Took propecia for a week back in early october but quit because of sagging libido and it seemed to be making me break out. Upon quitting, I was struck with all of the symptoms described on the site(brain fog, ed, anxiety etc.) Got my blood tested a month after my last pill and the T level was 331(range 247-850). That is crazy low for someone my age(21 years old) After much research, I ordered clomid off the internet and took it for 10 days, starting at 100 mgs a day for the first few days then going down to 50 mg for the remainder. The effects of the raised T on libido dont take effect until treatment is complete because clomid inhibits libido while you are on it, but after quitting, the effects were night and day. I got my lab results back today, which i got drawn on my last day on clomid, and my total testosterone was in the high 700s. my lh was out of range on the high end(due to being on clomid at the time, it had been at the very bottom of the range before clomid)…
the only thing i am worried about is if the rise in T from the clomid will be sustained or if i will drift back into hell…ill keep you posted but i urge you guys to try this method as well, as it beats the hell out of what you all are going through…
I’m also scheduled to see shippen next month, and am keeping the appointment to ensure that i wont have a relapse and to maybe fine tune it a bit to get me from 90% of my old self to 100%