not get worse, and am willing to wait things out until there is more research on PFS (a point I never thought I’d get to when I made this post, and am incredibly thankful for). For what it’s worth, there has been a lot of progress for us as a community recently, and for the first time in a long time, it looks like we might have a solution to this problem in a few years.


Thanks for your advice and optimism. I’m pretty risk averse but was getting desperate.

Though you’re right, I’m just going to wait it out.

Hi lakehouse, have you maybe tried any supplements that might improve your situation?

no, i typically dont experiment anymore.

no supplements do anything significant for us, and the downside risks are too high for whatever little upside we get

only things worth experimenting on are breakthrough technologies like psilocybin and ketamine through clinics, but even then im risk averse. my life is worth more than being a guinea pig

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