My Theory

I appreciate that you think Omrezole may be to blame also.

I request that the topic of my thread NOT be about omeprezole. Please keep topic on


Do you think testing gastrin serum would prove anything. Im going to doc soon and could get it tacked on.

That would be a good idea Timmy… How do you go about getting it tested, blood?

Do a quick search on serum, toady.

i dont necessarily know if a gastrin blood test would tell us. It would be worth it to test that for the chance thats its really low and then that would be obvious. But I dont understand enough about how the bacteria would inhibit. Would it reduce the actualy levels? OR would it inactive existing normal levels? OR would it block the "gastrin receptor (whatever that may be) perhaps leading to excessive gastrin levels.

With the following assumptions:

  1. There is a bacteria at the root of this problem that is causing the androgen deprivation (theory)
  2. Gastrin directly relates to sexual function (fact)

The next logical step is to figure out the following:

  1. Which bacteria exactly does this (is that in this article?
  2. By which mechanism does it prevent us from getting the effects of gastrin as it relates to sexual function?
  3. What pH level does it thrive in?
  4. What are normal pH levels for us?
  5. What are our existing pH levels?
  6. What is the existing condition of exisitng “good” microbes currently?

Once I (we?) can answer these questions then there will be a much better understanding of the situation. I am planning on following up with my doctor as this is something that needs to be done under the care of an experienced and educated person.

And I am not discounting that finasteride started or “broke the camels back” in one way or another. That is definitely what brings us together, and I hope to figure that out. But I want to fix myself more than anything and we will just keep working backwards until we figure out how it did this to us.

It was already brough up. I dont think its ‘‘to blame’’. But if you want to talk about gastroenterology and bacteria, then omeprazole’s effects can be linked right among the the thick of the action and can have various effects and I am a long term user whose experience with it might be of interest. If thats not significant, then whatever…

Are you still feeling good iwontgiveup?

I have improved to about 50% of my original condition post-antibiotics and remained there.

Toad just PMed me this thread.

I’ve done extensive research into changing the pH level and the pH level of the blood.

Let me give you guys a background on pH first. The human body is always trying to maintain a delicate balance of pH, I think it is around 7.1-7.5?? I can’t remember the exact area. anything lower than 7 is acid blood and anything higher is alkaline blood. The best balance is to have blood slightly more alkaline. The blood releases acid into your urine if your blood is too acidic and it releases something acidic into the urine if it’s too alkaline.

Pretty everyone in the western world has slightly acidic blood, which is said by some to be the cause of all disease. Greasy foods, junk food, sugary foods are all acidic.

There have been many people that have said that having a blood alkaline level above 8 for I think its like 2 or 3 days, no bacteria, viruses, or bad organisms can live in it. Even inflammation cannot live in it. I have tried to mess with my pH level, but I am in a weird diet situation so I can’t do it to the best of my ability because I am extremely sensitive to all foods. Some have even cured cancer by doing this. Same with HIV.

However, be warned. If you keep your blood too alkaline for too long a period of time, you will develop alkisosis and you can die. Same goes for acidic blood. An alkaline blood level of 8 is VERY HIGH and YOU CAN HAVE SERIOUS COMPLICATIONS!

I’m very weary for people to mess with this because the side effects can be extreme, and I know how desperate some people are. Best bet is to stay on vegetable/meat/mostly fish diet. I see side effects fade on this diet and I’m not sure if its the alkaline diet or not that causes it. The moment I take the wrong food though, things go south.

You are on the right path in this thinking. My naturepath felt my stomach and was like, wow I feel the inflammation in your digestive tract. I am on serious probiotics and hopefully that will do something. I had to chill out from my diet because I was getting kidney stones, but then I got back on recently and I am having serious die off symptoms on doing garlic which is interesting. I can see this being bacteria related, but I don’t know if getting your pH high enough will be the permanent solution or not.

Get on the leaky gut/candida diet because there is definetly something to it.

What do you think about raising PH level of the stomach by using baking soda?

Here is a very useful acid/ alkaline food chart for anyone interested:

Spinach and Kelp are two of the most alkaline foods - kelp has given temporary benefit to a number of users and spinach of course has it’s own thread within the theories section. Tryingnottoworry is now 100% free of his symptoms.

Also, have a read of that source; blood acidity and muscle acidity is lowered during and after intense, short burst energy use. I for one feel much worse after exercise at times and so do others.

Sodium bicarbonate is being touted as some sort of miracle cure on some forums with some people saying that if you can inject it directly into a tumour it can cure cancer. This sort of thing is dubious at best but people do suffer serious problems from having an acidic gut/ blood.

“There have been many people that have said that having a blood alkaline level above 8 for I think its like 2 or 3 days, no bacteria, viruses, or bad organisms can live in it. Even inflammation cannot live in it.”

I will be trying the above using sodium bicarbonate because of these APPARENT benefits. To be honest, i hardly believe we can get better through natural means in our condition but this deserves some merit for killing bacteria and it’s dirt cheap, so why not.


Okay, lets wrap this shit up.

I have documented high levels of DHPPA (Dihydroxyphenylpropionic acid) so I am going off this:

Looks like, according Dr. William Shaw, Clostridium bacteria plants spores which explains why the symptoms return after antibiotic treatment.

The cure**:

3 weeks of Flagyl (Metronidazole)

followed by

2 weeks of Vancomycin and Flagyl along with
8-10 weeks of L Acidophilus (dont skimp on this, get the good shit)

** You may want to get checked for DHPPA mmol/mol creatinine to ensure your situation parrallels mine**

Yours Truly,


ps; You can email me at

Is this the treatment your doctor recommended?

no my doctor is a piece of shit and wont see me yet. I put this together from the link I included in the above-mentioned post based on Dr. Shaw’s success

I reocmmend you run this by your doc to get a treatment plan for yourself

Ahh okay… I’m going to but Im going to get that DHPPA tested… I’ll wait to see how you do on this protocol first… Keep us updated please sir!

“Clostridium bacteria plants spores which explains why the symptoms return after antibiotic treatment”

I have had c. diff twice…

Although this guy seemed like a nut, he did have success with flagyl.



Guys thinking back. I perhaps shouldnt have posted an exact treatment regimen before seeing a doctor. I am just guessing from the study I read… Currently, I had infection in my finger which the doc put my on Doxy for 10 days.

I spoek with my psychologist and he beleived enough at least to refer to me a world renound gastroenterologist he knows here at UCI. I left a message for the office today. I am going to pursue medical advice for now but I also ordered the Flagyl online as a backup incase I dont get any traction.

Did you have any benefit from doxy?