New Erectile Dysfunction Drug out - VITAROS

I have been keeping my eye on this drug for a while now. It will finally hit the market next month, January 2012. It is called Vitaros. It will be released in Canada, but because of a trade agreement it will also be marketed in the US.

It is a transdermal. You apply a “dime-size” amount to your penis and within 5 minutes you are supposed to get an erection. I would imagine it will cost a pretty penny, maybe around $5 per use or more.

Best of all is there are not any of the side effects that you see with Cialis and Viagra. It works faster and supposedly works on a higher % of males.

I believe it also (or maybe originally?) is being tested to heal wounds. I believe that they noticed when applied to wounds that normally would not heal, they healed especially fast.

There has been much buzz lately about the side effects of Apricus Bio’s (APRI) topically applied erectile dysfunction treatment, Vitaros. Vitaros is an alprostadil-based cream and stands as a completely revolutionary new drug, much different than the current oral treatment options for those suffering from ED.

So what are the facts and the truth behind this drug?

Over the past several years, Apricus completed several clinical trials assessing the efficacy and safety of Vitaros. These trials, which administered Vitaros in over 3,300 patients, led to the approval of Vitaros in Canada and, according to the company, positive guidance of its filed marketing authorization application (MAA) in Europe.

“Penile Burning”

The issue of penile burning with Vitaros use surfaced (again) this week.

Evidence indicates that in the 2 double-blind Phase III trials, patients did report “penile burning” like sensations. According to the drug approval monograph for Vitaros, these were mild and transient lasting a short period of time. In fact, even 6% of patients in the placebo control group (who did not get the drug at all) reported the same penile burning sensation side effect.

It should be duly noted that medically defined “penile burning” includes a sensation of warmth. This sensation is due to the fact that Vitaros is a strong blood flow inducer (the reason why it is effective) so it is normal to feel warmth in the penis, as this is what blood flow does. Also, since Vitaros is the fastest acting drug currently approved, the blood flow to the penis takes place within minutes of applying Vitaros, as compared to a 30 minute to an hour wait for oral drugs to take effect.

In addition to the 2 double-blind Phase III trials, Apricus conducted a long term (>6 month) open label study. Using the same patients from the Phase III studies, along with new patients, users continued on the drug for over six months. The patients that continued on the study after six months reported significantly lower burning sensations (8.4% of them). Those are the same patients who, when using the drug for the first time in the double-blind Phase III trials, reported a higher burning sensation. It appears that this different result is likely due to the fact that the patients realized that it is not an actual burning that takes place but it is warmth due to the action of the drug which results in the efficacy of this drug.

Furthermore, the discontinuation rate of the Vitaros patients from the studies was only about 3%. This rate is consistent with current oral drugs such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. The low dropout rate confirms that the warming or burning sensation is not a serious issue.

Apricus has inked multiple Vitaros partnerships around the world. These companies have doctors and clinicians who conduct the due diligence on drugs before anything is signed. Those doctors understand and properly analyze the medical science and drug results. These companies signing on to Vitaros indicates that side effects were not a major issue with them.

A more important side effect to examine would be genital pain and any issue with the partner having adverse side effects. However, in the long term study, these were only around 5% and 2%.

On top of this, Vitaros demonstrated none of the side effects of PDE-5 inhibitors like Viagra, Cialis and Levitra, which are known to commonly cause headaches (in over 10% of patients), nasal congestions, vision changes, dizziness, flushing, etc. In fact, it appears that Vitaros is actually considerably safer than current oral treatments.

With Health Canada’s blessing (Canada’s FDA equivalent), Vitaros is the only drug that can be prescribed to the entire patient population. Thus, Vitaros will provide an option for those previously blocked from utilizing ED oral treatments due to the negative side effects. These include a significant number of men–those with cardiac risks, diabetic, prostatectomy, Viagra failures, and patients on nitrates and alpha blockers.

The truth is nearly every drug has side effects. Penile burning is a side effect of Vitaros. However, what is important is that this is not a serious issue or even necessarily negative. How do we know? The dropout rate was completely normal. But the real kicker: The drug monograph approved by Health Canada states zero serious Vitaros-related adverse side effects reported by patients — none.

Apricus stands by its assertion that it will announce a commercial partner for Canada before the end of 2011. Any statement that no partner has been publically announced due to Vitaros side effects appears to be unfounded.

This is awesome news! For the first time in a while I feel pretty positive about the future if this works like it’s meant to.

Any idea if this can be used more than once a day? If so, again, awesome!

This probably means condoms are a necessity to protect the partner.

It would be a hell of a thing to tell a girl: “Don’t worry if you develop a burning sensation inside you, it’s just my ED medication.”

Now there’s a panty dropper…

Regardless, any progress here is good news. I’d take a condom and sex over no condom and no sex.

I think this drug has just become available in Canada…Any Canadian pfs sufferers tried this yet?

So is anyone going to try this?

So Warner Chilcott is the one selling it in the US.

This is exciting! I have no idea how it will work since you’ll just apply it. But hopefully, someone here can tell us positive results.

Hi guys, this ED cream sounds very promising.

Currently its available in Canada, and I’m wondering if anyone has tried it yet?

And secondly does anyone know when it will become available in any other countries?

I see that vitaros is in fact alprostadil (same thing as injectable drugs caverta/edex), so it isnt exactly new. The cream mode of delivery IS the novelty. Obviously more practical for some ppl, but with the injection you dont have to bother about the medication interacting with your partner’s vagina. Intracavernal injections are absolutely painless btw

Well, since they’re developing Femprox (it’s the same drug) to treat female sexual arousal syndrome, transfer to your partner shouldn’t be a problem. :wink:

Vitaros may solve the soft glans problem, btw.

If someone is in contact with Maria please email this to her.

Is no one from Canada keen to try this???

i just got started on injections. im very nervous they could cause peyronies disease… i feel like its damaging to the inside of the penis. i might discontinue because it is a side effect of caverject. how long have you been using them?

i think that there will certainly be slight burning in most people but nothing that wouldnt be worth it. asking for a script in a few weeks

Has anyone tried this yet?

Folks it isn’t available for prescription in Canada yet. I’ve made several calls, pharmacies don’t have a DIN yet. I contacted Abott customer relations (distributor), they had no news if you can believe. Corresponded with upper management at Apricus, sometime in the second half of this year is the understanding.

Has anyone tried Vitaros yet?

Where abouts is it available now? Can it be ordered online?

Another one is coming soon on the market in europe, it has taken them forever, it is called the viagra condom, the condom is lubricated with a vasodilator that enhances erection and reduces pe.

Made by futurica,i think called csd500…

i aksed about it many times and opened a thread but it seem that no one used that orcould get it.
it isbad because it could be great replacement to viagra/cialis

[Size=4]If you live in the UK you can now get Vitaros. [/size]

Hopefully some of you guys can get a prescription for it and let us all know how it works for you!