New Erectile Dysfunction Drug out - VITAROS

I don’t know if this means anything to anyone, but, I got an ultrasound on blood flow in the penis and they stuck a needle in that was supposed to erect my penis. It didn’t and it did feel like it set me back too. Like I had mild peyronies after it. This was years ago.

I am never applying anything to my dick again.

Sorry but since the recent studies show there are molecular changes are on our penis, i dont think erectile dysfunction drugs can solve this issue. Am i thinking wrong?

Vitaros is not meant to cure PFS. It is meant to give you a strong erection if you have ED. This will allow you to insert your penis into a female’s vagina and hopefully help you live 3% of the normal life you used to have.

same thing with viagra.
i tried to find this without any success.

still nobody ever tried that? it could be good replacement for viagra

Hi guys,

I’m very sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this didn’t work very well at all for me. Hopefully you guys will have better luck.

It came out quite a few months back in the UK, although very expensive, and I tried it. I was excited not to have the side effects of oral PDE5’s, which work decently well for me but i get the typical issues (slight headache, light sensitivity, stuffiness, etc). Unfortunately, it did not work nearly as well as the tablets, and it left a little uncomfortable burning sensation.

Sounds a great idea in principle and i was excited, but it didn’t live up to my hopes unfortunately.

Also i would presume you have to apply it right before sex which is embarrassing to people our age…

yes but better than nothing