Nebula full genome

I got my results back from nebulae on my full genome I will post details soon, it me 400 dollars to do might be worthwhile for everyone to get individual results we can look at it while the researchers are looking at are data as a whole. The main reason I did one for myself, is the wide variety of side effects we all have not sure researchers can come up with a healing plan that’s tailored to each individual


These two genes had problems I guess


Thank you for sharing, voice!
Two blue circle.
Could you explain what these are?
Do you recieve any comments from scientists?

It just highlights important areas I will have to study more, no irregularities with the PFS genes but I don’t have mental side effects

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More info so I attached the key they use for analyzing genes everything that was abnormal was in the moderate area, dopamine gene appears to be normal. My affected genes - DSP, KCNE1, APOB, MET, POLE and the worst being TNN. Most of these genes correlate with cancer and heart conditions which can run in my family might not be PFS. It’s very possible I do not have affected variants in my genes.

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Do you mean to say there seems to be no genetic predisposition to PFS?

With respect to Voice, he won’t be able to ascertain that.

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You are 100 percent correct I hired a freelance genetic scientist to interpret the results for me, he will research PFS damaged genes and see if I have any problem areas in my genome. I’m using kolabtree, it comes highly recommended to find researchers. Everyone should do this if they got the money or at least see how it goes for me first

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I think it is very possible, or rather rational.

Because if a genetic predisposition is the etiology, it is difficult to explain why there are some victims who had tried finasteride therapy (taking it for a while) several times without any troubles until the last time which finally occured the crash. And It seems to be also somewhat difficult to explain why some victims could have taken the poison for many years before hit the crash and others fall into the crash in few days, although the same genetic predisposition and the same mechanism is the cause.

The fact that pfs does not present a essential symptom may sustain it. I suspect that the etiology and severity of pfs can be explained without intervention of genetic predisposition.

If that so, pfs is complex but pure destructive damages and fin is truely indifferently dangerous for everybody. And there might be no specific treatment unfortunately. On the other hand, there might be no decisive obstacle to natural recovery as far as possible.

Of course, the truth is uncovered. I hope scientists will elucidate it as soon as possible.


Of course everyone can do whatever they want, but I think it would be more fruitful to donate to the Network rather than personally hiring scientists, especially as right now there’s already a genetic study going on.


True if people think it’s a better use of time then they should donate to PFS instead of taking the test, since they will never give us our individual results, if they find a gene that is damaged it’s possible that you would not have the damaged gene and just the majority would have it