I am not here to update you on my status all too much right now. Rather to share my theory. I think I figured it out.
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome is a condition in which there is increased production of the hormone gastrin.
There is a drug used to treat this condition called Cimetidine. It is a H2 receptor antagonist. It inhibits gastrin response because substances that promote acid secretion (such as gastrin and acetylcholine) have a reduced effect on parietal cells when the H2 receptors are blocked.
Most noteworthy side effects of Cimetidine, the gastrin inhibitor:
- antiandrogen effects
- gynocomastia
- impotence
- hypoparathyroidism
- galactorrhea
- occaisonal decreases in LH and testosterone as well as increases in prolactin
Now let’s shift our focus away from this drug and focus on Gastrin.
Gastrin a digestive hormone produced in the pancreas. It has been found to coorelate directly with sexual function. When they tested men who were castrated and women, vs sexually functioning men, the difference was a lack of gastrin in the castrated and women. Once they injected gastrin-releasing peptide, the sexual function returned. Apparently there is some connection with gastrin and the androgen receptors in the lower spine (lumbar). So even though serum levels of androgens were normal, they were not working in the lower spine.
Now, I am aware that there have been some positive response from antibiotics for members on here. Well, I had a surfing accident where I severely lacerated (basically cut off ) my finger and I was required to get on Cephalaxin and I saw a 180 in my symtpoms in one day. results faded partially but 50% remained after I stopped the anti biotics. The weird thing here is that antibiotics should kill off the bacteria and if it fixed the problem because its a bacterica then why did it come back? Sound familiar?
Here’s a study where there is a bacteria in the gastro and it is inhibiting Gastrin unless antibiuotics were actually present.
Previously, proliferating microflora transferred with abomasal nematodes, were suspected to be the source of the gastrin inhibitor in some parasite excretory/secretory products. Aerobic cultures in HBSS of abomasal fluid from uninfected sheep became inhibitory during the static growth phase, unless antibiotics were present. Basal gastrin secretion was reduced by up to 90%.
Significantly, rumen bacteria have been shown to be capable of affecting the secretory activity of the gastric mucosa.
So basically, there is a bacteria which festered due to a change in pH which inhibits gastrin secretion by up to 90%. Gastrin inhibition leads to gyno, ED, low test, milkymantits, thyroid problems, etc- general antiandrogen effects.
Correct the ph, remove the unwated organisms*, recreate gastrin production = sexy time
*Yes there are organisms in your gut - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumen_bacteria#Microbes_in_the_reticulorumen
and for the record I typed this with only my left hand because my rght hand in a cast